Press release
Improvement of social protection and social services led to a better response toward prevention of child services
Tirana, 21 November 2012- AScientific National Conference on Violence against Children organized by the Government, UNICEF, EC, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Social Sciences, Austrian Development Cooperation and CRCA, BKTF, Children Today, Albanian Children Alliance and Terre des Homes opened with the message from the Detlef Palm, UNICEF representative:” Albania is a state party to the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The law on the protection of children's rights adopted in November 2010 is a major milestone. Still, there is no legal obligation to report incidences of violence against children, and it is rare that perpetrators are sanctioned”.
His message was echoed by the Prime Minister,SaliBerisha who noted the importance of continued protection of children from violence and abuse as one of the priorities for the country EU integration. ”There is a need to improve legislation and apply sanctions to those who abuses with children” concluded the premier.
EUAmbassador,EttoreSequi,congratulated the country for placing the protection of children from violence at the center of the policy agenda. “The child protection units are a good example but need specific budgets and better infrastructure to make them function well”.
The joint initiative of EU and UNICEF titled “Protection of children from violence in South East Europe” implemented in four countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, and Turkey) aims to give due attention and help overcome the phenomenon by reinforcing the capacities of civil society and its partners in independent monitoring of child rights violations, in particular violence against children.
The papers– mostly prepared by Albanian researchers, scientists, experts and practitioners - provided an overview of violence in the country. Thepresentations were followed by working group’s discussions and recommendations focused on the needto collect more evidence and data. The response to violence also needs to be better coordinated and planned. Attitudes and believes among Albanian institutions and the public need to change, and legislation need to be brought to international standard. Children must be regarded as change agents in the society. The ongoing efforts for reforming the social care system need to be strengthened. Teachers need to increase their capacity to deal with violence and reporting, and adopt alternative ways of discipline. The culture of services from the police department needs to be improved, with a focus on children needs.
The Conference’s recommendations will serve policy makers to better address and initiate new policies for the prevention of children from violence.
For further information, please contact:
AnilaMiria, Communication Officer at UNICEF, e-mail:
FlorianaHima, Child Protection Officer at UNICEF, e-mail:
DenadaSeferi, Policy Director of Social Services at MoLSAEO,e-mail: