COSCAP-NA 2nd Steering Committee meeting


Discussion Paper


1.1The purpose of this paper is to suggest implementation of a cooperative OJT programme under COSCAP-NA to improve the surveillance activities of aviation Safety Inspectors of Airworthiness and Operations.


2.1Training of Aviation Safety Inspectors(ASI) should be regarded with utmost importance, keeping in mind the significance of the ASIs’ role in ensuring the continuing airworthiness of aircraft.

2.2In an effort to enhance ASI’s ability for better oversight in safety of flights and operations, Civil Aviation Safety Administration(CASA) has been developing the necessary training program for the ASIs of Airworthiness and Operation.

2.3Recently, joint On-the-Job field training with China was successfully accomplished with FAA’s assistance at San Francisco, U.S. Another OJT in the U.S. is scheduled to take place in February 2004 with the cooperation of FAA Field Office.


2.1CASA would like to suggest COSCAP-NA to organize a similar training program in the near future, as part of its support activities for the member States.

2.2The suggested training might be field-oriented, providing hands-on experience at airports, aircraft and/or maintenance facilities while minimizing classroom training. Attached is an example of areas of training for review and comment of the Steering Committee.

2.3The site for the training may be determined through coordination between COSCAP-NA and the memberStates, considering the availability of resources and timing in the particular area.

2.4It is proposed that the expert to lead this program in the operation field be CTA, Captain Len Cormier and the for Airworthiness be the ICAO Airworthiness Expert who should join the programme shortly.

3.Action bythe Meeting

3.1The Meeting is invited to presentany advice or comments for implementing the OJT program in the North Asiaregion.

Attachment I

Proposed OJT requirements for

Aviation Safety Inspectors


Priority /


/ Surveillance Work Resource
- Budget
Annual Inspection Planning

- Work Activities Arrangement(R & P-Items)

- Inspection Frequency
Inspection Management
- Evaluation
- Monitoring
Inspection Data Management
- System Operations
- Data Analysis
Base Inspections

- Procedure

- Guidance Materials
Ramp Inspections

- Foreign Operators

- Procedure & Guidance Materials
En Route Inspections
- Cockpit/Cabin En Route Inspection Items
- Procedure & Guidance Materials
Station Facility Inspections
- Inspection Practices
- Procedure & Guidance Materials


- Operator’s Program Review
- Procedure & Guidance Materials

Cabin Safety Inspection

- Cabin Safety Inspector’s Job Function
- Inspection Procedure & Guidance Materials


/ Inspection During Airline Unrest Condition
- Surveillance Plan
- Report & Analysis Function

Operational Control Inspections

- Inspection at Line Stations

- Procedure & Guidance Materials

Flight Release Inspections

- Operator’s Procedure Review

- Procedure & Guidance Materials

Cargo Inspections

- Inspection Areas

- Procedure & Guidance Materials

MEL Inspections

- MEL/CDL Review
- Procedure & Guidance Materials
DG Handling Inspections

- Inspection Practices

- Procedure & Guidance Materials


/ Crew & Dispatcher Records Inspections

- Inspection Practices

- Procedure & Guidance Materials

Manual Inspections

- Manual Classification

- Inspection Practices

Training Program Inspections

- Inspection Practices

- Procedure & Guidance Materials

Operator Trip Records Inspections

- Operator Trip Records Requirements

- Inspection Practices

Priority / Tasks
High /
PMI/PAI Functions and Roles
Planning Annual ASIs Surveillance Activities
Method of Assigning ASIs to Operators
Operator's Operations Specification Issue and Manage
Evaluate/Monitor CAMP(Continuous Airworthiness Maintenance Program)
Evaluate/Monitor CAS(Continued Analysis & Surveillance) Program
Spot Inspection of Operator's Aircraft
Ramp Inspection of Operator's Aircraft
Cockpit/Cabin En Route Inspection
Inspect Operator's Maintenance Records
Evaluate/inspect/monitor ETOPS Aircraft
Detailed Process/Task Inspection
Inspect SUP program & Detection SUP(Suspected Unapproved Parts)
Medium / Evaluate management personal qualification
Evaluate company manual
Evaluate maintenance training program
Inspect Operator's Maintenance Facility
Monitor Operator's Refueling Procedures
Inspect Communication Stations
Monitor Flight Data Recorder
Monitor Cockpit Voice Recorder
Inspect Avionics Test Equipment
Approve/Inspect Reliability Program
Inspect Altimeter Setting source
Monitor Approved Avionics Software Changes
Low / Inspect Private aircraft Maintenance Records
Inspect General Aviation Air Carrier
Inspect General Aviation Aircraft Maintenance Records
Monitor Designated Airworthiness Representative
Process Service Difficulty Report
Process Malfunction or Defect Report
Review Operator's MIS(Mechanical Interruption Summary) Report

16 October 2003 1