Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter

2621 6th Street Suite 2Santa Monica, CA90405

(310) 450-8397 Office  (310) 450-0548 FAX

Software and Validation Manual

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 introduction


How to Install the Software 2

The Data Entry & Feedback Report Screen3


Creating and Saving Results7

Chapter 3 scales, Reliability & validity

Development of the In-Basket8

In-Basket Scales9

In-Basket Norms12



Interpretation of the Feedback Report16

Administration & Scoring Instructions17

Statement of Appropriate Use 18

Inbasket Administration Instructions22





he Organizational Performance Dimensions (OPD) Managerial In-Basket Simulation is a skills-based performance simulation measuring critical task and project management competencies of supervisors and managers. The Managerial In-Basket Simulationis ideal for executive development, management training, pre-supervisory programs, career development, and learning resource centers.

Recently revised, two new parallel versions are now available for manufacturing and service industries. The OPD Managerial In-Basket Simulationreliably measures eight key supervisory and management competencies including 1) Initiative; 2) Interpersonal Sensitivity; 3) Delegation; 4) Administrative Control/Follow-Up; 5) Strategic Problem-Analysis; 6) Decisiveness; 7) Judgment; and 8) Planning/Organizing. The Managerial In-Basket Simulationhas demonstrated high inter-rater reliability (.93) and criterion-related validity with supervisory and assessment center performance ratings (average r=.27) in a number of recent studies.

The OPD Managerial In-Basket Simulationis easily scored by hand (using the objective scoring key). With purchase of our Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program(Windows Version), you can quickly generate comprehensive feedback reports that summarize strengths and suggest specific developmental recommendations in each of the eight task and project management competencies.



Software Features

How to Install the Software


he Organizational Performance Dimensions (OPD) Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program is easy to install and use. The features of the software, including report generation, are summarized below.

Installation Steps

  1. Reboot your computer and insert Installation Disk #1 in your floppy disk drive.
  1. Click on “Start” and then “Run” on the Windows menu.
  1. Type a:/setup and click on the “OK” key.
  1. Enter the name of your company when prompted and then follow the instructions as they come up on the screen.
  1. Your Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program has now been successfully installed.

The Data Entry & Feedback Report Screen


The data entry and feedback report screen is shown above. The program maintains separate in-basket scores for each respondent in files that you can create and save by company or department. The data can be easily exported to any spreadsheet or statistical program for easy analysis to assist you in developing your own company-specific norms or for conducting validation research studies.

This software program allows for various printing options including Managerial In-Basket Simulation administration instructions, OPD norms and scoring ranges, a one-page graphic summary, and a full narrative feedback report. These options are available by clicking on the “Reports” option at the top of the screen.

In-basket scores are entered directly from the objective scoring key provided with purchase of either the manufacturing/production version (Hutec) or the service version (Servcom). Raw scores from the scoring key are typed into the appropriate in-basket scales shown on the screen.


This function opens an existing company file containing individual in-basket scores that have been saved. Reports can be produced at any time for these individuals.


This function closes an existing company file containing individual in-basket scores that have been saved. This function should be used before exiting the Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program.


This function creates a new company or department file to store in-basket scores. You will be prompted to provide an abbreviated name for the company or department file. It will then prompt you to provide the complete name of the company or department.


This function will repair a file you are working on that might have been damaged due to a computer “crash” or problem that you experienced. Typically you will need to shut down and restart the program and “click” on this function and the appropriate organizational file you were working on to repair any damage that might have been done to the file. You will be prompted to continue after the file has been repaired.


This function allows you to add a respondent’s set of scores on the in-basket directly from the scoring key. To add a respondent’s set of scores, you must first have enough “authorizations” that have been pre-purchased directly from Organizational Performance Dimensions (OPD). (See the following section below for more information about purchase of “authorizations” for feedback report generation.) To use this feature, point and click on the section of the data entry screen where the respondent’s name is to be entered. Then click on “Add” icon to begin creating a database file for the respondent that includes his/her scores on each of the in-basket scales.


This function allows you to edit scores after they have been saved for each respondent. Click on the “Edit” icon first and then edit the appropriate score(s).


This function deletes an existing company file containing individual in-basket scores that have been saved.


This function exports an existing company file containing individual in-basket scores that have been saved. This exported file is saved in the directory containing the OPD Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program files in an ASCII forma for further statistical and data analysis.


These functions allow you to scroll through existing company files containing individual in-basket scores that have been previously saved.


This function allows you to search for a particular respondent that has been saved within a company or organizational file. By clicking on “ok” you will be able to bring the respondent’s raw scores to the data entry and report screen shown above allowing you to generate either graphic or narrative feedback reports at any time.


This function allows you to browse and explore all files containing individual in-basket scores that have been saved.


This function allows you to print the one-page summary graphic for the individual shown on the data entry and report generation screen. This one-page graphic summary can be printed either to the screen or to your printer.


This function allows you to generate and print an overall summary feedback report. To generate either a one-page graphic of the in-basket results or the entire summary feedback report, click on “Reports” at the top of the data entry and feedback report screen.

Administration Date

This function allows you to input the date the Managerial In-Basket Simulation was administered. Just click on this icon and then “double click” on the date to automatically add the administration date.


This function allows you to exit the Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program.


This function allows you to stop or abort the Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program without exiting.


FILE: Allows you to open existing files and create new data files.

VIEW:Allows you to view and browse in-basket data files.

REPORTS:Allows you to print the one-page graphic or entire summary feedback report, in-basket administrative instructions, and in-basket norms. This feature allows for either black and white or color printing of both the one-page graphic report or summary feedback report to either your printer or directly to the screen. To generate and print the entire summary feedback report, just click on this option in the menu presented.

SETUP:Allows you to change the company or department name of your files.


In order to generate Managerial In-Basket Feedback Reports, you must purchase “authorizations” for each individual scored. Contact Organizational Performance Dimensions (OPD) for the purchase of additional authorizations. You may purchase authorizations of any quantity at any time. You will be unable to save and generate new reports without available authorizations. To proceed with the authorization procedure, just click on the ‘Key” icon on the data entry screen and call OPD at 1-800-538-7628 or click on “authorizations” at our website at:

Creating and Saving Results


  1. Click on the “New” icon on the entry screen.
  2. You will be asked to provide a file name for your company or department.
  3. You will be asked for the full name of your company or department.
  4. You are now ready to enter in-basket results for your particular company or department directly from the scoring key.


  1. Click the “Open” icon on the entry screen.
  2. Search for the name of your company or department file.
  3. Click on the name of your company or department.
  4. Click the “Add” icon on the entry screen.
  5. Add results of the in-basket directly from the scoring key.
  6. Click the “Save” icon on the entry screen.
  7. You are now ready either to print reports or exit the software program.
  8. To exit the software program, first click on the “Close” icon to close the company or department file you are working on. Click on the “Exit” icon to exit the In-Basket Feedback Reporter software program.



Scales, Reliability and Validity

The Organizational Performance Dimensions (OPD) Managerial In-Basket Simulationhas established reliability and validity based on several research studies. The Managerial In-Basket Simulation was designed to assess eight task and project management skill areas or competencies required for effective management performance. Each skill area or competency was derived from a systematic job analysis procedure described below.

Development of the OPD Managerial In-Basket Simulation

The Managerial In-Basket Simulationwas based on extensive job analyses of supervisory and management positions in several large service, manufacturing, and aerospace companies in Los Angeles in 1990. Incumbent supervisors and managers were initially interviewed regarding the major job tasks associated with his/her position. A comprehensive job task activity questionnaire was constructed which summarized critical tasks, knowledge, skills, and abilities for the supervisory and management positions. The job task activity questionnaire asked incumbents to rate both the relative importance and frequency of each of the job related tasks and critical behaviors derived from the initial job analysis interviews.

The job task activity questionnaire was distributed to 125 incumbent supervisors and managers from several participating companies. The job task activity questionnaire was statistically analyzed by the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). A set of critical supervisory and management competencies were identified in four areas: Interpersonal, Communications, Task Management, and Decision-Making/Problem-Solving.

Content validity was derived by developing typical supervisory and managerial problems, concerns, and situations that emerged from the job analysis interviews. A total of 23 in-basket items were developed assessing eight competencies. Each are briefly summarized below.

In-Basket Scales


Initiative is defined as the ability to influence events to achieve specific outcomes through individual actions (i.e., originates action rather than waiting for direction from others). Individuals who take initiative tend to make plans, decisions, and solve problems without waiting for direction from others.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension made decisions, took actions, and delegated assignments to others indicating a willingness to frequently take initiative. These individuals did not express hesitation to act and make decisions on their own in specific situations. For example, those with high scores tended to request additional information about a problem or decide to hold a special meeting to resolve an important issue. Individuals with low scores did not tend to take such actions or make such decisions as frequently.


Interpersonal sensitivity is defined as the ability to take actions that indicate consideration for the feelings and needs of others. Some demonstrations of sensitive behaviors include: asking questions about work and nonwork activities, expressing concern about problems, taking an interest in others, and making decisions that take into account the feelings of others.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension tended to respond in writing to others in a manner that expressed caring and empathy in the handling of specific interpersonal situations and problems. High scores suggest more frequent demonstration of written praise, compliments, positive feedback, and recognition than towards others than those with low scores. For example, individuals with high scores might have written a note of congratulations to an employee for exceptional performance or expressed sensitivity in not approving a vacation request .


Organizing, Planning, and Scheduling are defined as the ability to effectively schedule time and establish a course of action to accomplish specific goals for self or others.

Individuals who scored high in this inbasket dimension demonstrated the ability to effectively manage their time, organize their schedule, and plan for future activities. These individuals approached the inbasket simulation by prioritizing each item rather than attempting to tackle them in the order they were placed. Individuals with high scores tended to demonstrate the effective use of planning tools by utilizing the monthly calendar or preparing an action item list of meeting dates and phone calls to be made.


Delegation is defined as the ability to allocate necessary authority and resources to subordinates in order to accomplish a task, assignment, or project.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension demonstrated the ability to select the appropriate individual to delegate tasks, projects, and assignments. Individuals who scored high also demonstrated good judgment in determining what was to be delegated in specific situations (e.g., making specific decisions, researching pertinent information, etc.). For example, individuals with high scores tended to select the right subordinate to carry out appropriate assignments in their absence and specified clear actions to be taken in writing. Those with low scores tended to take action or make decisions themselves rather than delegate these to others on many inbasket items.


Followup/administrative control is defined as the ability to develop procedures to track & monitor activities, tasks, and delegated assignments on a timely manner.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension demonstrated the ability to monitor and followup on tasks, projects, and delegated assignments to others. For example, these individuals wrote notes on their calendars to check on the progress of an assignment or delegated a task to their subordinate with specific outcomes and progress to be reported on. Individuals with low scores tended to delegate a great deal of authority and responsibility but did not attempt to implement formal or informal feedback mechanisms to check the progress of the task or assignment very often.


Problem Analysis is defined as the ability to accurately define a problem, gather and analyze information relevant to the problem, and determine possible causes and solutions to the problem.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension demonstrated the ability to see relationships between inbasket items, and correctly identify incongruent dates, times, and meetings. For example, individuals with high scores might have written a note to someone pointing out a potential meeting conflict and asking to change the date and/or time in order to accommodate their schedule. Individuals who scored high might also have linked several inbasket items together that were logically connected to each other by the people involved or the specific problem mentioned. Individuals with low scores tended not to point out the various scheduling conflicts or relationships between various inbasket items.


Decisiveness is defined as the ability and willingness to make a decision, render judgments, or take actions when required.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension demonstrated the capacity to make quick and numerous decisions when presented with the opportunity. These individuals actually made a greater number of decisions than those with lower scores on this dimension. Individuals who scored lower tended to ask for more information before making a decision or taking action whether or not it was appropriate to do so. A highly decisive individual generally is characterized as taking in a small to moderate amount of information and assimilating that data or information quickly. Such individuals tend to arrive at a single focused solution rather than multiple or prioritized solutions.


Judgment is defined as the ability to make decisions of high quality and consider alternative courses of action based upon available information and logical assumptions.

Individuals who scored high on this inbasket dimension demonstrated the ability to correctly identify the highest quality decisions and actions given the information available to them. These individuals tended to take actions considered being most appropriate given the specific information available to them in the inbasket exercise.

In-Basket Norms