Individual Reading Assignment – Honors (Rev. S’13)
For this project you will be selecting a book from the list on the website and then doing each of the following assignments. If you have another classic novel you would be interested in reading, see me. Arrangements might be made to add it to the list for the future. The due dates for the specific assignments will be posted on the website. The whole assignment is worth points plus the reading log points.
1) Reading Log - Write down when and where you read as well as how many pages at a time as well as one comment or prediction for what you have read. (This is a good place to write down where you are in the book so you will know when you pick it up again.) You may print out and use the reading log provided or you may simply write it on a sheet of paper. This will be randomly collected on days provided for IRA reading. It will be worth 5 points each time it is collected.
2) Journal – Write a total of three journals about your reactions to the book.
a. Each entry needs to be at least 500 words and use normal writing conventions (like paragraphs). While conventions is not the main focus, you will be deducted for excessive grammar/ mechanical errors.
b. Do one entry approximately each fourth of the way into the book. (The last quarter of the book will be discussed in the reflection. You need to spread out the entries. You may read at whatever pace you want, but do the entries as you read. Make the submissions as you go. You will not get full credit if they are all done at once or in one portion of the book.
c. Each one needs to be typed and submitted to
d. Begin each entry with where you are in the book and the date of the entry. (For example: Sunday, April 4, 2004 – chapter 3 page 35.)
e. You are to use the journals to interact with the book. Write about what you like, don’t like, think might happen, are confused about, are upset about, etc. I want your specific reactions as you go through the journey of reading and NOT a summary of the story.
f. You may want to look at the questions from the journal worksheets from last semester. They may give you ideas of what to write about in your journal.
g. Worth 9 points total.
3) Reflection – Write 500 to 800 words typed and single-spaced on your thoughts on the book. Be sure to include ALL of the following points as well. Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? Were your reasons for selecting the book correct or will you need to do better next time? Did you improve your reading habits from last time? If you had to rate the book on a scale of 1 to 10, what would you give it and why? Etc. Worth 5 points.
4) Writing - Write an essay on the theme of the novel. Below are listed the portions as they are to be done, but remember that you should staple them in descending order. 97 pts total.
a. At least a week before the essay is due you need to turn in a theme or a characterization chart for the character you are going to be covering in the essay for feedback. 2 Points
b. You will need to submit an outline of your paper that includes your theme, thesis, topic sentences, and direct quotations for feedback. You must see Ms. Blea for feedback at least a week before the essay is due. Turn in all versions of your outline. 3 points.
c. You must include at least one rough draft which shows signs of revision. 5 points.
d. Grading of the essay (75 points)-
i. Ideas/ Content = You have textual evidence (TE) to support your thesis (i.e. you have direct quotations). You have sufficiently explained how your TE support your thesis. All the information in the essay relates to the topic. 36 points.
ii. Organization = Your thesis is at the end of the introductory paragraph. You have a topic sentence at the beginning of each paragraph. The paragraphs are in a logical order. The information flows in a logical order. 16 points.
iii. Conventions = Punctuation, spelling, grammar, etc. The following of the guidelines for essays (like the inclusion of a works cited page) falls under this category as well as the use of MLA format for including direct quotations from the text. 24 points
iv. Sentence Fluency = No awkward sentences. Transitions flow smoothly. 10 points.
v. Word choice = No slang or colloquial expressions are used. 5 points
vi. Voice = No first or second person. Is formally written but is not monotone. Has a feeling for who the author is as a writer. 5 points
Extra credit:
1. Type one to two pages on how the theme of the novel applies to you. Turn in a hard copy and submit the paper to 3 points possible.
2. Find a news article and write a paper relating the theme of the novel to the event. Attach a copy of the article. 20 points possible.
3. Vocabulary worksheet – Select twenty words from the novel which you did not know (or found difficult) and make a worksheet for the words. The worksheet must be typed and the words selected need to be appropriate. (A worksheet is not the same as a study guide. There must be some kind of activity involved on a worksheet. Creativity is rewarded.) You must turn in a key that includes the chapter and page on which you found the word. Remember to cite your source if you use the exact definition from a reference. Worth 15 points.