Name & Surname: Score:

Class & Number:8/

A) Write the words under the pictures. (10x2=20 pts)

Scan / Contact / Contract / Log in / Log on / Addict / Software / Hardware / Destroy / Engine

1.…………………. 2…………………. 3………………….. 4…………………… 5…………………

6……………..…….. 7……………….. 8………………..…. 9……………..….. 10………………….

B-Fill in the blanks according to invitation card below. (5x2=10 pts)

Hi Jane,
Jenny and I are organizing a barbecue party for Robin. It’s on Saturday, 24th September. It starts at 6 p.m. at İmagine Cafe. Would you like to join us? I hope to see you there. Cheers.

C-Write the unshortened forms. (5x3) 15

  1. 2moro:…………………………………
  2. b4: ……………………………………..
  3. l8r: ………………………………………..
  4. w8: ……………………………………….
  5. Y : ………………………………………..

D- Write the Turkish meanings. (5x2) 10

Slot: ______

Out of order: ______

Engaged: ______

To pick up: ______

To hold on: ______

Circle the best choice. (15x3= 45 pts)

1.A bad friend………………

A)backs youup. B) gets on well withyou.

C) spends time withyou. D)lies toyou.

2. Yasemin: Shall we visit the grandmother thisweekend?

Burcu:…………… I am going to do myproject.

A)That soundsgreat. B)Yes, I’d loveto.

C) I’d love to, but Ican’t. D)That’sbetter.

3. Metin: What kind of moviesdo you like?

Yusuf: Ilike……….Hababam sınıfı is my favourite.

A) thrillersB)comedies

C) sci-fi moviesD)romance

4. We ______to another city tomorrow .

A) moved B) are moving

C) have moved D) don’t move

5. Are you busy on Friday night? ...... you ...... to come over for a drink?

A) Would / wantB) Are / like
C) Would / likeD) Do / wanting

6 . Frank: Hi,Jack.

Jack: Hi, Frank. Comein,please ___.

Frank: Thanks,Jack.

A)Feel athomeB) See yousoon

C)Thanks foreverything D)Takecare

7. Arzu:......

Tuğçe:Twice a day.

a)What do you play in the evenings?

b)Where are you going to go?

c)How often do you brush your teeth?

d)What do you have for breakfast?

8. Aşağıdaki eşleştirmelerden hangisi yanlıştır?

A) eat - out B) have – parties
C) study – together D) drink– movies at home

9. Cenk: I am going to have a party this week. Would you like to come over?

Hakan:…...... I haveno plan.

A) I’d love to but I have tostudy.

B) Oh really? That’s soundsgreat.

C) I’m sorry, I have aplan

D) It’s a great idea but I have to finish my project.

10 . Which one shows concern?

A) I am thinking of you.

B) I will miss you.

C) I am sorry for you.

D) Tell me more about that.

11. Hangisi “communication” ile ilgili değildir.

A) Keep in touch!

B) May I take a message?

C) I’ll get you through.

D) She is not usually rude like that.

12. “Never mind!” means ...

A) Go away.

B) Go ahead.

C) It doesn’t make any difference.

D) I am sorry, you can’t.

13. Hangi yemek/tatlı – ülke eşleştirmesi yanlış verilmiştir?

A) Feijoda - Brazil

B) Dessert - Turkey.

C) Pelmeni - Russian

D) Tacos - Italian

14.“What do you mean?” means

A) What is this?

B) What do you do?

C) Can you look up in the dictionary?

D) What do you want to say?

15. Hazır yoğurttan Ayran yapıp servis ederken hangisini yapmazsınız?

A) Mix

B) Pour

C) Fill

D) Boil