Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council

Agenda & Minutes

for Wednesday 24th September 2014 for 19:00hrs

at the Reading Rooms, Station Road, Beddingham

No: / Time: / Item :
1 (24/09/14) / 19:00hrs / Welcome and Apologies:
In attendance:
Cllr Andrew Small [AS] - Chairman
Cllr Chris Whitmore [CW]
Cllr Liam Jolly [LJ]
Cllr Johnny Denis [JD] – Vice Chairman [19:19hrs]
Cllr Kim King [KK]
Cllr Kate Richardson [KR]
Cllr Liz Brice [LB] at 19:20hrs
Damian Mooncie – G&BPC Clerk & RFO
Members of the Public:
Nick Jones | Glynde Estates
PCSO Steven Knowles
PCSO Stefan Bialoszewski
2 (24/09/14) / 19:01hrs / Public Address Speaking Time:
  • no address made or received

3 (24/09/14) / 19:10hrs / Register of Business Interests to Agenda 24/09/14:
3.1 /
  • Cllr Kate Richardson declared an interest in agenda item 8.1 as a tenant of one of the proposed properties re:
Ref: SDNP/14/04042/LIS
Property:17 - 34 Trevor Gardens, Mill Lane
Proposed:Replacement of existing timber framed windows and doors
Applicant:The Trustees of the Glynde Endowment Settlement
3.2 /
  • Cllr Kim King declared an interest in agenda item 8.1 as a tenant of one of the proposed properties re:
Ref: SDNP/14/04042/LIS
Property:17 - 34 Trevor Gardens, Mill Lane
Proposed:Replacement of existing timber framed windows and doors
Applicant:The Trustees of the Glynde Endowment Settlement
G&BPC Resolution 098 (item 3 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement to accept the declarations of interests from Cllr Kate Richardson and Cllr Kim King as disclosed in 3.1 (24/09/14) and 3.2 (24/09/14)
4 (24/09/14) / 19:11hrs / Minutes of Previous meetings | G&BPC 31/07/14 & 13/08/14
G&BPC Resolution 099 (item 4 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement by majority to accept that the minutes of meetings 31/07/14 and 13/08/14 as an accurate record of those proceedings, Cllr AS signs and dates accordingly, Clerk to file and display / Clerk
4.1 / 19:13hrs / Matters Arising:
Henrietta Hay Trust
  • ongoing with Cllr Liz Brice
/ Cllr LB
5 (24/09/14) / 19:15hrs / Community Speed Watch - Presentation & Demonstration
  • PCSO Steve Knowles outlined the scheme and introduced key points as:
The Community Speed Scheme:
Community Speed Watch purpose is to make drivers aware of their speed in rural village areas in the hope that through awareness and education that speed related issues reduce significantly. The scheme is managed in partnership with Sussex Police but delivered by trained volunteers who operate hand held speeding devices to data record information on speeding traffic at authorised sites. The only authorised site in Glynde is the top/bottom of Lacys Hill, but a 2nd site could be explored aiming from Trevor Arms up Mill Lane, aka Teddy Street [Cllr KR]
The Deterrent:
The data recording of information of speeding drivers is passed to Sussex Police who respond by [1] issuing a warning letter with information of where the speeding occurred, and if ongoing reports relating to the same driver are received as [2] final letter of warning [3] Road Policing Unit visits to the home address issue verbal warning [4] time surveillance of driver leading to a possible arrest
The Training:
A rural scheme requires a minimum of 6 volunteers, all of whom receive professional training and appropriate safety wear. The training takes 2 hours and can happen locally. The Scheme Group then needs to constitute itself as a Chair, Vice Chair and Data Officer.
Ordinarily local council neighbours share equipment between areas, Ringmer Community Speedwatch have offered to include Glynde & Beddingham within the boundary of their Scheme, which would secure the equipment needed, with the need to establish a shared rota [operating during daylight hours] of who does what, where and how.
Have there been situations where volunteers have been the victim of abuse or violence [NJ] yes, hence the grouping of 3 volunteers is recommended and volunteers need to have a non-reactive temperament
G&BPC Resolution 100 (item 5 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement to move towards establishing a Community Speedwatch Scheme through inviting volunteers to get involved. Clerk to publish an article highlighting and inviting interest towards the Scheme in forthcoming Parish News with Cllr Chris Whitmore as the point of contact. / Clerk & Cllr CW
G&BPC Resolution 101 (item 5 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement that Clerk contact PCSO Steve Knowles to request contact details for Loft Longhurst, Chair of Ringmer Community Speedwatch. / Clerk
5.1 / East Sussex Police | Local Report
  • PCSO Stefan Bialoszewski [SB] reported that enquiries were continuing re: Village Vandalism incidents in August 2014
  • PCSO Stefan Bialoszewski gave the meeting notice of his resignation from Sussex Police and assured the meeting that he would strive to introduced his successor to the area prior to leaving to join Southern Railways.
  • The meeting congratulated and thanked PCSO Stefan Bialoszewski for all his efforts whilst attending the parish as its community support officer.

6 (24/09/14) / 20:00hrs / Finance:
6.1 / Summary Report Period 5 & 6
G&BPC Resolution 102 (item 6.1 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement that the Finance Report - period 5 & 6 is an accurate account. Clerk to file. / Clerk
6.1.1 / Audit Return | Auditors Report & Publication
G&BPC Resolution 103 (item 6.1.1 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement that the submission errors of the Annual Return 2013/14 will be adjusted in line with Littlejohn external auditors recommendations in the Annual Return 2014/15. Clerk to publish section 1, 2 & 4 of report 2013/14. / Clerk
6.2 / Payments List
G&BPC Resolution 104 (item 6.2 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement to the release of payments as listed:
  • Caburn Maintenance Services re: Grass Cutting | Chq No: **1088 | £150.00
  • Geoffrey Miller re: Noticeboard repair| Chq No: **1089 | £50.00
  • PKF Littlejohn re: Annual Audit | Chq No: **1090 | £120.00
  • Clerk Office re: Aug & Sept 14 | Chq No: **1091 | £33.06
  • Clerks Expenses re: period 5 | Chq No: **1092 | 24.99
  • Clerks Salary re: period 7 | Chq No: **1093 | £201.80
  • Clerks Salary re: period 8 | Chq No: **1094 | £201.80
Clerk to Action: / Clerk
7 (24/09/14) / 20:15hrs / Business Items:
7.1 / A27 Development Feasibility Study
  • It was anticipated the next steps within the Feasibility Study would be dependent on announcements within the funding agreements of the Autumn Statement [03/12/14]by central government
  • And that G&BPC should be mindful that a meeting after 03/12/14 may be called to react to any possible statements concerning A27 development options
  • It was acknowledged that Trevor Leggo, SSALC has been invited to join the A27 Stakeholder Reference Group, with requests to local councils for subjects to be taken to the meeting. Clerk had notified Trevor that G&BPC had not ratified a view of the proposal to date and that any local expression or position should not be recognised to be that of G&BPC

G&BPC Resolution 105 (item 7.1 | 24/09/14)
Clerk to forward previous correspondence to Cll Liz Brice on A27 Feasibility Study / Clerk
7.2 / Community Governance Review
G&BPC Resolution 106 (item 7.2 | 24/09/14)
Clerk to contact Jackie Gavigan, LDC Democratic Services Team, for response to previous correspondence re: Community Governance Review. / Clerk
7.3 / Community Match Funding
  • Cllr CW reported that Community Match Fund application form had been submitted as agreed - see application on file

G&BPC Resolution 107 (item 7.3 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement that Cllr Chris Whitmore continues to process the Community Match Funding application process. / Cllr CW
7.4 / Neighbourhood Plan
  • Cllr Johnny Denis outlined the possible benefits associated with developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Glynde & Beddingham and that
  • perhaps the Community Governance Review electoral boundary review process petition could include a neighbourhood survey to gain electorate feedback on the types of topics that a Neighbourhood Plan could develop
  • Cllr JD also outlined the Neighbourhood Plan adoption process through a referendum and possible consultancy services available to draft a Plan
  • Nick Jones highlighted that as Glynde Estate are the principle land owner and business in the locality that a close consultation process should be sought.

G&BPC Resolution 108 (item 7.4 | 24/09/14)
Cllr Johnny Denis will undertake to forward Neighbourhood Planning links to all councillors and that Neighbourhood Planning is agenda for the meeting 26/11/14 / Cllr JD &
7.5 / ESCC Bus Service [125] Consultation
  • General discussion on the changes proposed within the Transport Review Strategy

G&BPC Resolution 109 (item 7.5 | 24/09/14)
G&BPC agreement that the Clerk responds to the ESCC Transport Review and proposed changes to the Compass Travel service 125 as: [1] That the 125 Service should remain unchanged and that [2] changes to timetabling should take account the wider transport network so that users can access travel to work/education effectively and that [3] the proposed price increase will undermine the opportunity for the young and vulnerable to be able to economically afford access to public transport services and [4] make reference to the Village Petition signed by local stakeholder. / Clerk
8 (29/09/14) / 20:35hrs / Planning:
8.1 / Ref: SDNP/14/04042/LIS
Property:17 - 34 Trevor Gardens, Mill Lane
Proposed:Replacement of existing timber framed windows and doors
Applicant:The Trustees of the Glynde Endowment Settlement
  • Cllr Andrew Small presented the application materials and highlighted that the application was similar to others received in regard to Glynde Estate improvements to the windows and doors of terraced properties.
  • Nick Jones was invited to comment on the proposed and outlined that the proposal was to replace existing windows with the original specification and that the work of improvements would come into effect only when a property required it, so not a wholescale replacement which in turn would mean that the properties would continue to hold their individual style even after all had been replaced as some would look older than others.

G&BPC Resolution 110 (item 8.1 | 24/09/14)
Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council are in ‘support’ of the planning application no SDNP/14/04042/LIS | 17 -34 Trevor Gardens, Mill Lane in the opinion that the improved replacement of windows and doors will increase both the appearance and insulation of the properties. / Clerk
8.2 / Memorial Parade Road Closures | 14/11/14
G&BPC Resolution 111 (item 8.2 | 24/09/14)
It was formally noted that the Memorial Parade Street Closure application consent and public notification papers for display were handover to Cllr Andrew Small as representative of the Memorial Parade Committee, to full fill the requirement of posting the notices up for display / Cllr AS
8.3 / Ref: SDNP/14/04538/TCA
Property:Wisdoms, The Street, Glynde
Proposed:3 x Leylandii - Remove and replace with fruit trees
Applicant:Mr Dixon
G&BPC Resolution 112 (item 8.3 | 24/09/14)
Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council are in support of the planning application SDNP/14/04538/TCA on the basis that the removal of the Leylandii and replacement with fruit trees will better the area generally. / Clerk
9 (24/09/14) / 20:50hrs / Correspondence:
9.1 / Hannah Messer re: Child Safety Signs | A27
  • Cllr Johnny Denis outline correspondence received [see file] that Hannah Messer walks her children regularly between Glynde and Firle School and no longer uses the Mill Lane route as no footpath is provided, opting to use Station Road and Cycle way to A27 junction at Firle turn, but that the junction of Station Road and A27/Cycleway is so dangerous with approaching cars turning into Station Road at speed that she crosses the road 20 metres before crossing to gain proper sight lines. Her letter also points out that crossing the A27 at Firle turn is very dangerous and asks if signage and some measures could be explored to increase pedestrian safety on the said route.

G&BPC Resolution 113 (item 9.1 | 24/09/14)
Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council agreement that Cllr Johnny Denis draft email/letter to ESCC Highways Team outlining issues as captured in correspondence from Hannah Messer and request investigate to assess whether an extended pavement could be provided with a crossing point at the junction of Station Road and A27, and whether signage of School notice could be erected at the crossing point of A27 at Firle Turn to increase awareness of pedestrian and school children. / Cllr JD & Clerk
9.2 / Priory School Pupils | Transport Concerns
  • Additional item request by Cllr Johnny Denis permitted by Chair
/ Cllr AS
  • Cllr Johnny Denis reported that pupils attending Priory School are unable to arrive at school in time for the new early school start [08:30hrs] due to the transport links to Lewes arriving either to close [08:22hrs] the school arrival deadline and consequently pupils are being penalised and recorded as late arrivals, with the alternatively being that pupils arrive early [08:07hrs] for school meaning they wait for the school to open which compromised their safety

G&BPC Resolution 114 (item 9.2 | 24/09/14)
Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council agreement that Cllr Johnny Denis draft email/letter to Priory School, Lewes Head Teacher to outline concerns that pupils attending the school from Glynde and using rail links to school are being unfairly recorded as late due to difficult timetable times. / Cllr JD & Clerk
9.3 / Bike It | Firle CEP School
  • Additional item request by Cllr Johnny Denis permitted by Chair
/ Cllr AS
  • Cllr Johnny Denis reported that Firle CEP School is running a Bike It program to instruct pupils in bike and road safety and encourage their use of a bike to travel to school.
  • as part of this and to encourage pupils biking from Glynde [and areas north of the A27] Cllr JD is organising Bike It to school days and patrolling the A27 crossing at Firle Turn to enable pupils to cross the road safely, and invites other Cllr’s to join him in this initiative if they have time.

9.4 / Glynde Station | pavements
  • Additional item request by Cllr Chris Whitmore permitted by Chair
/ Cllr AS
  • Cllr Chris Whitmore reported that foliage and shrub overhanging the pavement running alongside Glynde Station, Lacys Hill was causing an obstruction to pedestrians, and requested if something could be down to clear the obstructions

G&BPC Resolution 115 (item 9.4 | 24/09/14)
Glynde and Beddingham Parish Council agreement that Clerk reports overhanging vegetation and shrub to ESCC Highways Dept along the pavement from Glynde Station entrance, Lacys Hill to Glynde Station bridge and request area is cleared. / Clerk
9.5 / No Parking request Signs | Ranscombe Lane
  • It was noted that Mr Michael Craggs was encouraged that G&BPC were taking forward the proposal to investigate installing No parking request notices on Ranscombe Lane

10 (24/09/14) / 21:05hrs / Meeting Ends:

Damian Mooncie | Clerk | 01/10/2014

Wednesday 26th November 2014, 19:00hrs – 21:00hrs / G&BPC Parish Meeting / Reading Room, Beddingham
Wednesday 28th January 2015, 19:00hrs – 21:00hrs / G&BPC Parish Meeting / Reading Room, Beddingham
Wednesday 25th March 2015, 19:00hrs – 21:00hrs / G&BPC Parish Meeting / Reading Room, Beddingham

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council | Parish Meetings 2014/15

Glynde & Beddingham Parish Council| Agenda & Minutes 24/09/20141