LONG TERM PLAN YEAR 3 & 4 2017/2018

Autumn 2017

Lost in France / Spring 2018
What were the main achievements of early civilisations? / Summer 2018
Where would you rather work – Home or Away?


/ Fantasy stories (Y4 Autumn 4)
Recounts (Spring 1)
Poems from around the world (Y3 Autumn 3) / Fables (Autumn 1)
Chronological reports
Poetic form: syllabic poems (Y4 Autmn) / Stories with humour (Y4 summer 1)
Persuasive writing (5B)
Nonsense poems: It’s raining cats and dogs (Y4 Autumn 3)


Working scientifically / Autumn pt. 1 Plants
Autumn pt. 2 Animals including humans
All: Working scientifically / Spring pt. 1 Materials
Spring pt. 2 Sound
All: Working scientifically / Summer pt. 1 Light
Summer pt. 2 Living things and their habitats
All: Working scientifically
Mapping skills / 1. Map Skills (maths link)
2. Modern Europe-(physical and human geography/Hamiltontrust)
France / Earning a Living
(Understand how people in the UK and the rest of the world earn a living in a variety of ways-PlanBee)


HISTORY / Early Civilisations
(An overview of Ancient Sumer,
Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt and the Shang Dynasty- PlanBee)
D & T / Design & make felt Christmas decorations
or pencil cases (PlanBee)
(textiles) / Moving Monsters
(mechanisms) / Alarms
(using simple switches & circuits)
ART & DESIGN / French Artists / Early Civilisations
(Ancient Sumer, Indus Valley, Ancient Egypt) / Space
Investigating and designing planets and stars
COMPUTING / E-Safety (1 week) Multimedia (1st ½ term)
Programming (2nd ½ term) Publisher & e-mail / E-Safety (1 week) Handling Data (1st ½ term) Programming (2nd ½ term) / E-Safety (1 week) Technology in our lives
(1st ½ term) Programming (2nd ½ term)
How and why do Hindus, Muslims and Christians see life like a journey?
Where does the journey of life lead? / 2.2
Does a beautiful world mean there is a wonderful God?
Learning from Creation Stories
PHSCE / Our Happy School / Out and About / Looking Forward / My Friends and Family / Healthy Bodies, Healthy Minds / Ready Steady Go
FL / Greetings/Introduction
/Colours / Tutti Frutti/Numbers
/Noel / Vive le sport / Vive le sport / A la mode / A la mode
(Fashion Show)
MUSIC / Charanga
Don’t Stop Believin’ / Christmas Play songs / The Wind in The Willows
(Time & Tune) / The Wind in The Willows
(Time & Tune) / Charanga
Lean on Me / Charanga
Reflect, Rewind and Replay
PE / Handball/Hockey
Running ready for Cross-Country
Swoparound –
Team Games (inside) / Gymnastics
Swoparound –
Tag Rugby (outside) / Swimming Y4/
Swoparound -
Dance (inside) / Swimming Y4/
Swoparound – Basketball
(outside) / Swimming Y3 Handball/Hockey
Swoparound - Tennis / Swimming Y3 /Rounders
Swoparound –