Comic Strips Over Time

Teaching with Primary Sources

Illinois State University

Jennifer Hawkins

Southeast High School

Summer 2012

Teaching with Primary Sources

Illinois State University

Schultz, Charles M., artist. “Peanuts. What?

Copyright 1964 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.

Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Library of Congress

Students will research primary sources to view comic strips from different artists between 1935 and 1987. Students will use a Venn diagram to compare/contrast the comic strips and discuss in groups. Students will make their own comic strips using the artists as reference, then play an animation game in the Library of Congress website.

Overview/ Materials/LOC Resources/Standards/ Procedures/Evaluation/Rubric/Handouts/Extension

Overview Back to Navigation Bar
Objectives / Students will:
·  view primary source documents containing comic strips
·  compare/contrast using a Venn diagram and class discussion
·  make their own comic strip using artists as reference
·  play You’re The Animator! Game
Recommended time frame / 3-4 days
Grade level / 9th-12th Special Education (PreK-K academic level)
Curriculum fit / Language Arts
Materials / ·  Comic Strip Handout
·  Venn Diagram Handout
·  Markers/Pencils
·  You’re the Animator! Game
·  Primary Source Documents: 3 comic strips—see the Resources Table
Illinois State Learning Standards Back to Navigation Bar
·  / Language Arts:
GOAL 4: Listen and speak effectively in a variety of situations.
·  4.B. Speak effectively using language appropriate to the situation and audience.
·  4.B.1a Present brief oral reports, using language and vocabulary appropriate to the message and audience (e.g., show and tell).
·  4.B.1b Participate in discussions around a common topic.
GOAL 5: Use the language arts to acquire, assess and communicate information.
·  5.A. Locate, organize, and use information from various sources to answer questions, solve problems and communicate ideas.
·  5.B. Analyze and evaluate information acquired from various sources.
·  5.B.1a Select and organize information from various sources for a specific purpose.
·  5.C. Apply acquired information, concepts and ideas to communicate in a variety of formats.
·  5.C.1b Use print, nonprint, human and technological resources to acquire and use information.
Procedures Back to Navigation Bar
Day One:
·  Do KWL on comic strips
·  Share comic strips from LOC website. (See Resource Table)
·  Discuss how comics have changed from 1935-1987, as well as animations and comic strips today.
Day Two:
·  Students will get in groups and compare/contrast the 3 comic strips on the Venn Diagram
·  Share out as a class, and review concepts of a comic strip.
·  Students will make their own 4 square comic strip using the ones viewed as examples.
Day Three:
·  Students will view the LOC website with help from teacher and librarian to get to “You Be the Animator” game on the website.
·  Students will share their comic strips with each other and review main similarities/differences between them.
Evaluation Back to Navigation Bar
Students will be assessed on
·  their ability to follow directions
·  work completion
·  time management
·  ability to work cooperatively
Students will complete rubric with teacher to encourage self assessment.
Extension Back to Navigation Bar
·  Students may make a 6 block comic strip
·  Students may explore on the LOC website the differences in animation and respond to it through discussion with teacher.
·  Students can explore more about the Krazy Kat comic strip on the LOC website and discuss with teacher.
·  As time permits, more comic strips could be explored and discuss how comics have changed over time.

Primary Resources from the Library of Congress

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Image / Description / Citation / URL
/ Krazy Kat / Herriman, George, artist. "Krazy Kat. Krazy Kat, Having Fashioned a Pasty Filled with an Oleaginous Amplitude of Apple ..." Copyright 1935 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Origins of American Animation, Library of Congress. /
/ Peanuts / Schultz, Charles M., artist. “Peanuts. What? Copyright 1964 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Miscellaneous Items in High Demand, Library of Congress /
/ Garfield the Cat / Davis, Jim, artist. “Garfield. [Garfield turns, holding his tail, to see a baby bird latched on to it as though it were a worm] Copyright 1987 by United Feature Syndicate, Inc. Miscellaneous Items In High Demand, Library of Congress. /


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Final Product/Assessment/Rubric
Excellent / Good / Fair / NonCompliant
Work Completion
Ability to Follow Directions
Ability to work collaboratively
Time Management


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Teaching with Primary Sources

Illinois State University

4 Square Comic Strip Template


6 Block Comic Strip
