Co Stichting Academic Training Association Sarajevo

Application Form
Personal data
First name: / Last name:
Date of birth: / Place of birth:
Phone number: / Cell number:
Engagement proposal:
As individual
As a firm - affiliation
Highest academic level:
Educational institution:
Period of education:
Expertized trainings, courses
(Please mention additional education you obtained and is relevant for applying. State educational label, place and time of the implementation body and short description)
Working experience
(starting from most recent)
Position held:
Short summary
Fields of expertize
Conducting Business Plans Organizational Management
Innovation Plans Preparation Commercial and Promotion
Marketing planing ITC
Business Correspondence Quality Management
Human Resources Management Tendering Procedures
Innovation/Product Development Marketing and Market Research
Registration, Legal procedures Business / Labor Law
Financial Management Accounting
Transport and Logistics Services Management
Retail Trade Training and Education
Construction Culture and Media
Tourism Agriculture
Energetics Health
Waist Management Import/Export and EU praxis
State your field of expertize or add more specific sub-field of the above mentioned
Additional information related to you expertize(s):
Membership in experts and professionals associations:
Foreign language(s): / Level (1-basic; 5-excellent)
1. / 1 2 3 4 5
2. / 1 2 3 4 5
3. / 1 2 3 4 5
Methodology description (to be used in consultancy work)
Professional experience in consulting
(Please state at least five engagement you had as a consultant, adviser or similar)
Project 1
Name of project:
Name of implementation body and contact details:
Short description of the project and your role
(engagement duration, tasks and responsibilities):
Project 2
Name of project:
Name of implementation body and contact details:
Short description of the project and your role
(engagement duration, tasks and responsibilities):
Project 3
Name of project:
Name of implementation body and contact details:
Short description of the project and your role
(engagement duration, tasks and responsibilities):
Project 4
Name of project:
Name of implementation body and contact details:
Short description of the project and your role
(engagement duration, tasks and responsibilities):
Experience in SME sector (in years):
Expected remuneration hourly rate in EUR (net)
1 - 10€ 11 - 20€ 20 - 30€

Herewith I confirm that in this form stated data are completely exact and precisly presented, and that I agree to provide evidences confirming data in case of being engaged by Spark:



Please send your application form to our email:

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The Application Form is seen as the letter of interest automatically

Spark Amsterdam – BSC Zenica – Business Plan Competition

All presented data will be used solely for selecting eligible consultants