Country: Republic of Tajikistan

Project: Rogun HPP construction

Name of the Bid: Manufacturing, delivery, erection, adjustment, putting into operation and associated services of Rogun HPP in-plant communication equipment

OJSC “Rogun HPP” (the “Employer”) constructs the Rogun HPP project in the Republic of Tajikistan. The project is located on the Vakhsh river and includes the construction of 335 m embankment dam, hydraulic tunnels for river diversion and water discharge, underground powerhouse with 6 Units (6x600 MW).

A Tender Board is established inviting the prospective manufacturers/suppliers to participate in the public one-stage International Tender for manufacturing, delivery, erection, adjustment, putting into operation and associated services ofRogun HPP in-plant communication equipment according to the Tender Documents.

The Russian version of the Tender documents may be purchased by the interested applicants after the payment of non-refundable fee of 400 US $ (in somoniat the exchange rate of National Bank of Tajikistan on the date of payment) in cash to Project Management Group for Energy Facilities Construction (PMG EFC) to the address below or by funds transfer to the following bank account details:

Commerzbank, AG,

Frankfurt-am-Main, Germany


Acc. 400886748300EUR

Acc/ 400886748300USD

National Bank of Tajikistan

Rudaki av. 23/2, Dushanbe


Recipient: PMG EFC under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

TIN 010088055

Account 20204972712010100002

BIC 350101800

Correspondent account: 22402972000002

The receipt/SWIFT copy as a confirmation of the payment should be sent to the PMG EFC e-mail address (), for the subsequent providing of tender documents to the Tenderer.

Both local and foreign entities, any associations in the form of Consortium/Joint Venture having experience in manufacturing, delivery, erection, adjustment, putting into operation and providing associated services of HPP in-plant communication equipment may participate in the Tender.

The tender should be submitted by a courier or by post to the address below, no later than March 13, 2018, 12:00 pm local time (Tajikistan). The tender submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Venue of the Tender: 5/1 Shamsi str., 6th floor (PMG EFC premises), Dushanbe city, Republic of Tajikistan.

For further information, the interested organizations should contact to the following address:

Project Management Group for Energy Facilities Construction under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan

Attn.: MuhiddiniyonPulodMuhiddin – PMG Director

Address: 5/1 Shamsi Str., 6th floor, 734064, Dushanbe

Telephone: (+992 37) 235 74 17

Telefax: (+992 37) 235 74 16
