AAKPE Annual Business Meeting
Saturday, September 11, 2004
Oak Brook Hills Resort
Oak Brook, IL
Recorder: G. Payne for John Dunn
- Meeting was called to order by President J. Morrow at 1:20 pm. S. Silverman was appointed parliamentarian.
- Minutes of September 13, 2003 were approved.
- J. Morrow presented the financial report. It was formally received by the group.
- All Annual Reports were formally received.
- S. Blair thanked the Academy for nominating him for the President’s Council of Physical Fitness and Sports Honor Award.
- By-laws changes for Article 1, Sections 2 and 5 were approved unanimously.
The Sections now state:
Section 2. Active Fellows are those elected and inducted into the Academy for their continuing and outstanding contributions to the field of kinesiology and physical education.
Section 5. International Fellows are persons elected and inducted into the Academy from countries outside the United States of America for their continuing and outstanding contributions to the field of kinesiology and physical education.
- Dues for International Fellows were set to cover the cost of postage and the journal. The initial increase will be from $33 to $44. Future increases will occur as necessary based on increasing cost of postage and journal production. International Fellows may choose to not receive the journal. The motion passed unanimously.
- J. Thomas and J. Morrow made presentations regarding the status of the Doctoral Program Review and the work of the Doctoral Program Review Committee. Special thanks were offered to W. Spirduso for hosting the April committee meeting in Austin, TX, and to K. Scott for organizing that meeting. According to the reports, the National Research Council (NRC) continues to be an obstacle to getting Kinesiology included in the current list of doctoral fields evaluated. J. Morrow indicated that the AAKPE President would be contacting Department Chairs and encouraging them to communicate with their respective Graduate Deans to respond to the NRC request for input by indicating the need for kinesiology to be added to the Taxonomy. The NRC will be meeting this Fall, and the Academy will make a presentation with a rationale as to why Kinesiology should be included in the list of evaluated fields. In the meantime, the Academy will continue plans to survey institutions, and charge a fee of approximately $500 to cover the expenses to the AAKPE. The final report from those surveys will be readied by Summer, 2005 and posted on the website and in a paper published in Quest.
J. Thomas indicated that the doctoral program review could be our single most important function. He further recommended that J. Morrow and A. Jackson be considered to complete analysis of the results from the surveys. During the discussion, the issue arose as to what criteria should be used to determine which departments or programs within departments should be included in the review.
The NRC is currently soliciting input on their taxonomy and the associated review. J. Morrow indicated that letters will be sent to relevant department chairs to be shared with their Graduate Deans to promote the need for the review. Other key dates in the timeline include:
Spring 2005 – Data Analysis
Summer 2005 – Draft Report
Fall 2005 – Report to AAKPE
- J. Morrow explained concern over a communication from the CAAHEP Communication and Guidelines Committee about a pending program for the accreditation of Exercise Science and Exercise Physiology Programs. The information was received on July 20, 2004 with responses required two days later. Morrow indicated that he wrote to the organizations expressing concerns over the short time available to consider the issue. Several others said they expressed similar concerns. J. Morrow reported that he had learned that the accreditation had been approved despite various responses. The following motion resulted:
Motion (J. Thomas), Second (W. Chodzko-Zaiko) – G. Reeve, on behalf of AAKPE, will prepare and send a letter that the membership of the AAKPE does not support the CAAHEP accreditation of these programs, and that this accreditation may not be in the best interest of the programs in these areas. The letter should be copied to all relevant organizations.
Passed unanimously
- John Shea, Memorials Committee Chair, thanked his committee members (D. Rose and L. Locke) for their service of the past year. Brief memorial statements were made for the following people:
10.1. Aileen Lockhart – read by B. Berger
10.2. Harold Morris – read by J. Shea and prepared by D. Gallahue
10.3. Hope Mayhew Smith – read by L. Locke and prepared by M. Clifton
10.4. Maryhelen Vannier – read by L. Locke and prepared by the Bussenhart family
10.5. Wayne D. Van Huss – read by D. Feltz
- The 2005 Annual meeting will be held in Dallas, TX at the Marriott Solana Hotel from September 29 to October 1, 2005.
- The group approved this year’s site, Oak Brook Hills, as a future venue for AAKPE’s Annual Meeting
- Based on a recommendation by J. Thomas, the group formally thanked D. Magill for his efforts in preparing the program for this year’s conference.
- Meeting was adjourned at 3:25 pm.