Initial Sorting Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Contamination Control Zone. Workers must wear PPE assigned to them.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE), dosimetry devices, and radiation detection instruments

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to Initial Sorting Station Manager to receive and review position assignment

·  Review High Contamination Screening Job Aid

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  As possible, avoid physical contact with arrivals to limit cross-contamination

o  If you touch someone, change your gloves or have them checked for contamination

·  Assign ID numbers to people as they arrive

·  Collect the following information as people arrive:

o  Name

o  Date of Birth

o  Last 4 digits of Social Security Number

o  Phone number where they can be reached

·  Work with Contamination Screening Staff to identify highly contaminated people

·  As necessary, escort people to the appropriate station

·  Direct people as follows:

Decision / Action
Urgent Medical Need
(i.e. any injury or illness that requires immediate medical attention) / à / Escort to First Aid Station
Highly Contaminated
(Review High Contamination Screening Job Aid and screening protocol) / à / Escort to Wash Station
Special Needs
(i.e. requires assistance due to decreased mobility or cognitive functioning OR requires translation services or adult supervision) / à / Arrange Assistance or Escort through CRC
Prior Decontamination
(i.e showered at home or was decontaminated near the scene) / à / Direct to Contamination Screening Express Line
(if available)

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will:

1.  Direct you on how to remove your PPE

2.  Screen you for contamination

·  After entering the Clean Zone:

1.  Turn in your dosimetry devices and radiation detection instruments at the Sign-Out Area.

2.  Attend the post-shift briefing

First Aid Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Contamination Control Zone. Workers must wear PPE assigned to them.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE) and dosimetry devices

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to First Aid Station Manager to receive and review your position assignment

·  Inventory First Aid supplies and conduct radio/phone check

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  Assess patients with urgent medical needs

o  Examples of urgent medical needs include:

§  Life-threatening conditions (i.e. cardiac arrest, heat stroke, severe dehydration)

§  Open wounds (even minor wounds) can increase the risk of internal contamination

§  Symptoms of acute radiation syndrome (specifically nausea, vomiting, diarrhea)

·  Maintain patient log; including time in, time out, chief complaint, and disposition

·  As possible, avoid physical contact with arrivals to limit cross-contamination

o  If you touch someone, change your gloves or have them checked for contamination

·  Treat patients in need of immediate medical care

o  Treatment of life or limb-threatening injuries takes precedence over decontamination

o  For contaminated patients, perform a gross decontamination by carefully removing outer layer of clothing

o  Patients with contaminated wounds should be sent to a hospital or alternate care site to have the wound decontaminated and treated

·  As necessary, escort people to the appropriate station

Decision / Action
Immediate Medical Transport Necessary
(i.e. any injury or illness that exceeds the scope of treatment at First Aid) / à / Arrange Transport to Hospital or
Alternate Care Site
(Call 9-1-1 or radio for ambulance)
Contaminated / à / Escort to Wash Station
(Address medical needs before decontamination)
Not Contaminated / à / Escort to Registration
(After addressing medical needs)

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will:

1.  Direct you on how to remove your PPE

2.  Screen you for contamination

·  After entering the Clean Zone:

1.  Turn in your dosimetry devices at the Sign-Out Area.

2.  Attend the post-shift briefing

Contamination Screening Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Contamination Control Zone. Workers must wear PPE assigned to them.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE), dosimetry devices, and radiation detection instruments

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station Manager to receive and review your station assignment

o  After receiving your station assignment, review the appropriate Job Aid

Station Assignment / Screening Assignment Job Aid
Initial Sorting / High Contamination Screening
Contamination Screening / G-M Detector Job Aid
Portal Monitor Job Aid
Wash Station / G-M Detector Job Aid
Portal Monitor Job Aid

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  As possible, avoid physical contact with arrivals to limit cross-contamination

o  If you touch someone, change your gloves or have them checked for contamination

·  Screen people for external contamination

o  Follow screening protocol established by Contamination Screening Station Manager

·  As necessary, escort people to the appropriate station

During Shift (Continued)

·  Direct people as follows:

Decision / Action
Contaminated / à / Escort to Wash Station
Not Contaminated / à / Direct to Registration

·  Conduct contamination screenings for workers (including other Contamination Screening Staff)

1.  Direct them on how to remove their PPE

2.  Screen them for contamination

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will:

1.  Direct you on how to remove your PPE

2.  Screen you for contamination

·  After entering the Clean Zone:

1.  Turn in your dosimetry devices and radiation detection instruments at the Sign-Out Area.

2.  Attend the post-shift briefing

Wash Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Contamination Control Zone. Workers must wear PPE assigned to them.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE) and dosimetry devices

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to the Wash Station Manager to receive and review your position assignment

·  Review Decontamination Job Aid

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  As possible, avoid physical contact with arrivals to limit cross-contamination

o  If you touch someone, change your gloves or have them checked for contamination

·  Facilitate showering

o  Provide verbal directions

o  Provide shower supplies (e.g. shampoo, soap, towels, and clean clothing)

·  Collect contaminated clothing and personal belongings

o  Have each person place clothing in a large plastic bag before showering

§  Label clothing bag with person’s name and ID number

o  Have each person place personal belongings (e.g. wallets, keys, jewelry, glasses) in a plastic bag before showering

§  Label personal belongings with the person’s name and ID number

§  Check items for contamination, decontaminate them (if necessary), and return them to the owner after they are cleared to enter the Clean Zone

·  Work with Contamination Screening Staff to perform post-decontamination screenings

o  Wash Station Staff will record and file the results of the contamination screening

·  As necessary, escort people to the appropriate station

During Shift (Continued)

·  Direct people as follows:

Decision / Action
Shower Not Necessary
(i.e. contamination can be removed by washing hands or removing clothing) / à / Direct to Partial-Body Cleaning
Shower Necessary
(i.e. contamination in hair, on skin, or over large portion of the body) / à / Direct to Showers
Still Contaminated After First Shower / à / Shower Again
Still Contaminated After Second Shower / à / Provide Clothing and Escort to Registration
(person may be internally contaminated)
(after partial-body cleaning, first shower, or second shower) / à / Provide Clothing and Direct to Registration

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will:

1.  Direct you on how to remove your PPE

2.  Screen you for contamination

·  After entering the Clean Zone:

1.  Turn in your dosimetry devices and radiation detection instruments at the Sign-Out Area.

2.  Attend the post-shift briefing

Registration Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Clean Zone. Workers may still be assigned PPE.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE) and dosimetry devices

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to Registration Manager to receive and review position assignment

·  Review CRC Processing Forms, paying close attention to Form III: Preliminary Exposure Assessment, Radiation Dose Assessment Referral

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  Interview people as they arrive at Registration

o  Some people will need immediate medical follow-up at the Radiation Dose Assessment Station

o  You will identify people who fall into this category based upon:

§  Their responses to the interview questions

§  The results of contamination screenings

·  As necessary, escort people to the appropriate station

·  Direct people as follows:

Decision / Action
Immediate Follow-Up Necessary
(Review Medical Prioritization Job Aid and contamination screening results) / à / Escort to Radiation Dose Assessment Station
Does Not Need Immediate Follow-Up / à / Direct to Discharge Station

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will screen you for contamination

·  Turn in your dosimetry devices at the Sign-Out Area.

·  Attend the post-shift briefing

Radiation Dose Assessment Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Clean Zone. Workers may still be assigned PPE.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE), dosimetry devices, and radiation detection instruments

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to the Radiation Dose Assessment Station Manager to receive and review your position assignment

o  After receiving your station assignment, review the appropriate Job Aid

Station Assignment / Screening Assignment Job Aid
Internal Contamination Screening / Internal Contamination Screening Job Aid
Bioassay Collection / Specimen Collection Job Aid
Specimen Shipment Job Aid
Medical Evaluation / Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Physicians
Prenatal Radiation Exposure: A Fact Sheet for Physicians
Cutaneous Radiation Injury: A Fact Sheet for Physicians

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear assigned PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will screen you for contamination

·  Turn in your dosimetry devices at the Sign-Out Area.

·  Attend the post-shift briefing

Discharge Station Job Action Sheet

This station is in the Clean Zone. Workers may still be assigned PPE.

Before Shift

·  Report to the Staff Sign-In Area

·  Collect assigned personal protective equipment (PPE) and dosimetry devices

·  Attend pre-shift briefing

·  Report to the Discharge Manager to receive and review your position assignment

During Shift

·  Report any emergencies or injuries to your station manager IMMEDIATELY

·  Wear PPE and dosimetry devices at all times

·  Assist mental health professionals in providing assessments or referrals for people in need of psychological care

·  Provide information and educational material to people leaving the CRC

·  Help people register for a space in a public shelter

·  As necessary, escort people out of the CRC

·  Assist people as follows:

Decision / Action
Person Requires Referral for Further Care
(i.e. additional medical consultation or counseling) / à / Provide Referral
Person Does Not Need Further Care / à / Discharge to Home or Shelter

After Shift

·  Report to the Contamination Screening Station to begin demobilization

o  Contamination Screening Staff will screen you for contamination

·  Turn in your dosimetry devices at the Sign-Out Area.

·  Attend the post-shift briefing

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