What is Campaign 1922?

The Grand Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc has set a goal for increased membership growth called Campaign 1922. This campaign provides a plan to achieve growth in graduatemembership via reactivation. Although each member is encouraged to be actively involved in recruitment and reactivation, this campaign is a focus on reactivation. Through Campaign 1922, members can reactivate as General Members or directly through a chapter.

Why is the campaign name, Campaign 1922?

All sorors can identify with and remember the number 1922. This number is significant because it is the year of our birth. All chapters and members are asked to sign on to building our membership so that Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.continues to increase membership in the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Who is eligible to reactivate as a General Member using Campaign 1922?

  • Sorors who have been inactive in the sorority for at least one full fiscal year.
  • Sorors who hold a baccalaureate degree
  • Sorors who are interested in becoming an active member of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority

I joined Sigma Gamma Rho as an undergraduate and I have been inactive for years. Unfortunately, I have not yet attained my baccalaureate degree. Can I take advantage of this $368 reclamation opportunity as a general member?

Unfortunately, lacking a baccalaureate degree makes you ineligible to take advantage of general membership. However, you can reactivate with a local alumnae chapter of your choice as an Associate Member. If you have been inactive for at least one full fiscal year, you can pay the $368 to reactivate in the alumnae chapter of your choice.

How much does reactivation through this campaign cost?

Reactivation through Campaign 1922 is $368 which can be made in three payments.

What exactly does the $368 cover?

The $368 covers national, regional andNEF assessments. You will also receive a welcome back package which will be sent from the International Corporate Headquarters. That package will include a welcome letter from the Grand Basileus, a Constitution-Bylaws and SOP Manual, TORCH Manual, and information about upcoming regional conferences.

Are there any additional fees to reactivate through Campaign 1922?

If you reactivate in a chapter, there could be an additional fee which is set by the chapter.

Is there a charge to use my credit card when I reactivate through Campaign 1922?

Yes, there is a $5.00 charge for credit card transactions.

If I choose to reactivate through Campaign 1922, but decide to use the option of making three payments, when are the subsequent payments due?

The subsequent payments are due exactly one month after your previous payment.

If for some reason I fail to submit subsequent payments, do I forfeit previously submitted payments?

If a member does not submit payments on time she will forfeit all previous payment(s) submitted. Payments are not refundable.


What paperwork does the chapter need to submit to the International Corporate Headquarters when a member reactivates with Campaign 1922?

Chapters must send the Campaign 1922 Form (found on the sorority website under the Membership tab.) This can be sent with the chapter remittance. The member can pay the entire amount or in installments. However, note that the member will only receive all rights and privileges of chapter membership after all fees have been paid.

If I reactivated through Campaign 1922 in 2010-2011, can I remain as a general member during the 2011-2012 sorority year and pay $368 for the second year as well?
If you choose, you can remain a general member. Consult the International Remittance of Funds Policies & Procedures to determine the current amount for General Member dues.

I was last active in the Central Region. I now live in California in the Western Region. Since this $368 covers all national, regional and foundation assessments, can I select the region in which I want to affiliate?

As a reactivating general member you will be placed in the region based on the state where you live.

Can I reactivate as a General Member and then transfer to a chapter?

Yes, you can reactivate as a General Member and decide later to transfer to a chapter. If you decide to transfer to a chapter make sure that appropriate paperwork (transfer forms) are completed.

Can I become a Member-at-Large under Campaign 1922?

You can reactivate as a General Member and transfer to the Member-at-Large status if you meet the requirements.

How long will this $368 reactivation fee be offered? Is there a deadline to get my full payment submitted?

This offer will expire on June 30, 2012. However, it will only cover membership fees for the 2011-2012 fiscal year.

Contact the Membership Committee Regional Representatives if you have questions. They can be reached by

E-mail at:





Updated 08.04.2011