1)When and where does the movie begin?

2)What tragic event occurs in the opening scene?

3)When and where does the movie flashback to?

4)Why is Gandhi thrown off the train?

5)Of what religion is Gandhi? What is his profession?

6)Why is Gandhi beaten by the police?

7)Who is Mr. Walker, the character played by Martin Sheen?

8)Why does Gandhi try to make his wife help clean the community toilets?

9) What do the new laws passed by the colonial government require Indians

in South Africa to do?

AFTER VIEWING: Describe Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violent resistance.



1) Why does Gandhi lead the march to the mines?

2) What do the marchers do when the British mounted police try to

break up the march?

3) What deal does the British royal governor General Smuts make with

Gandhi regarding the unpopular fingerprinting law?

4) In what year does Gandhi return to India? What major world event is occurring

during this time?

5) When Gandhi returns to India, why is he wearing traditional Indian

"homespun" clothing instead of European style clothes?

6) Why does Gandhi set out on his train trip?

7) According to Gandhi, what prevents "home rule"?

AFTER VIEWING: What was the importance of Gandhi's travels through

India after his return from South Africa? How

would this experience help Gandhi in his fight

for home rule?



1) What do the Indian students who visit Gandhi at his ashram help him do?

2) According to the British soldier, what does the telegram at the train station say?

3) When he is in prison, why does Gandhi not accept the help of his

old friend Charlie the priest?

4) What does the judge order Gandhi to do? What is Gandhi's response?

5) What response does Gandhi suggest to the harsh new British laws?

6) By what nicknames do the people of India begin calling Gandhi?

7) What happens in the countryside after Gandhi is imprisoned again?

8) What happens at the Golden Temple?

9) At his hearing, what reason does the British general give for having opened

fire on the unarmed crowd at the Temple?

10) After the massacre, what does Gandhi demand for the first time from the British


AFTER VIEWING: Describe the standard British response to disturbances

caused by Gandhi and his followers. Could they have

dealt with these situations in any way that might

have been more effective? Explain.



1) Why do the clothes the Indians get from England make hunger and unhappiness?

2) At the rally, what do the Indians do with their British made clothing?

3) According to the British admiral’s daughter, what do the workers in England

think about Gandhi’s boycott of British-made clothing?

4) Why does Gandhi call for an end to the independence campaign?

5) How does Gandhi get the Indians to stop their violence?

6) On what grounds is Gandhi arrested? Define this term.

7) How long a prison sentence is Gandhi given?

8) How old was Gandhi when he and his wife were married?

9) What is Gandhi's next act of civil disobedience?

10) Why are the destination and date of arrival of the march important?

AFTER VIEWING: Explain why "an eye for an eye makes people blind."



1) What is the response of the British to the Indians making salt?

2) How many Indians are arrested?

3) What happens to the Indians who try to shut down the salt works?

4) Why does Gandhi go to England?

5) Why won't Gandhi try and break from England during World War II?

6) Why do the soldiers arrest Gandhi's wife?

7) According to Gandhi, what is the "worst form of violence"?

8) Does Gandhi believe that Hitler could be defeated using non-violence?

9) What happens to Gandhi's wife?

AFTER VIEWING: Describe some of the ways in which Gandhi fought

to make injustice visible to the world.



1) Gandhi claims to be a member of which religious groups?

2) Who does Gandhi want to become the first prime minister of India?

3) When does the fighting break out on the India/Pakistan border?

4) After the meeting about the fighting, to what city does Gandhi go?

5) What does the newspaper headline say that Gandhi is going to do?

6) What does the voice in the crowd say to spark a reply from Nehru of, "Kill me first!"?

7) On his sickbed, when Gandhi is asked what he wants, what is his reply?

8) What do the Hindus drop at Gandhi's feet?

9) What does Gandhi suggest to the Hindu man who is worried about going to hell

because he has killed a Muslim child?

10) What is done with Gandhi's body after he is killed?

AFTER VIEWING: Why are great leaders so often in danger of being
