Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Participants: Bill Sterling, Chair Diane Linderman, At Large Director
Richard Coates George Haines
Sue Hann John Ostrowski
Gary Strack Mike Geisel, Ed. Rep.
Ann Daniels, Staff Liaison Kathy Dotson, Ed. Mgr.
1. Bill Sterling, Chair, convened the conference call at 9:00 a.m. Central Time.
2. The meeting summary from the September 8 meeting in San Antonio, TX was
approved as printed.
3. Diane Linderman, At Large Director, shared the following information from the Board Meeting held on Wednesday afternoon at the close of Congress.
* The Blueprint for Certification and Education was adopted by
the Board and will include the appointment of a Task Force to
develop a “Body of Knowledge” for public works.
· Leadership and Management has been charged with providing
Guidance on ethical issues for the Association. Gary Strack will research how NSPE addresses the issue, as will Sue Hann with ICMA and share the information.
4. Committee members agreed to review the list of submittals for Education programs for Congress 2008 in New Orleans and provide input to Karen Wilson on any gaps that might be existing for leadership and/or management topics. Sue Hann will review the submittals for potential topics to be included as part of the Emerging Leader Academy track of classes and forward that information to Karen, also.
5. Kathy Dodson, Program Manager in the Education Department, joined the call to
Share information about the upcoming Climate Change Symposium scheduled to be
Held on April 9-10, 2008 in Tempe, AZ. She asked members to submit examples of public works projects, completed or in the design phase, that have been impacted or changed to meet constraints of climate change or methods used to mitigate the effects of climate change for consideration as part of the program for the second day of the workshop. Examples should be submitted to Kathy as soon as possible.
6. Ann Daniels reported the final version of the Public Works Administration
publication is being reviewed and prepared for print.
7. Sue Hann reminded the members of the first On-Line Mentoring call to be held on Thursday, October 25 at 1:00 p.m. Central Time. The topic is “Dealing with Politics in the Workplace” and the speakers will be Mac Andrew, Johnson County, KS Public Works Director; Diane Linderman, VHB, Richmond, VA; and Brian Usher, Largo, FL Public Works Director. The call in information is available on the web site at www.apwa.net.
8. The “Recipes for Success” series of articles was reviewed with authors reminded of the upcoming submittal deadlines as follows:
Kick-off article, Gary Strack for October 15 deadline
Humble Beginnings – Unlimited Potential – Sue Hann, November 15
Ethical Behavior – John Lisenko, December 15
Role Model – George Haines, January 15, 2008
Different Types of Mentoring and Mentor Qualifications – Bill Sterling,
February 15
How to get a Mentor (for younger members) – Gary Strack, March 15
Good Listener – George Haines, April 15
Commitment – Sue Hann, May 15
Competence – Richard Coates, June 15
Setting Career Goals – Sue Hann, July 15
“What APWA Has Meant to me” – Bill Sterling, August 15
9. Authors and articles for the December Leadership and Management Issue of the
Reporter are as follows:
Humor in the Workforce – Richard Coates
Bad Boss – John Ostrowski
How to be an Employee – Working 101 – Bill Sterling
How a Public Works Director Shapes Policy – Palm Bay, FL City Manager
Using the Community/Workforce Grapevine – Sue Hann
10. Sue Hann reported sixteen candidates have applied for the first class of the Emerging Leader Academy. Applications had been reviewed by committee members prior to the conference call and, by general consent, all sixteen will be accepted into the program. Notification will be sent out this week in time for the
Candidates to participate in the first On-Line Mentoring call. Sue will begin working on the Agenda for the Retreat to be held in the Spring. More details will be shared next month.
11. Bill Sterling, representative to the Asset Management Task Force, reported he had not received any further information about the program. Diane Linderman stated the Task Force would be meeting in the near future. Doug Drever, Region 9 Director, will be the Board Liaison to the Task Force.
12. The Professional Manager of the Year for Administrative Services proposed award was discussed. Richard Coates agreed to refine the proposed award criteria and forward the materials to the committee for review and then Ann Daniels will forward it to the Awards Committee with a recommendation from the committee that the award become an annual one.
13. The calendar of infoNOW postings was reviewed as follows:
October – Sue Hann
November – Sue Hann
December – John Ostrowski
January 2008 – Richard Coates
February – Gary Strack
March – Bill Sterling
April – Bill Sterling
May – John Ostrowski
June – Gary Strack
July – Richard Coates
August – George Haines
14. By general consent, it was agreed that the Spring face-to-face meeting of the
Leadership and Management Committee will be held on Saturday, March 1, 2008 in Kansas City, MO. Travel Authorizations will be sent to committee members approximately four week prior to the meeting date. Travel will be on Friday,
February 29, the meeting on Saturday all day, and return travel either on Saturday night or Sunday based on flight availability.
15. The next regularly scheduled conference call will be held on the regular third Wednesday, November 21, 2007, at 7:00 a.m. Pacific/8:00 Mountain/9:00 Central/10:00 Eastern Time.
16. With no further business to discuss, the call adjourned at 9:50 a.m.