4/23/14 - Page 10 of 10
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
At 7:35 p.m. President Pino, called the Meeting to order. The Deputy Village Clerk called the roll and then led the pledge of Allegiance.
Present in Person: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and
Weiner (Trustee Weiner arriving at 7:40 p.m.)
Absent: None
Also Present: Kathy Nelander, Village Clerk
Mark Schuster, Village Attorney,
Bazos, Freeman, Kramer, Schuster, & Braithwaite, LLC
Kris Lennon, Deputy Village Clerk
Susan Allman, Village Forester
Nancy Schumm, Schumm Consulting, LLC
Gery Herrmann, 257 Kimberly Road
Bruce Kramper, 175 Pheasant Run Trail
John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road
Dave Grzeslo, Plan Commission Member
James Foersterling, 235 N. Indian Trail Road
Don Husted, 422 Kimberly Road
Tom Rowan, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District
Jeff Swanson, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District
Michael Baumgart, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District
Matt McKinnon, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District
Doug Hansen, 300 Kimberly Road
M/M Bob Moy, 301 Homewood Lane
Walt Dohrmann, Lineworks Ltd.
3501 Woodhead Drive, Northbrook
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Allendorfer, 448 Eton Drive
Daniel Repholz, Repholz Studio,
100 N. Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake
Doug Hansen, 300 Kimberly Road, addressed the Board and inquired about the potential opening of the Arrowhead Lane gate due to Wynstone’s construction of its main gate located on Route 12.
President Pino explained that the issue was not on the agenda; however, told Mr. Hansen that if he wished to discuss the matter after the meeting, he would speak with him at that time.
Gery Herrmann, 257 Kimberly Road, Plan Commission (PC) Chairman, addressed the Board and stated that the Board was provided with a copy of draft revisions to the Comprehensive Plan. Chairman Herrmann requested that the Board review the updates and provide their input within two months. It was noted that maps and tables were omitted as they have not been updated. The two of the biggest changes were in the areas of Affordable Housing and Groundwater. Mr. Herrmann especially thanked Plan Commission Member David Grzeslo for his contribution efforts.
Trustee Pais suggested that the Board make their revisions on a soft copy document. It was noted that the Village administration would send a soft copy to each Board member.
There were a few questions from the Board which were addressed by Chairman Herrmann.
President Pino thanked Chairman Herrmann and the Plan Commission.
John Cifonelli, 297 Oxford Road, Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chairman, addressed the Board and explained that the ZBA unanimously approved signage to be installed at the main gate to Wynstone. He explained that the matter was not before the Board since the decision on appearance matters by the ZBA was final unless appealed.
Trustee Andrew inquired about lighting on the stone monument walls.
Chairman Cifonelli explained that mounted on the stone monument walls would be lettering consisting of 18” high back-lit illuminated channel letters spelling out the name “WYNSTONE”.
Motion: On motion of Trustee Boland, seconded by Trustee Weiner, the consent agenda
consisting of the following agenda items was approved:
A. Approve Minutes of Regular Board Meeting, 3/19/14
B. Approve 4/23/14 Vouchers for payment of bills
C. Approve the Treasurer’s Report for the 11th month of Fiscal Year 2014
D. Approve Resolution # 2703 re-appointing Karlin Gingrich as Deputy Clerk
E. Approve Resolution # 2704 re-appointing Kris Lennon as Deputy Clerk
F. Approve Resolution # 2705 re-appointing Kathy Nelander as Village Clerk
G. Approve Resolution # 2706 re-appointing Kathy Nelander as Village Collector
H. Approve Resolution # 2707 re-appointing Albert R. Pino, Emergency Program Manager
I. Approve Resolution # 2708 appointing Ron Cobb, Environmental & Health Commission Member
J. Approve Biltmore Country Club request for Fireworks Display on Friday, June 27, 2014
K. Approve Arbor Day Proclamation
Discussion: There was no discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the motion approved.
A. Tom Rowan, President, Board of Trustees - Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District
Tom Rowan, President, Board of Trustees, Barrington Countryside Fire Protection District (BCFPD) addressed the Board and introduced the Fire Chief/Administrator Jeff Swanson to assist in the presentation. Mr. Rowan explained that the BCFPD has been independently operating since January 1, 2014.
Mr. Rowan explained that they only serve a small portion of North Barrington and noted that their goal is to provide residents with excellent service. It was noted that the BCFPD has automatic aid agreements with the Wauconda and Lake Zurich Fire Departments which also serve the Village.
Mr. Rowan noted that the BCFPD has new equipment which includes two new 3,000-gallon tanker vehicles and two new ambulances containing state-of-the-art equipment.
Fire Chief Jeff Swanson addressed the Board and discussed the following updates to the BCFPD:
· Expanded staffing
· Automatic Aid Agreements/Regional Training
· Call Volume
There were a questions from the Board which were addressed by the BCFPD representatives.
A. Consideration of Ordinance # 1252, Zoning Variation Request submitted by Mr. Shawn Peterson and Ms. Karen Hunnicut, 569 Brookside Road
ZR-10-1-2(B) and ZR-10-4-2(A,1,b):A non-conforming building or use shall not be expanded.
The existing home located at 569 Brookside Road (Lots 4 through 9 in Block 12 of Biltmore Country Estates Unit No. 2) in non-conforming by reason of an encroachment into the required rear yard setback. The existing home is located approximately 17.39 feet from the rear line rather than the 40 feet required by the Village Zoning Regulation.
Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) Chairman John Cifonelli addressed the Board and explained that the applicants have proposed a modest improvement to their existing 3-season room. Chairman Cifonelli stated that the alterations did not expand the existing footprint of the house or affect the lot coverage ratio. The ZBA unanimously recommended approval of the zoning variation request.
It was noted that there were no objections from any neighbors. Additionally, there were no objections from the Village Health Officer or Village Forester.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to adopt Ordinance # 1252; seconded by Trustee Andrew:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the Ordinance adopted.
B. Consideration of Ordinance # 1253, Zoning Variation Request submitted by Mr. & Mrs. Brian Allendorfer, 448 Eton Drive
ZR-10-1-2(B) and ZR-10-4-2(A,1,b): A non-conforming building or use shall not be expanded.
Properties in the R-3 District shall have an area of at least 40,000 square feet. The area of the subject property (Lots 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Block 33 of Biltmore Country Estates Unit No. 1) is approximately 36,159 square feet and therefore a non-conforming use in the R-3 District.
ZR-10-9-2(B): From each side line that does not border on a road or street, the setback shall not be less than 10% of the average width of the lot.
Based on an average lot width of approximately 140 feet, the side yard setback required is 14.0 feet. The proposed addition to the existing home will have a setback of approximately 8.0 feet from the west side lot line.
ZBA Chairman John Cifonelli explained that the applicants are seeking a new zoning variation along with an extension of the zoning variation previously granted to them in April of 2013 to construct additions and alterations to their home granted via Ordinance No. 1234. It was noted that the petitioners’ previous request for a zoning variation to construct a detached garage was denied.
Chairman Cifonelli noted that there were no objections from any neighbors.
Trustee Boland inquired about the Village Health Officers’ Memo dated March 21, 2014. Chairman Cifonelli verified that Phase 1 would not affect the septic system.
Daniel Repholz, Repholz Studio, 100 N. Walkup Ave., Crystal Lake, addressed the Board as the architect for the Allendorfers. Mr. Repholz explained that Phase 1 does not increase the bedroom count; however, Phase 2 includes adding a bedroom. It was noted that the previously approved septic system would be valid for Phase 2.
Trustee Pais asked about the appearance of the home between the two phases. Mr. Repholz explained that the appearance would be acceptable as indicated on the Phase 1 drawings.
Chairman Cifonelli noted that the ZBA unanimously recommended approval of the zoning variation request.
Motion: Trustee Weiner moved to adopt Ordinance # 1253; seconded by Trustee Sauer:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the Ordinance adopted.
C. Consideration of a Motion to approve a Zoning Variation Extension Request from Mr. & Mrs. Brian Allendorfer, 448 Eton Drive, for a three year extension of the Zoning variations granted on April 24, 2013 by Ordinance No. 1234 to construct additions and alterations to the existing home
President Pino inquired about the length of the extension request. Mr. Repholz stated that Phase 1 would take approximately one year. The applicants wish to delay construction of Phase 2 until the spring of 2016 and are seeking a 3-year extension of the variations.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve the zoning variation extension request for Mr. & Mrs. Brian Allendorfer, 448 Eton Drive, for a three year extension of the zoning variations granted on April 24, 2013 by Ordinance No. 1234 to construct additions and alterations to the existing home; seconded by Trustee Weiner:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the motion approved.
D. Consideration of Resolution # 2709, approving an Intergovernmental Agreement Between Barrington Township, Cuba Township and the Village of North Barrington to Provide for Contribution under the Local Share Agreement with Pace for Senior/Handicapped Bus Service
Village Administrator Kathy Nelander explained that the Board previously approved a contribution for the bus service in October 2013; however, a Resolution was needed for the Intergovernmental Agreement.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve Resolution # 2709; seconded by Trustee Weiner:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the motion approved.
E. Consideration of Resolution # 2710, approving an Intergovernmental Agreement by and among the Village of Tower Lakes, the Village of Lake Barrington, the Village of North Barrington, the County of Lake on Behalf of the Lake County Board of Health and Cuba Township Road District to Facilitate the use of Tower Lakes Village Hall as a site for the Distribution of Medication and Vaccines, among other things, in the Event of a Public Health Emergency
There was discussion among the Board about how the Village of Towers Lakes was selected as the distribution site.
President Pino noted that the Village of Tower Lakes agreed to purchase a generator in order to provide a storage facility for the medicine and vaccines.
President Pino stated that the Village is looking into purchasing a generator. He is planning to meet with the Village Building and Zoning Officer and Advanced Energy Systems. President Pino noted that he was hopeful that the issue would be on the May agenda for consideration.
Trustee Andrew inquired about the cost of a generator.
President Pino explained the Village has specific requirements needed for a generator and that the price of a generator would be significant.
Trustee Boland noted that generators are costly and that the Village previously considered a generator.
Motion: Trustee Boland moved to approve Resolution # 2710; seconded by Trustee Weiner:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the motion approved.
VII. ADMINISTRATION – President Albert Pino
A. FY 2015 Proposed Budget
It was noted that information regarding the Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 proposed budget was included in the packet materials.
President Pino explained that the proposed budget was in the amount of $2,125,200.00
Trustee Pais asked how the amount of the proposed budget was determined. President Pino replied that the Finance Committee establishes the proposed budget.
Trustee Pais inquired about the Internet Technology Expense in the amount of $30,000. Trustee Smith stated that the expense covers computer information technology costs and services including virus protection and updates. President Pino stated that one of the goals of the Village is to have its website be interactive.
There was discussion among the Board about internet communication between the Village and its residents.
President Pino stated that the Village is looking at improving the Village’s website.
Trustee Weiner stated for the record that the Village’s expenditures should not exceed the Village’s income. In the future, he would also like to see a realistic working budget.
Trustee Pais stated that he would like to see the profit and loss expenses from the FY 2014 and proposed FY 2015 budget for comparison purposes. It was noted that the April 2014 Treasurer’s Report would contain the end-of-year profit and loss expenses for FY 2014.
Motion: Trustee Weiner moved to approve the proposed FY 2015; seconded by Trustee Boland:
Discussion: There was some discussion.
Vote on Motion
By Roll Call: Ayes: President Pino, Trustees Andrew, Boland, Pais, Sauer, Smith
and Weiner
Nays: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None
President Pino declared the motion approved.
B. Village Update