Concern Universal – Bangladesh

Brief Report on Emergency Food Supports and Flood Rehabilitation Project

Concern Universal is an international NGO based in UK. Since 1990, Concern Universal – Bangladesh (CUB) is working in Bangladesh. CUB has seven partner NGOs in Khulna Division, the southern parts of Bangladesh. CUB building the capacity of these seven NGOs on Community Managed Disaster Risk Reduction (CMDRR) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) since last two years with the funding supports from Cordaid, Netherlands. In Bangladesh, CUB has 52 partner NGOs in all seven administrative divisions.

The heavy downpour in the month of August 2011 has triggered floods and water-logging in Bangladesh. Total 13 of the 64 districts in Bangladesh has affected.The affected districts were Jessore, Satkhira, and Khulna in the southwest coastal region; Faridpur, Madaripur, Shariatpur, Rajbari, Munsigonj and Manikgonj in the south-central region; Bandarban and Cox’s Bazar in the southeast; and Sherpur and Netrokona in the north.Three southwest coastal districts of Bangladesh namely Satkhira, Khulnaand Jessore were the worst hit and experiencing severe water logging. Nearly 1.25 million people have been affected in these three districts with colossal damage to crops and homes, death of livestock, lack of jobs for day labourers, severe crisis of clean water and sanitation facilities infrastructures and livelihoods. People had taken shelter on the roads and embankments and inside school rooms.

CUB has been receiving regular situation reports of water logging and flood from its Khulna division partner NGOs since the beginning of water logging in the southwest coastal area of Bangladesh. And consequently sharing these reports to different donors including the Cordaid, who have been providing financial supports to CUB on different development issues since long time. CUB and its three partner NGOs of southern parts of Bangladesh had prepared proposal on emergency food supports and rehabilitation works and sent it to Cordaid. Cordaid, finally provided financial supports for the affected community in southwest coastal communities ofBangladesh.The project was intended to contribute to the restoration of disturbed livelihood options of the flood affected poor and marginalized households through (i) providing emergency food supply (ii) providing safe water options and safe latrine, (iii) providing support to repair/rebuild houses of extreme poor, and (iv) assisting to increase supplementary income through providing seeds for vegetable cultivation.

For the five months (October 2011 – February 2012) project, the total budget was EURO 100,000. Among the total budget, Euro 20,000 had allocated for emergency food supports for 1,800 households (HHs) and rest of the amount Euro 80,000 had allocated for rehabilitation activities. The emergency food supports completed in October 2011, whereas, the rehabilitation works started in November 2011 and ended in February 2012.

The location of the rehabilitation works were in 10 unions of six sub-districts under three southwest coastal districts (Satkhira, Jessore and Khulna). And the emergency food supports was distributed only in the Satkhira districts (in 10 unions of four sub-districts).

The beneficiaries mainly included for emergency food supports were lactative and pregnant mothers and women headed families. Total 1,800 families (around 9,000 people) were received a food package where they could survived for a week. On the other hand, the beneficiaries included for rehabilitation works were vulnerable and marginalized communities mainly women headed families, poor and small farmers, daily wage laborers, disable and ethnic community.

According to the number and demand of affected people, our supports and supply was very small. There was a huge possibility of people’s unrest during our intervention. But our community managed approach was very effective and we successfully completed our interventions without any big community conflict. Moreover, during our interventions, we carefully followed and maintained the SPHERE standard.

During the project intervention, CUB and its three partner NGOs strongly maintained regular communication and coordination at all level including local governments (Union Parishads and Upazilla), NGOs and other relevant actors. From beneficiary’s selection to providing supports, we ensured participation from local governments and NGOs who involved in emergency and rehabilitation works to avoid duplication. It has mentioned earlier that still there is huge demand from the affected communities for survival; so many actors are still engaged to contribute to the restoration of disturbed livelihood options of the affected communities. Therefore, CUB and its three partner NGOs are regularly maintaining communication and coordination among the stakeholders who are still providing supports to the affected households.

Main Activities:

There were mainly two types of activities:

  1. Emergency Food Supports to 1,800 households (HHs)
  2. Rehabilitation Activities:

-Installation of 100 Tube Wells

-Installation on 500 Sanitary latrines

-Construction of 100 new houses

-Repair of 200 partially damaged houses

-Distribution of winter vegetable seeds to 3,000 households

1.Emergency Food Supports to 1,800 families

1,800 mostly affected households (HHs) specially the lactative and pregnant mothers and women headed families received emergency food package in 10 Unions of four sub-districts under Satkhira district. The emergency food was distributed within October 2011. Two partner NGOs were responsible for that.

Each emergency food package contained with:

(i)Rice-10 kg

(ii)Potato-2 kg

(iii)Pulse(Musuri) -2 kg

(iv)Onion-1 kg

(v)Salt-1 kg

(vi)Soybean Oil-1 kg

(vii)Sugar-1 kg

(viii)Suji– 1kg

(ix)Soap(body)-1 piece

(x)Soap (wash)-1 piece &

(xi)Fire lighter(with mini torch light) -1 piece

Location and responsible partners for emergency food supports

Districts / Sub-districts / Unions / No. of Beneficiaries / Responsible partner NGO
Satkhira / Tala / 1. Jalal Nagar / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
2. Khalil Nagar / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
3. Khesra / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
4. Tala Sadar / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
Asasuni / 1. Durgapur / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
2. Assasuni Sadar / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
Kaligonj / 1. Nalta / 180 HHs / MJF
Debhata / 1. Parulia / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
2. Kulia / 180 HHs / Ashroy Foundation
3. Nawapara / 180 HHs / MJF
Total / 10 Unions / 1,800 HHs

2.Rehabilitation Activities

The four months (November 2011 – February 2012) rehabilitation activities were done in 10 Unions of six sub-districts under three districts. Total 3,000 households were benefited from this works. Three partner NGOs were responsible for rehabilitation activities.

The major rehabilitation activities were:

  • Installation on 100 tube wells
  • Installation of 500 sanitary latrines
  • Construction of 100 new houses
  • Repair of 200 damaged houses
  • Distribution of winter vegetable seeds to 3,000 households

Location and responsible NGOs for Rehabilitation Activities:

Districts / Sub-districts / Unions / Responsible NGOs
Satkhira / Tala / 1. Jalal Nagar / Ashroy Foundation
2. Khalil Nagar / Ashroy Foundation
3. Khesra / Ashroy Foundation
Asasuni / 1. Durgapur / Ashroy Foundation
2. Assasuni Sadar / Ashroy Foundation
Kaligonj / 1. Nalta / Manobadhikar Janakallyan Foundation (MJF)
Debhata / 1. Parulia / Ashroy Foundation
Khulna / Paikgacha / 1. Haridhali / Ashroy Foundation
2. Kapilmuni / Ashroy Foundation
Jessore / Monirampur / 1. Mosimnagar / Development and Rehabilitation Organisation (DRO)

Supports provided per Unionfor rehabilitation works:

Activities / Per Union supports / Total supports for 10 Unions
Installation of Tube Wells / 10 / 100
Installation of sanitary latrines / 50 / 500
Construction of New Houses / 10 / 100
Repair of damaged houses / 20 / 200
Distribution of winter vegetable seeds / 300 HHs / 3,000HHs


  1. All planned activities done in time

It has assumed that if the water logged and flood not deceased, we could not complete our planned activities and have to think other alternative options. But all water deceased at the end of December 2011 and we successfully completed our planned activities as per proposed time period.

  1. Community participation and contribution was tremendous for rehabilitation works

Sanitary latrine / The budget for sanitary latrine was BDT 3,000. The materials included four rings, plastic pan, concreted slab (32 inch X 32 inch), PVC elbow, Tin roof and bamboo woven / tin wall.
Total 500 sanitary latrines constructed almost the same designed.
Each latrine owner raised plinth/platformof their latrine up to 2 to 3 feel higher of flood level they ever been experienced and provided two day labour supports. Total latrine owner cost is estimated around BDT 800 i.e. 21% of total latrine installation cost.

Construction of New House / The budget for construction of new house was BDT 23,300. It is 160 sq.ft. (16 ft x 10ft), tin roof, rectangular shape, bamboo woven / tin made wall, earthen floor, one door, two windows and four RCC pillars.
All 100 new constructed houses are same designed (only 10 are tin made wall).
Each house owner raised their plinth up to 2 to 3 feet higher of flood level they ever been experienced. It estimated cost is around BDT 12,000 i.e. around 34% of total new house budget.
The cost for installation of tube well was BDT 10,000. The materials included for tube well were PVC pipe – 32 ft, PVC filter, Pump head, GI pipe, Brick and brick chips, Cement – 3 bags.
All 100 tube wells were the same designed.
Community contributions were platform raised, provided manual labour and provided old pump head. It estimated cost is around BDT 4,000 i.e. 29% of total cost. /
Installation of tube well
  1. Winter vegetable partially compensated for economic loss and fulfill nutritional needs

3,000 households who received winter vegetable seeds from this project started plantation from the beginning of January 2012. Each month an average most of them sold vegetable around BDT 400 per month. Beside that they regularly are taking vegetables which are fulfilling their nutritional needs.

  1. SPHERE standard document guided us during project operation. We followed this guideline during emergency food supports as well as rehabilitation works. For example: we learnt what types of food items should include for whom, food packages quality, food distribution principles, types of houses etc.
  1. According to the number and demand of affected people, our supports and supply was very small. Other actors also providing many supports. Buts still there are huge supports required to fulfill the affected community needs.
  1. Concern Universal – Bangladesh (CUB) first time implemented this Relief and Rehabilitation works. Our capacity has increased to a great extent. CUB now more comfortable to implement this type of program in future. On the other hands, the three implementing partner NGOs are now more capacitated to implement relief and rehabilitation works.

Address of three partners NGOs:

1. ASHROY Foundation
Ms. Momotaz Khanam, Executive Director
16, Ahsan Ahmed Road, Khulna - 9100
Mobile: 01711-004579, Phone: 00880-41-812113
Website: / 2. Development and Rehabilitation Organisation (DRO)
Ms. Monira Begum, Executive Director
Mitali Hall Road, Khan Super Market, Main Road, Jhikargacha, Jessore
Mobile: 01711-489982, Phone: 00880-4225-71927
3. Manobadhikar Janakallyan Foundation (MJF)
Md. Azharul Islam, Executive Director
Kaligonj, Satkhira, Mobile: 01720-546890

For further information, please contact:

Abdul Hamid

Head – Organisational Development and Education

Concern Universal

House # 8 (4th & 5th Floor), Road # 28, Block – K, Banani

Dhaka – 1213, Bangladesh

Tel: 9855296 (Ext: 117)
