For the Attention of the RM Finance Operator

RM Management Solutions


March 2014

Year Ending

31st March 2014

Secondary and Middle School Returns to be completed by

16th April 2014

All other School Returns to be completed by 30th April 2014

All RM Finance Schools

All returns should be sent in electronically via Anycomms or emailed by the appropriate date above

Fund Account Year End

Financial Systems Helpline

Tel No: 01992 555713

email :

Herts for Learning

01438 845111

Year End Checklist 2014 4

Table for Capital Reconciliation 5

Table for Reconciling the Balances across the Systems 5

General Account 6

Hertfordshire Business Services (HBS) 7

Transferring Income between schools 7


Analysis of Accruals 7

Creditors 9

Debtors 9

Prepayments 9

Receipts in Advance 9

Dealing with Capital at Year-End 10

Reports Set Up 10

LMSFR4 Breakdown 11

Check the LMSFR reports 12

Checking your system – Year End System Reconciliation 13

CFR Assistant – Important – Must Be Actioned 13

CFR Data Collection 14

CFR Reports 18

Producing the CFR Interim Return 18

Checklist of signed reports – For internal use only 19

Create the RM Finance Electronic Year End File 20

Exporting the Electronic Year End Return & CFR Return 20

Fund Account Year End 23


Year End Checklist 2014


Housekeeping (Bulletin 196)

Capital Return due 2nd April 2014 (Bulletin 197)

CFR Upgrade (Bulletin 199)

RM Finance

Enter March Transactions

Delete Obsolete Orders

Write Back Out of Date Cheques

Bank Reconciliation, Petty Cash Reconciliation

Virements/Allocations/Internal Charges

System reconciliation

VAT Return, check missing VAT numbers

Post accruals

Amend Report Set Up Date to 31st March 2014

Print Reports

Delete Batches

LMSFR3 make note of line 64 amount

Amend Report Set Up - Breakdown B01 to B06

Check Other LMSFR Reports

CFR Assistant

Import Data

Validate Data

Balances Tab – Check Balances

Balances Tab – Apportion to B01 to B06

Agree Balances with LMSFR4

Print CFR Report

Produce Interim CFR Return

RM Finance - Print











VAT Summary

VAT Claim

Export LMSFR Data


Send both exports through AnyComms

Table for Capital Reconciliation

Refer to page 10 for further information

Closing Capital Balance 12/13
Check CFR & LMSRF4
To find the following:
Records > Reporting > Income and Expenditure Analysis Listing
Capital Income
Actual Spend this Year
Capital Creditors
Capital Balance 31/03/2014

Table for Reconciling the Balances across the Systems

Refer to page 11 for further information

Balance / Capital Return / Year End Accounts / CFR
B01 / £ / £
B02 / £ / £
B03 / £ / £ / £
No longer used / B04 No longer used
B05 / £ / £ / £
B06 / £ / £

General Account

Have you completed?

·  The Housekeeping in (Bulletin 196)

·  The Final Capital Return due 2nd April 2014 (Bulletin 197)

·  CFR Assistant Upgrade (Bulletin 199)

It is important that all the bulletins have been completed before year end is attempted.

For further information regarding accounting practices you should refer to the Financial Guidance Notes Year End 2013/14.

The following instructions are system related.

·  In Period 12 enter all transactions for March

·  Delete obsolete orders.

Current Outstanding Purchase orders on the system will be re-instated in Period 1 (You should accrue for any purchase orders where goods have been received by 31st March 2014)

·  Write back out of date, cancelled or lost cheques

Cheques over 6 months old can be cancelled, however, should the cheque ever be presented for payment the school will still be required to pay.

·  Reconcile the Bank Account to the last March bank statement including 31st March 2014. If you bank with Barclays the statement will most likely include the 4th April. Only reconcile the bank to the date 31st March 2014.

·  Reconcile the Petty Cash (also make sure the cash in the tin agrees)

·  Complete any Allocations and Virements

·  A System Reconciliation is recommended monthly but especially at this point in time and is available on the grid at the following address:-

·  Report date setup should be to 31st March 2014

·  Print your normal monthly reports including:-

o  List of Budget Accounts

o  Budget Profile Report, Year to Date

o  Budget vs. Actual vs. Committed (schools using Purchase Order facility)

o  Financial Summaries

o  LMSFR5 Bank Reconciliation

o  LMSFR5a Petty Cash Bank Reconciliation

o  Any reports as required by the School Management Team

Hertfordshire Business Services (HBS)

·  HBS (County Supplies) invoices dated February should only have been paid up to the 15th March – this was to ensure they clear the bank account by 31st March 2014.

·  March invoices should be accrued.

Transferring Income between schools

·  All inter-schools transfers must be completed by 15th March to leave time for the receiving school to clear the payment at the bank by 31st March 2014.

·  If there are accruals under this heading, the Year End file will be rejected.


Analysis of Accruals

Accruals have to be recorded by category i.e. NHS, Other LAs, Central government. A level of analysis was introduced to enable accruals to be collated centrally, in order to complete the “whole of government accounts” (UK PLC) in a consistent format in line with all other Local Authorities and public bodies. Accruals fall into 3 categories;

Government agencies (analysed in detail)

HCC (in certain circumstances see below)

Other entities and individuals (OTHER)

…..consequently all accruals need to be prefixed.

·  It is important that accruals between Local Government Organisations are recorded in the software using specific pre-fixes.

·  Please refer to the accruals spreadsheet to make yourself aware of those organisations. Some may surprise you!

·  The pre-fixes have been included in the Accruals spreadsheet.

·  Click on the drop down box under Gov Agency for the list

·  Once the Government Agency has been selected the code will appear in the next column.

·  This code needs to be entered into the Reference Box in RM Finance.

·  If the supplier or income source does not fall into the Local Government Organisation category you must select OTHER and enter this into the Reference Box.

·  This information is required in the consolidation of the Hertfordshire County Council accounts

Guidance – Who is the end supplier?

Everything on the March Year End Central Billing / HCCDD
County Supplies/Hertfordshire Business Services / HCCHBS
Payments to Cuffley Camp and Hudnall Park for trips
Use Hertfordshire County Council / E1920
Pre Payments to Snowdonia Centre (the Old Coach House)
Use Hertfordshire County Council / E1920
Overtime and casual hours to be paid to staff use
You actually owe the employee / OTHER
Energy Bills
You actually owe the gas or electric company / OTHER
Accruals from the Mouchel statement
You actually owe Mouchel / OTHER
Grounds and Contract Cleaning
You actually owe the maintenance companies / OTHER
Income from Parents for trips / OTHER
Herts for Learning Ltd / OTHER
Hertfordshire Catering Ltd / OTHER

The Accruals form must be used and is available on the grid, at the address below.

Accruals should now be as accurate as possible.

For example;

If there are four quarterly charges posted to the Water budget, you should investigate to see if some of the charges are in advance (which would become a prepayment) and some of the charges are in arrears (which would become a creditor).

·  Further information is provided in the Year-End Guidance Notes.


·  Creditors relate to goods or services for which money is owed to a supplier. This will relate to goods or services received during the financial year but not yet paid for, whether or not an invoice has been received.

·  Outstanding purchase orders where goods have been received must be entered as creditors.


·  Debtors relate to income that was due to the school before 31st March 2014 for goods and services but remains outstanding at the year end.

·  Bank Interest should be accrued for.

Do NOT set up a Debtor or Creditor for VAT

The system automatically creates this


·  Prepayments relate to payments made in the financial year 2013/14 for goods and services that will be received during 2014/15.

·  Include expenditure for journeys and trips that will take place in 2014/15.

·  It has been noticed that Prepayments have not been as accurate as they should be. Schools should now set accruals for all charges that have been paid that relate to the following year. This could include copier rental, software licence charges, water charges where an element relates to the following period, for instance. In some instances you may also have to raise a creditor for the estimated unpaid usage as well.

Receipts in Advance

·  Receipts in Advance relate to income received during the financial year 2013/14 for the provision of goods and services during the financial year 2014/15.

·  Include income for journeys and trips that will take place in 2014/15.

Any unspent Grant that was received for a Children Centre should be shown in the B06 balances along with unspent locally generated income.

Do not set up ANY accruals for income or expenditure from Hertfordshire County Council unless directed or as above

Click on Transactions > Accruals

·  Enter your Debtors, Creditors, Prepayments and Receipts in Advance.


·  Budget vs. Actual vs. Committed showing Accruals instead of Committed column.

·  The report will show your final budget account balances.

Dealing with Capital at Year-End

·  For a table for reconciliation of the Capital, please see page 5

·  It is important that Capital is dealt with correctly during the year.

·  There should not be any overspend on Capital.

·  If you have spent more capital than you have been allocated you will have to move money from revenue to adjust for the overspend (see Bulletin 197 for instructions on the capital shuffle)

·  The Capital Figures in RM Finance should also agree with your final Solero Capital Return. However the balances may differ due to the B03 capital income having been locked. The difference should only be by pennies.

·  If you are a Voluntary Aided school you do NOT need to submit a Capital Return to Hertfordshire County Council.

·  Do not post any transactions to capital codes after the submission of the 2013/14 Final Capital Return unless included in the return.

·  The Final Capital Return should be submitted by 2nd April 2014

·  See Bulletin 197 for further information on completing the Final Capital Return

Reports Set Up

·  Please ensure that your school name and number is on all reports:

System Manager > Organisation Details

·  Please change the report set up dates

Reporting > Custom Tab > Report Setup

·  The dates should be:

·  31st March 2014 From 1st April 2013

·  Print the LMSFR3 to screen and take note of Line 64

·  The balance to carry forward shown on LMSFR3 line 64 has to be allocated to the different areas B01 – B06 to show how this balance is to be used in the new financial year.

·  Complete the LMSFR 4 Information using the total from LMSFR3 Line 64.

Reporting > Custom Report Setup

This breakdown MUST be the same as the CFR Return

LMSFR4 Breakdown

B01 Committed Revenue Balances

·  Formal commitments made from 2013/14 for which no creditor has been raised. Monies carried forward to support 2014/15 revenue projects and action plans. Any revenue deficit at 31/03/2014.

B02 Uncommitted Revenue Balances

·  The remainder of your revenue balance

B03 Devolved Formula Capital Balance

·  Remaining Devolved Formula

This will be checked in the Year End System Reconciliation, see link below

·  Capital (2009/10 must have been spent by Aug 13)

B04 No Longer Used

B05 Other Capital Balance

·  Balance to carry forward (other than the DFC grant) for the purposes of future capital expenditure.

·  Privately raised capital funds

·  Privately raised specialist school capital funding.

·  Monies transferred from revenue to support capital

·  The transfer from REVENUE to CAPITAL should only be made if the money has been spent during the financial year, or the work has commenced or is imminent.

·  If you have a balance showing in B05 - transactions must have gone through the ‘Capital Shuffle’ i.e. E30 and CI04 (Bulletin 191).

B06 Extended School Balances

·  Community Focused balance to carry forward for extended services that cannot be funded from the delegated budget.

This will be checked in the Year End System Reconciliation, see link below

Balances in B06 must ONLY include Community Focussed revenue balances and not balances relating to Pupil related activities.

It may be a good idea to import the data into RM CFR Assistant before checking the LMSFR reports, please see page 13.

Check the LMSFR reports

There have been a few new analysis codes added to RM Finance during the year. Please refer to the Housekeeping Bulletin 196 to on which reports the codes belong. In some instances the codes may belong on more than one report.

Print the following reports to screen:


·  See Year End System Reconciliation


·  The figure at the top of LMSFR5 should agree with the total on the final March Bank Statement and show “Account Period from 1st April 2013 to 31st March 2014”.

LMSFR5A – this bank account MUST be reconciled

·  The figure at the top of LMSFR5A should be the balance of your petty cash, and should agree with your cash in the tin. (This bank must be reconciled, and should not show any outstanding payments or receipts)


·  This is the total of your Debtors and Prepayments, including the VAT Debtor


·  This is the total of your Creditors and Receipts in Advance


·  Earmarked Funds - Should equal the total of all income

The total of LMSFR8 should agree with LMSFR3 line 51 + line 60