Croft House Surgery Consultation

Colne Valley Group Practice is one of the practices that serve the population of Marsden, Standedge, Slaithwaite, Linthwaite, Bradshaw and Scammonden. The Practice manages two surgeries: Croft House Surgery based in Slaithwaite and Marsden Health Centre based in Marsden.

The team includes five GP partners, two nurse practitioners, practice nurses and health care assistants as well as our practice manager, secretaries and reception staff.

Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) is working with the practice to support this consultation. CCGs are the group responsible for planning and buying healthcare services for the local population.

Many of you will know that the Croft House doctors have been looking at alternative premises for some time we are really pleased that the CCG has chosen to support our move to the Globe Mill development.

We feel that we are unable to provide the care we would like due to the existing facilities at Croft house, particularly the access and parking. We feel that the move would mean we can provide the service that we want to provide.Patients will still be able to be seen at the new practice or at Marsden Health Centre.

We hope that you would support us in the move from the current Croft House site to the Globe Mill site.

-Drs Benson, Hindle, Hoddinott, Ring and Crippin

What is the consultation about?

Colne Valley Group Practice would like to move from Croft House to better premises in the local area. The consultation is about the potential move of Croft House Surgery.

Croft House Surgery is based in Slaithwaite, Huddersfield and has been a GP practice since 1963. The building was a former mill owner’s home located on Manchester Road (A62) in Slaithwaite.

Over the years there have been a number of improvements to the building. The building has been extended into the cottages next door and a car park has been added nearby. However the building is no longer able to provide the modern facilities a GP practice needs and a decision has been made to find new premises.

The document tells youwhy a new building is needed and more about a proposed move to the ground floor of Globe Millsin Slaithwaite village centre.

Why do we need to move location?

The practice believes that a move to new premises will improve services for both patients and staff. The current building is no longer suitable and there are a number of problems;

  • The building has a number of access issues, including a large number of stairs and steps. This is a problem for disabled and older people and those with pushchairs.
  • The consultation rooms are small, which limits the care that can be provided in them and the waiting room does not offer any privacy for patients wanting to have confidential conversations
  • There is limited parking on site and the car park is not very easy to access.
  • Kirklees Planning Department has said because of the lack of off-street parking, more changes will not be possible. This means the practice canno longer improve the building or extend the property further.

The practice has been looking for a new location for many years in the same location. Globe Mills is a newly refurbished Mill which can offer facilities that the practice feelswould bebetter for staff and patients.

We want to make sure that a change of location to Globe Mills is the right thing to do for patients and staff. We are really keen to hear your views about the proposal.

What have people already told us?

In January 2015 NHS England worked with Colne Valley Family Doctors (now Colne Valley Group Practice)to gather views on a possible change of location. Feedback was gathered on comment cards and a poster and display were put upin the reception of both Croft House Surgery and Marsden Health Centre.

The practice receiveda very small number of responses to this engagement but from those responding;

  • The majority supported the potential move, noting; access, parking, disabled facilities, regeneration and protecting the town’s heritage
  • There were some concerns and questions such aswould the pharmacy move and how close would the practice be to Slaithwaite Health Centre.
  • Patients also stated that the location of Croft Houseis near a regular bus route, and that parking near Globe Mills could be a problem.
  • Patients wanted more information to get involved.

The Patient Reference Group also discussed the potential relocation on a number of occasions and supported the engagement.

What is theproposal?

The proposal is to relocate Croft House Surgery to Globe Mills, Slaithwaite. This would be a move of the existing practice based at Croft House Surgery into a new building. Marsden Health Centre would not change.

The reason we think this proposal would work is because:

Globe Mills is about 0.2 miles closer to Slaithwaite village centre than the existing building. It takes about 5 minutes to walk between the two buildings (although we know it would take some people more than that).

Globe Mills is closer to the railway station and village bus-stops, but further from the A62 bus stops, than Croft House. There would be a bridge built over the canal to link Globe Mills to the village centre.

The building would offer level access parking and additional parking spaces. There would be designated disabled parking bays

There is enough space for the practice to have an adjoining pharmacy

A new building may allow for more services to be improved over time as there will be better facilities and more space.

We would like to know if you think we have thought about everythingwhen we came up with this proposal. We also want to understand if the proposal would have any impact on people that we should have thought about or may not have considered.

What other options did we have?

Colne Valley Group Practicehad run out of options to improve Croft House Surgery. Staying at Croft House Surgery was not considered as an option. The reasons for this are explained under the heading ‘why do we need to move location’ at the beginning of the document.

One of the other possible options was to move the surgery to Slaithwaite Health Centre. However after some thought this was ruled out because:

There would be a big cost to improveand extend the building

Improving the building could take longer than finding a building ready to move into

There would be impact on current patients of Slaithwaite Health Centre which would cause disruption, noise or temporary closure for building work.

Colne ValleyPractice has also been looking for some time for a building or land that is suitable for a new practice. There is very little flat land in the area or buildings big enough and with suitable accessfor a surgery. Globe Mills does meet these requirements and offers a great opportunity to dramatically improve our facilities.

What happens next?

Once we have received all the responses to the consultation, we will review them and consider what people have told us. Thepractice will then need to make a decision with the support of the CCGwhich is likely to be in summer.

The practice will let people know the outcome of any decision on the practice website and in the practice waiting room. The CCG will publish any decision on its website.

How can you have your say?

After reading this consultation document, you can have your say by completing our survey:


By phone: Practice phone number

By post:


Croft house Surgery Consultation (X15)

Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group

Broad Lea House

Dyson Wood Way




The closing date for the consultation is 12 noon on Wednesday 4thApril 2018.


It is important that we consult on the proposal to move Croft House Surgery to Globe Mills. We want to ensure that we have considered everything before making a decision. By answering the questions below it will help us to understand more about you, your thoughts on our proposal and if itwould have an impact on you or your household.We really would like your views to help us make our decision.

About you

1.Please tell us the first part of your postcode (e.g. HD3, HX3)
2. I am answering this survey as:
A patient
A carer of a patient
A member of staff
Other (please tell us)
3. Which of the practices do you use most?
Croft House Surgery only / Marsden Health Centre only / Both
Croft House Surgery and Marsden Health Centre / Does not apply to me

About the proposal to change the practice location

We would like to propose that a move to Globe Mills is the best available option for Croft House Surgery. With this option in mind we would like you to answer the following questions to help us understand if this option will help us to provide the best possible solution for our surgery.

4. Did you understand the information in this document, and did you have enough information about our proposal?
Yes / No / Don’t know
5. In developing our proposal do you think we have missed anything?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If Yes please tell us more:
6. Do you think there were any other alternative options we could have thought of or considered?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If you answered Yes please tell us more:
7. Would the decision to move to Globe Mills have an impact on you or your family?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If Yes please tell us more:
8. Do you agree with our proposal to move to Globe Mills?
Yes / No / Don’t know
If Noor don’t knowplease tell us more:
9. Is there anything else you want to tell us about our proposal to move location?

Equality monitoring

In order to ensure that we provide the right services and that we avoid discriminating against any section of our community, it is important for us to gather the following information. No personal information will be released when reporting statistical data and data will be protected and stored securely in line with data protection rules. This information will be kept confidential.

1. What sex are you?
Male Female
Prefer not to say
2. How old are you?
Example / 42
Prefer not to say
3. Which country were you born in?
Prefer not to say
4. Do you belong to any religion?
No religion
Other (Please specify in the box below)
Prefer not to say / 5. What is your ethnic group?
Asian or Asian British:
Other Asian background (please specify)
Black or Black British:
Other Black background (please specify)
Mixed or multiple ethnic groups:
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Other mixed background (please specify)
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Other White background (please specify)
Other ethnic groups:
Any other ethnic group (please specify)
Prefer not to say
6. Do you consider yourself to be disabled?
Yes No
Prefer not to say
Type of impairment:
Please tick all that apply
Physical or mobility impairment
(such as using a wheelchair to get around and / or difficulty using their arms)
Sensory impairment
(such as being blind / having a serious visual impairment or being deaf / having a serious hearing impairment)
Mental health condition
(such as depression or schizophrenia)
Learning disability
(such as Downs syndrome or dyslexia) or cognitive impairment (such as autism or head-injury)
Long term condition
(such as cancer, HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy)
Prefer not to say
7. Are you a carer?
Do you look after, or give any help or support to a family member, friend or neighbour because of a long term physical disability, mental ill-health or problems related to age?
Yes No
Prefer not to say / 8. Are you pregnant?
Yes No
Prefer not to say
9. Have you given birth in the last 6 months?
Yes No
Prefer not to say
10. What is your sexual orientation?
Bisexual (both sexes)
Gay (same sex)
Heterosexual/straight (opposite sex)
Lesbian (same sex)
Prefer not to say
11. Are you transgender?
Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assumed at birth?
Yes No
Prefer not to say

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Please return to:


Croft house Surgery Consultation (X15)

Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Group

Broad Lea House

Dyson Wood Way




Please return no later than the closing date for the consultation which is 12 noon on Wednesday 4th April 2018. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any responses after this date.