Needs Assessment Report
Completed by:
(Insert picture as chosen by the child, young person and family)
The following Assessment Report draws together the information which has been collected about (full name of child/young person) during a statutory assessment of his/her special educational needs and disabilities.
The local authority will consider the information in this report along with the supporting evidence to determine if an Education Health and Care plan is required using the criteria as set out in the SEND Code of Practice 2015.
name’s details
Child or young person and their parents/carers decide between the layouts:
My name is:
I like to be known as:
I was born on:
My parents/carers are:
We live at:
My pre-school/school/college is:
Our telephone number is:
Our email address is:
Known as:
Date of birth:
Home Address:
Home Telephone number:
Email address:
Insert One Page Profile or equivalent
The views, interests, and aspirations of <name and his/her parents
About <name>
Always include a pen portrait of the child or young person: their talents, personal strengths and personal characteristics.Provide any relevant information in the four sections: family; education; any health or medical diagnoses and/or concerns and any social care involvement.
- <name>’s strengths and personal qualities to build upon
- Background /Story so far:
- Family
- Educational
- Health and Medical
- Social Care
Always include how the child or young person’s views were gathered, who helped themgive their views and when they were given.
- What are <name>’s interests?
- What is important to <name>?
- name>’s views of what is working / not working?
name>’s Aspirations are:
These may be short term or longer term aspirations, and may be connected to any area of their life that is important to the person.
name’s parents’/carers’ views
Always include how and when <name>’s family contributed to this report?
- What we like and admire about <name>?
- What is important to <name> and what is important for <name>?
- The parents’ views of what is working / not working?
name>’s parents’ aspirations for <name> are:
These may be short term or longer term aspirations, and may be connected to any area of their child’s life that is important to the family.
How to communicate with <name> and engage them in decision making
How does <name> communicate? Is there anything that people need to know about communicating and interacting with <name>?
Section 2: OUTCOMES
The outcomes sought for <name>
By the end of Key Stage
- <name> will
- <name> will
- <name> will
- <name> will
- <name> will
The arrangements for setting, implementing and monitoring short term targets by the school/setting are as follows:
Describe how the assess/plan/do /review cycle will be followed in your setting. For example:
- When & how will short term targets/next steps be set?
- Where is theaction planrecorded (what will happen, how often and who is responsible for the delivery of each activity)?
- How do school and parents meet to discuss progress and how effective the activities/ strategies have been?
Section 3: NEEDS
Special educational needsand what that means for <name>
name’s special educational needs
Describe the needs and difficulties in as much detail as possible – with assessment data, descriptors and levels where available. Each need should be described in a separate paragraph. Provision can then be matched to these needs in numbered paragraphs in the provision section below.
name>’s Need 1:
name>’s Need 2:
name>’s Need 3:
Health needs
name’s health needs which relate to his/her SEN
Describe the health needs and difficulties clearly and simply. Each need should be described in a separate paragraph. Provision can then be matched to these needs in numbered paragraphs in the Health provision section below.
name>’s Need 1:
name>’s Need 2:
name>’s Need 3:
Social care needs
name’s social care needs which relate to his/her SEN or disability
Describe the social care needs and difficulties clearly and simply. Each need should be described in a separate paragraph. Provision can then be matched to these needs in numbered paragraphs in the Social Care provision section below.
name>’s Need 1:
name>’s Need 2:
name>’s Need 3:
Section 4: PROVISION
Special educational provision
The special educational provision required by <name>
Provision should be matched to the child or young person’s needs as set out in the numbered paragraphs in Special Educational Needs.
1. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in SEN number1)
2. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in SEN number 2)
3. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in SEN number 3)etc
Health provision
Any health provision reasonably required by the learning difficulties or disabilities which result in the child or young person having SEN
Provision should be matched to the child or young person’s health needs as set out in the numbered paragraphs in Health Needs.
1. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in Health Needs number 1)
2. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in Health Needs number 2)
3. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed inHealth Needs number 3)etc
Social care provision
Provision should be matched to the child or young person’s social care needs as set out in the numbered paragraphs in Social Care Needs.
1. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in Social Care Needs number 1)
2. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in Social Care Needs number 2)
3. (The provision to meet <name>’s Need as detailed in Social Care Needs number 3)etc
Section 5:
Advice and information gathered during the EHC needs assessment
Please list all the information gathered and the date of the advice:
- Child
- Parent/Carer(s)
- Education
- Health
- Social Care
- Psychological
- Information, Advice and Guidance
- Other
TR Needs Assessment Report (name dob) 1