AmericanGraduate Student Workshops

Colorado Public Television is pleased to offer every student enrolled in the Denver Public Schools’ GED Plus program, the opportunity to attend an enrichment workshop this fall. Below is the menu of options. Please read through them and decide on the workshop you would like to attend. One workshop per person. Availability is first come, first served. You will be required to sign a participant release form (see last page). Television cameras will be recording some of these workshops.

Emily Griffith Opportunity School

Digital Storytelling (video) – The Center for Digital Storytelling:

The Center for Digital Storytelling (CDS)is offering a digital storytelling workshop to help capture the stories of those who have dropped out and chosen to drop back in. In this 3-day workshop, you'll learn the tools and make your own short movie about your lived experience. We're looking for recent drop-outs, recent drop-ins and mentors to come together and support each other in the making of their digital stories. Afterwards, Colorado Public TV will be broadcasting these stories on air.The goal of the workshop is to design and produce a 3-minute digital story focused on the story that only you can tell.

The workshop involves four major components:

•What works and what doesn't work when telling your story

•Scriptwriting and group story sharing

•Hands-on video editing tutorial

•Story production and group screening

Most of the workshop is spent with participants working on producing their own projects, with their own ambition and pace. CDS staff has trained extensively on the process of assisting users during the various steps of multimedia production. Great attention is given to time management, troubleshooting, and prioritizing the process to assure the participants achieve the goal of a completed project. Additionally, these workshops will touch on integration of this type of media/exercise within curriculum for teachers and how this type of work increases media literacy not only for teachers but for their students.

This is an intensive three-day (9 a.m-4 p.m.) workshop at Emily Griffith and requires your participation September 8-10:

Attendance on all three days is extremely important. Limit: 10 students per workshop.

Improvisation and Writing for Performance

"A story is a way to say something that can't be said any other way."- Flannery O'Connor

Storytellers and performers are extremely powerful figures in today's world. Their ideas enter our thoughts and conversations all the time. Their stories change us. Have you harnessed the power of story? Have you ever felt drawn to perform? This 8-session class will teach you the 21st century skills of improvisation: listening, building story, thinking fast, taking risks, and working as part of an ensemble. Join a fun, gutsy exploration of crafting character and relationship in order to connect with an audience. Give this class all you've got and you'll emerge from it far more comfortable sharing your story and speaking off the cuff.

We can make the world a more beautiful, funny, and connected place by sharing stories. Let's start now.

This workshop meets once per week at Emily Griffith on Mondays from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. beginning September 28 for 8 weeks (9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 11/9, 11/16). Limit: 20 students.


I agree to participate in the Colorado Public Television production/programand hereby authorize you to use my name, biography, likeness, voice andperformance and videotape in the production of the program. I furtherauthorize you to edit the program to make recordings of the program and forthe purpose of publicizing and promoting the program. I further authorize youto edit the program to make recordings of it, in whole or in part, for radioand television broadcasting, cablecasting, audiovisual and closed circuitexhibition and other electronic and mechanical distribution of whatever kindthroughout the world in perpetuity.

I understand that the Colorado Public Television has no obligation to air theprogram. I understand that I will receive no monetary compensation for therights granted herein. I understand that my appearance on the program conferson me no ownership rights.

If by reason of my statements and actions on the program or materialsfurnished by me for the program, there is any claim or litigation involvingany charge by third parties of violation or infringement of their rights, Iagree to indemnify and hold harmless Colorado Public Television and itslicensees and assigns from liability, loss or expenses arising from such claimor litigation.

Check one:

☐I represent that I am 18 years of age and have the rights toenter into this agreement.

☐I am under the age of 18 years and my parent or guardianhas consented to my participation as shown by the signatures below.


Participant name (print) ______Date: ______

Participant name (signature) ______

Address: ______

Phone Number: ______

Email Address: ______

Parent or Guardian for participant under age 18:______

Print Date______