Is this Evidence?

Step 1: Working with a partner(s), determine if the following observers notes are evidence.

EVIDENCE = facts that are observed.

INTERPRETATION = observer notations that make characterizations either with or without evidential facts.

BIAS=observer personal preferences and/or observer knowledge of the candidate that influences observation. Red flags include words like could have, should have,must have,ought to have, etc.

Step 2: For each piece of evidence, align it to the appropriate indicator.

E, I, or B / Observer’s Notes / Indicator
  1. Provided opportunities for higher level thinking by having students analyze the author’s claims.

  1. Linked lesson to real-world experiences by comparing “percentage off” calculations with buying items on sale.

  1. Has high expectations for students.

  1. Slowed the pace of the lesson when it was apparent the class was struggling with the concept of functions.

  1. Provides a caring environment.

  1. Lesson reflects best practice research in math.

  1. Lesson objectives were aligned with state standards.

  1. Differentiated for higher-level students by providing them with an analytical puzzle.

  1. Arranging desks in small cluster groups would encourage student interaction.

  1. Instructional strategies were relevant to math.

  1. Planned for transitions between activities as demonstrated by the smooth transition between direct instruction and the hands-on lab activity.

  1. Used appropriate material in the lesson.

  1. All students were engaged

  1. Used flexible grouping strategies by first allowing students to choose groups by interest, and then assigning groups by ability.

  1. Used informal formative assessment by having students show their level of understanding by a show of fingers.

  1. Praised struggling students for their hard work on understanding fractions.

  1. Provided constructive feedback.

  1. Has clear classroom routines.

  1. Modeled respect for others by encouragingMayana when she struggled to remember the English word for theme.

  1. Maximized instructional time

  1. Uses higher level questioning techniques.

  1. Creates a safe classroom environment.

  1. Affirms students' responses and notes the important points they contributed to the discussion.

  1. Gives succinct directions and handing out the warm-ups as students enter the classroom.

  1. Walks next to student using proximity control and a quick redirection comments.

  1. Using humor would improve classroom environment.

  1. Teacher enjoys teaching and students enjoy learning.