Teachers Talking 2009– 2010
Three Crowns Buffet, free lunch then meet in St Peter Room.
11:30 to 12:20 p.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m.
September 15, 2009
Erazim Kohak
October 8, 2009
Join Leila Brammer, Alisa Rosethal, and your colleagues from across the disciplines on for a discussion about the meaning of shared governance. How does it affect the academic program, the Gustavus Commission 150 planning process, and the college as a whole? Why is it important? How has it worked and how should it work at Gustavus? What rights and obligations does it carry? Join us at the buffet on Thursday, October 8th, at 11:30 or 12:30 for nourishing food for thought. Free lunch, good conversation.
November 12, 2009
Join Julie Gilbert and your colleagues to discuss best teaching and learning practices in the classroom and explore how these questions might become part of a larger research agenda. Conversation will center around how we reflect, test, and write about what happens in the classroom. Join us at the buffet on Thursday, November 12th, at 11:30 or 12:30 for nourishing food for thought. Free lunch, good conversation.
December 10, 2009
Special Teachers Talking/New Faculty Orientation
Topic: Interdisciplinary Programs: What are they? How do they work? How can you get involved? Faculty involved with a variety of programs will be available to discuss their experiences in working at the intersections and contributing to the curriculum beyond their department. Program runs Thursday, December 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 12:20 p.m. and again at 12:30 p.m. to 1:20 p.m. Free lunch. Good conversation. - marketplace coupons, St PeterRoom
January 21, 2010PDR
Join Katy Youngfor a discussion with students on practical advice for helping ELL students
February 17, 20104:30 to 6 p.m. wine/cheese in InterpretiveCenter
"The Liberal Arts and Counting", A Symposium with Deborah Goodwin, Max, Hailperin, Lisa Heldke, Doug Huff, and Brian Johnson. A special wine/cheese Kendall Center Teachers Talking, co-sponsored by the Hanson-Peterson Chair and the Sponberg Chair.
February 25, 2010
Join Barbara Kaiser, Jon Grinnell, and Julie Bartley for a discussion on Problem Based Learning.
March 4, 2010
Join Stacey Gerken from the Advising and CounselingCenter for a discussion about identifying mental health issues and what to do.
March 18, 2010
Join Laura Bickett from Disability Services for a discussion on accommodations for mental health issues.
April 8, 2010
Join Carolyn O’Grady, Director, International and Cultural Education, for a discussion on how to advise students about off-campus study.
April 13, 2010 (Heritage)
Topic: Seeing the Big Picture of our HHMI Award
Eighteen months ago, Gustavus received its first grant award from the Howard Hughes Medical Institutes. This $1M has served as a catalyst for transforming first- and second-year student education in the biological sciences. The $1M award is enabling the transformation of student learning in introductory courses, of undergraduate research, of student and faculty leadership, of space and programs, and of partnerships with K-12 teachers in the state. Join us on 13 April at 11:30 or 12:30 to hear a panel of colleagues (Brenda Kelly, Brandy Russell, Scott Bur, Jeff Dahlseid, Bob Weisenfeld, and Mary Strey) highlight the programs and answer your questions. Faculty from all disciplines are welcome and encouraged to attend.
April 15, 201010:30 to noon. Invite those who couldn’t attend meeting to buffet lunch
Fulbright Scholar, Andy Riess
May 6, 2010
William Freiert, Topic: Meditation in the classroom
Teachers Talking Technology
Kyle Chambers
Tuesdays, 11:30 to 12:20 and 12:30 to 1:20
St PeterRoom
September 22, 2009
Speakers: Sean Cobb & Yurie Hong
Topic: Online backups, synchronization, and sharing
Abstract: Sean and Yurie will discuss their experience using servicessuch as Dropbox and Mozy to keep an off-site backup of importantfiles, to keep files synchronized across multiple computers, and tohave a shared filespace that could be used with students forassignments and research collaborations.
October 20, 2009
Speakers: Jeanne Herman & Joyce Aarsvold
Are you interested in learning more about the purposes, design, and format of an ePortfolio? If so, please join Joyce Aarsvold and Jeanne Herman for a conversation about the ePortfolio designed by majors in Physical Education and Health Education using Google Sites. After a brief overview, we will provide opportunities for you to ask any questions you may have.
November 18, 2009– Wednesday TTT
How do you manage your citations when writing books and papers? Whatdo you recommend to students taking your classes or working with you? We will discuss two options. Tom Huber will demonstrate how touse EndNote Web to organize references from websites such as, the Webof Science, and how to use the EndNote Web plug-in for managingreferences while writing in Microsoft Word. Kyle Chambers willdemonstrate how to use the Zotero Firefox extension to capture andshare citation information and documents from common repositories(e.g., EBSCO) and newspapers (e.g., New York Times) as well as how toadd digital annotations to these articles.
February 23, 2010
Using podcasts? Me? In my classroom? Never! Well, think again! Interest in podcasting at Gustavus has exploded this past year amongfaculty and students alike. Come hear Heidi Meyer and Joyce Aarsvolddiscuss how the Nursing Department, as well as other departments, arecurrently using this available technology in teaching, research and
student learning. Potential uses of this available technology forfuture courses will be discussed as well.
March 23, 2010
How can we incorporate digital projects into our classes? Can Twitter be an effective learning tool? Glenn Kranking will discuss the experiences from his January course on Digital History and how to incorporate digital projects and tweets into the classroom.
April 20, 2010 – Heritage Room
Give Your Scholarship a Higher Profile: An enhancement to online profiles makes it easy for faculty to upload preprints of articles, slides from conference presentations, or other kinds of documents to their campus profile. What are the benefits of sharing your scholarship
online? What are the copyright issues? What steps are other institutions taking to make their scholarship open access? Join us to discuss these issues in the Heritage Room on April 20th from 11:30-12:20 or from 12:30-1:20. Free lunch. Good conversation.
TTT blog
blog instructions to get you started:
Teachers Talking Writing (bill to acct# 21700000-71200 – WritingCenter)
Jeanne Herman and Becky Fremo
Tuesdays, 11:30 to 12:20 and 12:30 to 1:20
St PeterRoom
September 29, 2009 – Heritage Room
"Getting Writers off to a Good Start"
Description:JoinWritingCenter director Becky Fremo and WAC director Jeanne Herman as they discuss ways to identify students who may need extra help with their writing, campus resources for writers, and ways to help struggling writers in your course.
November 10, 2009
"Effective Use of the Everyday Writer Handbook"
"But Professor X, why did we buy that Everyday Writer handbook anyway?"
Join Writing Center director Becky Fremo, WAC director Jeanne Herman, and Reference Librarian Michelle Twait as they discuss ways to use the Everyday Writer handbook as a teaching and learning tool. They'll also highlight some of the most important changes made to the handbook's new fourth edition. To make this session as interactive as possible, if you have a great exercise related to the Everyday Writer, please send a copy to Jeanne so they can offer all participants a nice packet of exercises as a bonus!"
March 9, 2010
“Writing Assignments That Work”
Join Writing Center Director Rebecca Fremo and members of the WritingCenter staff as they discuss the challenges of creating good writing assignments. The tutors will offer their perspectives based on their experiences helping students decipher their professors' writing prompts, and we’ll talk about the elements that make a writing assignment both clear and challenging for students.