School Fundraising

The following is confirmed after meeting with SJB PTFA executive committee & visitation and discussion with the school teachers:

Event: St John Bosco Carnival

In aid of School Capital Development : Cementing of School Front & upgrading School Facilities

Target: $5,000 per House Colour

Theme: “Celebrating God’s Gifts, with our Children”

Date : 8-9 October, 2010. (Fiji Day public holiday long weekend).

Program (Draft):

Friday 8th October

4.00pm Mass

5.00pm Welcome Speech – Master Rafa, SJB Headteacher.

Opening Address - PPC Chairman

Stall Activities


10.00pm Closing Prayer – Vakavuvuli.

Day 1 program ends.

Saturday 9th October

9.00am Opening Prayer – Master Manu

Welcome speech – Basil Veresoni, PTFA President

10.00am Opening Soli – SJB Old Scholars

10.30am 1st Call – Red; Yellow; Green; Blue

1.30pm Parade of Queens to main stage

Introduction by Queens and who they representing

2.45pm Closing Soli – Blue; Green; Yellow; Red

Announcement of Total Funds raised – PFC Chairman.

Crowning of Miss St John Bosco – Special Guest

Closing Address – School Manager, Fr George Ting

3.30pm Closing Prayer – School Student (Head prefect)

End of bazaar.

·  Each of the four Parish Sectors will the support the school house colours as follows:

Sector1 – RED Sector 2 – YELLOW Sector 3 – GREEN Sector 4 – BLUE

·  Entertainment in between & invitation is open to any Class, Group or Area.

·  Special request for students with talents in singing, playing guitar or those who can recite their own poems to take the stage.

·  A class 8 student to speak on “Memories of SJB” while a Class 1 or 2 student will speak on his/her vision of SJB when he/she reaches Class 8.

·  Main Prize will be crown for the queen, plus giveaway prizes on the day (will confirm details as bazaar date draw nears)

2010 Bazaar Organizing Committee