Utica Agricultural Education
Lab Safety Contract

Read the attached Safety Contract, sign and return to your instructor.


Act in a responsible manner at all times in the lab facilities.

Avoid all horseplay

Follow all instructions given by the instructors.

Report all accidents immediately to the instructor.

Clean all work areas and put equipment away before being dismissed.

Follow approved procedures for tool/lab equipment use.

Wear eye protection at all times in the lab, and other personal safety equipmentwhen appropriate.

Know where all safety equipment is located and what should be done in an emergency.

Dress appropriately for the lab environment…

  • (Tie back long hair, remove jewelry, secure loose clothing, wear shoes with closed toes in the shop, etc.)

Never work in the lab without instructor supervision.

Read and practiceall safety procedures related to this course.

Never use a piece of equipment in the lab that I have not received training on, passed safety test for, and received permission to use.

Pass a lab safety test with 100. Failure to pass=unable to work in the lab

Safety Contract

I, ______, recognize that thelab is a safe place inwhich to work and learn, if I conduct myself in a responsible manner. I have read and understand my instructor’s safety rules. I agreeto abide by the safety regulations and any additional instructions, written or verbal, provided bythe district and/or instructor. Failure to do so will result in removal from the project.

Student signature______date______

Parent signature______date______

Instructor signature______date______

General Conduct and Safety Rules

  1. Eye protection must be worn at all times
  1. Wear all appropriate safety gear.
  1. No horseplay. Horseplay includes fighting or pretending to fight, yelling, running, being distracting to other students
  1. Obtain first aid immediately for any injury. Report all accidents/injuries to the Mrs. Neff
  1. Notify Mrs. Neff if equipment or supplies are broken and follow instructions for appropriate clean up.
  1. Do not work on equipment, let Mrs. Neff know if you think sometime is not working.
  1. Do not leave machines running unattended.
  1. Do not try to stop the machine with your hands or body. Let the machine come to a stop naturally.
  1. Always keep hands, hair feet etc. clear of all moving machinery at all times. Be aware of all moving parts, especially cutting tools and chucks.
  1. Ask for help when moving awkward or heavy objects.
  1. Do not lean, sit, or stand on the machines or tables.
  1. Do not talk unnecessarily while operating a machine. Do not talk to others while they are operating a machine. Do not become a distraction to others.
  1. Work at a pace that is comfortable for you.
  1. If you do not know how to do something – ASK!
  1. Be aware of yourself and others when working with glassware and other laboratory equipment.

Dress Code

  1. Dress Appropriately, No open toed shoes or high heels, No loose clothing.
  1. Remove all jewelry that could be caught in moving machinery. This includes rings and loose bracelets. Remove necklaces and the like, if not securely restrained.
  1. Restrain all hair that has potential for entanglement with moving machinery.
  1. When working with chemicals or other lab materials, rubber gloves or aprons may be necessary. Wear when appropriate.