
50 000 to 4000 BC: Humans learn to plant seeds and use simple farming tools.

3000 BC: Egyptian farmers use cattle and horses as draft animals.

2500 BC: Irrigation used for farming in Egypt, the Middle East, and India.

1000 BC: Chinese farmers use plant-based insecticides on crops.

100 BC: Agriculture develops in sub-Saharan Africa, north of the equator.

100 AD: Agriculture spread in southern Africa.

700 AD: Water wheels used to turn grind stones in flour mills in Europe.

1500 to 1650 AD: Crops grown by Aboriginal peoples in the Americas, such as potatoes, tobacco, tomatoes, introduced into Europe.

1550 to 1800: New methods of crop rotation, seed selection, and mechanization bring Agricultural Revolution to Western Europe.

1785: Cast iron plow shares, drawn by horses, developed in England.

1829: First steam-powered tractor developed in United States.

1884: First chemical fungicide and fertilizers.

1889: First tractor with internal combustion engine.

1980s: First genetically engineered plants and animals developed for commercial use.

1990s: Computerized management of livestock herds becomes common.

Manufacturing and Industry

50 000 to 4000 BC: fire used to melt copper, tin, gold, and silver to craft metal jewelry, tools, and utensils.

3500 BC: In Egypt and Middle East, copper and tin mixed to make a stronger alloy, bronze.

100 AD: Use of iron spreads in southern Africa.

615 AD: Petroleum, known as “burning water”, used in Japan.

720 to 800 AD: Arab scientists begin the study of chemistry.

1400 AD: Crank and connecting rod mechanical system developed in Germany, allowing inventors to turn lateral motion (e.g. a piston) into rotary motion (e.g. the wheels of a car).

1705: Development of steam engine starts the Industrial Revolution.

1800: Development of the battery ushers in age of electricity.

1860: First internal combustion engine, developed in France, brings new industrial growth and makes automobile possible.

1933: Electron microscope developed in Germany, allowing for developments in micro-biology and nuclear medicine.

1962: First industrial robots mass produced in United States.

1980s and 1990s: Production becomes increasingly automated and computerized.

High Technology

2500 BC: The abacus, developed in Babylon, spreads through the ancient world.

600 AD: Book printing in China.

1645: Blaise Pascal develops the first calculating machine.

1833: Charles Babbage develops the Analytical Engine, the forerunner of the modern computer.

1876: Alexander Graham Bell invents the telephone.

1895: X-ray developed.

1920s: first commercial radio broadcasts.

1929: Discovery of penicillin revolutionizes human ability to control disease.

1951: First commercially manufactured computer.

1962: First commercial telecommunications satellite.

1967: First heart transplant, in South Africa.

1978: Birth of first “test-tube baby”.

1990: The internet links computers worldwide through telecommunications satellites.

1997: First cloning of a mammal announced.