East Hanningfield C. of E. Primary School

Autumn Term 2016

Also available on: www.easthanningfield.essex.sch.uk

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the start of a new academic year, I hope you all had a relaxing summer break.
This half-termly newsletter outlines a few changes for this year and gives you a few dates for your diary, please do make a note of these.
As last year we will use parent mail (our texting / emailing) service to keep you updated. Please ensure all of your details are kept up to date so you don’t miss out on information. If you have any queries / issues regarding parent mail please contact Mrs Williams in the school office.
Another way of gaining information is through our school website: www.easthanningfield.essex.sch.uk.
There have been an increasing number of scooters being used to come to and from school. In the interest of safety to other children and adults please ensure your child dismounts from their scooters at the school perimeters in the mornings and likewise they do not use them after school until off school grounds.
Message from Miss Pegram
A very big thank you for all my gifts – you truly spoilt me! I was completely overwhelmed by everyone’s kind words, messages and beautiful gifts!
I have loved my time at East Hanningfield and take many fond memories with me! Once again a very big thank you for all your generosity, I am truly touched…
Love & best wishes, Miss Pegram
Sharing Assemblies
This term we will hold 3 sharing assemblies where the classes share their learning. We will be holding a crèche for toddlers to enable parents to relax and enjoy the assembly.
These assemblies start at 9.10am and are usually over by 10am at the latest.
Friday 23rd September
Friday 11th November
Friday 9th December
Walking to School

As part of our ‘Healthy Schools’ initiative we encourage children to walk to school. If you have a necessity to drive your child to school please use the village car park and access school along the top pathway adjacent to the village hall and enter school at the top gate. Please do not walk down the road where the oncoming traffic is entering the village car park.
Do not park on the road leading to the village car park or around the entrance to the school. Doing so puts children and adults at risk! We are luckier than most schools to have a car park we can use. Please arrive at school in time to ensure you can park safely and not park inappropriately enabling you to use the safest route to school via the top gate.
If walking to school, do not walk across the school car park as it is in use at all times. Please use the pavement provided. I thank you for your co-operation in this issue.
Healthy Schools
As you might know schools receive funding to support sport, health and wellbeing.
This term we are undertaking a Health Project where children and parents will learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle. We will be holding parent and child workshops after school and we hope you will all be able to attend.
Student Teachers
We are part of the Essex & Thames Primary SCITT and therefore will be having some student teachers working with us. This term, Stewart Lindsay will be in Class 4 with Mr Forster and after Christmas Tara Whitaker will be joining us.
Dates for the Diary!
15th Sept / Gym club starts
Swimming Starts
23rd Sept / Parents Assembly 9.10am
30th Sept / Macmillan Coffee Morning & Non-Uniform Day!
5th Oct / Harvest Festival
10th Oct / No clubs this week!
6pm-8pm Parents Evening
11th Oct / Individual Photos
4pm-6pm Parents Evening
24th Oct / Half Term (1 week)
11th Nov / Parents Assembly 9.10am
18th Nov / Children In Need (non-uniform day)
5th Dec / Last week of clubs
9th Dec / Parents Assembly 9.10am
13th Dec / 2pm KS1 Christmas Play
6pm KS1 Christmas Play
15th Dec / Christmas Lunch
19th Dec / 6pm KS2 Carol Service in Church
21st Dec / Last Day of Term
9th Jan / Back to school
Universal Free School Meals
Those children in classes 1 & 2 are entitled to a free school meal every day. Children have a choice of 2 hot meals every day, one is either meat or fish and the other is a vegetarian dish. Alternatively children can bring in their own packed lunch or order the ‘baguette of the day’.
/ Clubs
Club assembly will be held on Tuesday 13th September. Forms are to be back by 9am on Thursday 15th September.
Clubs start week commencing 19th September.
Gymnastics club which is run by Premier Sports will be the only club to start a week early on Thursday 15th September. Letters for this club have already gone home in bookbags and places should be arranged directly with Premier Sports.
Club / Day / Time / Teacher
All School / Mon / 3.15
– 4.00 / Mr Burdge
All School / Tues / 12.30 – 1.00 / Mrs Thomas
KS2 / Wed / 3.15 – 4.00 / Miss Havers
Board Games
KS2 / Wed / 3.15 –
4.00 / Mr Forster
Board Games
KS1 / Thurs / 3.15
– 4.00 / Mrs Wallace
Art &Craft
All School / Thurs / 3.15
– 4.00 / Mrs Dawes
All School / Thurs / 8.00
- 8.45 / Premier Sports
All School / Thurs / 3.15
– 4.00 / Chelmsford City FC

Time To Get Baking!
In support of Macmillan Cancer Support we will be holding a coffee morning on Friday 30th September to raise money for the charity. It will be held in the school hall from 9am and those children who have parents in the hall will be brought through to join them after registration. Please donate a cake and bring on the day for us to sell. We will also hold a non-uniform day for the children and ask for a £1 donation, all funds raised to go to Macmillan.
School Uniform
We have a strict uniform policy in school. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately every day.
No child should wear jewellery in school. A sensible wrist watch is allowed. If a child has earrings they can only be small studs that must be removed for PE and swimming. Hair styles should be sensible no pattern designs if short. Hair that is shoulder length or longer must be tied up.
KS1 – Blue polo top, grey trousers / shorts or skirt, navy jumper or cardigan. Black sensible shoes (no trainers). Grey, navy, black or white socks / tights.
KS2 –Blue shirt (not a polo top), school tie, grey trousers / shorts or skirt, navy jumper or cardigan. Black sensible shoes (no trainers). Grey, navy, black or white socks / tights.
Girls are allowed to wear summer blue checked dresses weather permitting until half term. They must not wear cycle shorts underneath. Girls can wear grey shorts in the warm weather if they feel more comfortable.
Every child must have a PE kit in school everyday. This must contain, a white t-shirt / polo top, blue shorts and a pair of black plimsolls. KS2 children require a pair of jogging bottoms also.
Please ensure your child has a coat or waterproof in school every day.

Swimming dates for the Autumn term are as follows:
Thursday & Friday 15th & 16th September
Thursday & Friday 22nd & 23rd September
Thursday & Friday 29th & 30th September
Thursday & Friday 6th & 7th October
Thursday & Friday 13th & 14th October
Thursday & Friday 20th & 21st October
Classes 1 & 3 swim on Thursdays and Classes 2 & 4 swim on a Friday. Reception will not swim this term.
KS2 Meals (Classes 3 & 4)
Children have to pay for their school dinners unless they are entitled to a free school meal. Baguettes can still be ordered and paid for on the day at £2.00. (If you think you may be entitled to a free school meal please contact the school office).
Bags 2 School

Bags 2 School will be collecting on Thursday 17th November, bags will be sent out in book bags week commencing 17th October.
Swimming Pool

Over the summer we have had our swimming pool area refurbished and we now have new brightly coloured flooring and pool surround to enhance the changing areas we renewed last year. We hope those of you who help with swimming will enjoy the new facilities!
Miss Kerry Collins – Headteacher
/ Safeguarding
Please be aware that if parents wish to come to the office they should walk around the outside of the school and not through the school or if they wish to use toilet facilities on the school premises could they please come to the office.
Reminder - To meet our safeguarding commitments we will now be locking the school gates promptly at 9 am. Please ensure your child is in school by this time. If you arrive at school at 9am, or afterwards, please bring your child to the office to sign them in, please do not enter via the school gates as these will be in the process of being locked. Thank you.
Tesco and Sainsbury Vouchers
The school has again registered for both schemes. If you shop in either store please collect the vouchers and send them into school. School can redeem the tokens for a range of equipment. This is really worthwhile.
We also are still collecting “Box tops for books” from Nestle Cereals.
School dinners
April’s baguette special will be roast chicken. Thank you for your continued support.
Music lessons
Music lessons recommence on Tuesday 16th April for guitar and Monday 22nd April for piano and recorder.
Letters were sent out this week detailing swimming for next term. Please collect another letter from the office if you do not receive a copy.
Book Club orders
Thank you to all those who ordered from the book club. We received £18.05 in commission and have ordered books for the children.
The Great East Hanningfield Bake Off
The school kitchen is running a competition for the children to draw a picture of their favourite cake. The winning entries will go on the school dinner menu and be cooked by Mrs. Skudder before the end of the summer term. The four winning entries, one from each class, will also receive a small prize. The entry form is attached and the closing date for entries will be Tuesday 16th April.
“Bags 2 School”
We are again collecting for “Bags 2 school” this year. Bags 2school are a commercial organisation that pays us for collecting old clothes, textiles, shoes, bags and belts. The school will receive 50p per kilo for what we collect.
Empty bags have been sent out this week. The collection will be on Wednesday 17th April 2013 by 9am. Storage before the day is difficult for us but please speak to the office if you are unable to leave bags at the front of school on 17th April. Thank you for your support.
If you would like to find out more about Bags2School please visit their website at: www.bag2school.com / The following children have received Achievement certificates in March:
Layla Wing, Toby Saunders, Eve Sharp, Rhylan Webberley, Madison Faulkner, Oliver Grabski
Emily Chapman, Katharine Warley, Harry Lambert, Layla Roberts, Louis Cheek, Isla Sewell,
Kamil Kaminski, Jack Williams
Hannah Sturrock, Bertie White, Oliver Howe, Olivia Moss, Ben Gamlin, Lucy Woodroff, Abbie Tricker,
Holly Liddiard.
Mason Sweeting, Arabella Fletcher, Tony Richmond-Chennells, Josh Ashcroft, Brooklyn Tracey, Harry Howett, Erin Fortey, Chanel Tricker, Harry Byfield
Summer Term clubs
The members of staff running the following clubs will be preparing letters for your child to take home in the first week of the term.
Clubs will start week commencing 22nd April
The last week of clubs will be Monday 8th July
Monday pm: Key Stage 2 Choir (4.00pm finish)
Tuesday pm: Gardening club Key Stage 1 &2 (4.00pm finish)
Tuesday pm: Cricket club – Years 5 & 6 (4.15pm finish)
Wednesday 8.10am: Key Stage 2 Gym club
Wednesday pm: Key Stage 2 Dance club(4.00pm finish)
Thursday pm: DT club (4.00pm finish)
Non pupil days for 2013-2014
The school calendar for September 2013 to July 2014 is attached. It shows the non pupils days that have been set and agreed by the Governing Body.
The diary for the summer term is shown below.
If you have any concerns or questions at any time please contact me through the school office. Our next newsletter is due out at the end of April.
Happy Easter
I hope you all have a lovely Easter and an enjoyable break. I look forward to seeing you all on Monday 15th April 2013.
Mr. Crisp’s retirement
Thank you for all the contributions that you have made to Mr. Crisp’s retirement present. We would all like to wish him a happy and healthy retirement.
On Thursday 28th March there will be an assembly at 9.15am for the parents of class 4 children as well as any parents that would like to say farewell to Mr. Crisp.
There will be no stay and share this week.
Miss Kerry Collins Headteacher