Aligning Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Campus: 2nd Language Arts (Writing) August 16-18 Week 1
Writing Process2.17A Plan a first draft by generating ideas for writing (e.g., drawing, sharing ideas, listing key ideas).
2.17B Develop drafts by sequencing ideas through writing sentences.
2.17 E Publish and share writing with others.
2.18A Write brief stories that include a beginning, middle, and end.
2.21A Understand and use the following parts of speech in the context of reading, writing, and speaking
A.I Verbs (past, present, and future)
A.ii Nouns ( singular/plural, common/proper)
A.v prepositions and prepositional phrases
A,vii Time order transition words (see list on TRS)
B. Use complete sentences with correct subject-verb agreement.
Handwriting, Capitalization, Punctuation
2.22A Write legibly leaving appropriate margins for readability.
2.22B.i Capitalization for: proper nouns
2.22B.ii Capitalization for: months and days of the week
2.22Ci Recognize and use punctuation marks: ending punctuation in sentences (. ! ? )
2.28A Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information.
2.28B Follow, restate, and give oral instructions that involve a short related sequence of actions.
2.22A: Share information and ideas by speaking audibly and clearly using the conventions of speech.
2.29A Share information and ideas that focus on the topic under discussion, speaking clearly at an appropriate pace, using the conventions of language.
2.30A Follow agreed-upon rules for discussion, including listening to others, speaking when recognized, and making appropriate contributions. / SEs paraphrased in student language (“I can…”)
I can sit and listen appropriately during a writing mini-lesson.
I can personalize my own writer’s notebook.
I can generate ideas for my writing. / Curricular assessment aligned to SEs
Teacher Observations
Heart Map
Use of academic language by teacher
Academic Language
English: writer’s notebook, writer’s workshop, generate, map
/ Use of academic language by students (sentence stems)
I can draw/write about…
My heart map is where I…
Writing workshop expectations are… /
Questions that promote higher-level thinking/rigor:
What does Writing Workshop look like?Why would you use a heart map?
Models of SEs available to students
Anchor charts.
Teacher’s model of the heart map
Possible mentor texts for first 20 days
Ralph Tells a Story by Abby Hanlon: Useful for idea generation and motivation.
Alexander and Terrible, Horrible… by Viorst for examples of a personal story
Shortcut by Donald Crews useful as an example of focusing on one story
A House for Hermit Crab by Eric Carle, Use for adding details
The Best Stories by Eileen Spinelli: useful for heart map
The Paperboy by Dave Pillkey: useful for details
No, David by David Shannon: useful for creating idea maps and details in pictures / Instruction that promotes high expectations and explicitly teaches the SE:
Creating anchor chart /
Differentiated Instruction
Struggling StudentsRe-Teach
GT Students
Teach captioning
Share Writing
ELL Students
Pictures with Vocabulary
Dyslexic or Sped Students
Small Group Activities:
Students who require re-teach will be pulled into small groups for increased discussion and modeling.
Setting up the Writing Workshop Expectations / Mini-lesson: Share explanation about writer’s workshop using the 10-10-10 model. Draw a chart with 3 sections and illustrate the 3 parts of the process: mini-lesson, drawing/writing/sharing.
Talk through these expectations. Tell a short story about yourself. Model how to take the story and turn it into a drawing.
Following anchor chart is just an example to provide ideas.
Writing Workshop
Mini lesson / Writing / Sharing
· Writers gathered on carpet
· Writers listening respectfully
· Teacher talking, drawing, and writing / · Students at tables
· Writer’s notebooks on desk
· Pencils ready
· Students working independently / · Quiet voices
· Brains thinking
· Pencils writing
· Writers sharing their writing with each other
· Celebrating writing
Writing: Hand out loose paper to students. Students spend 10 minutes drawing
Sharing: Regroup and share for 10 minutes. Model how we sit, listen, and share.
Review, Revisit, and Practice WW Expectations while personalizing writer’s notebook / Mini-lesson: Review anchor chart from previous day. Focus on appropriate behavior during sharing time. Explain that only a few students will get to share daily. Tell students that still bodies and listening ears, and eye contact make good listeners. Model how to decorate the writer’s notebook by tracing their name on the front and personalizing the cover with pictures. Ask students for ideas for your notebook (hearts, self portrait, designs)
Writing: Students will personalize their writer’s notebook.
Sharing: Gather students together for sharing. Review expectations. Choose a few students to share. Explain that only a few students will get to share. Celebrate students who are participating correctly during your author’s chair.
Create a heart map for students to use as idea generator / Miin-lesson: Model the use of a heart map. Explain to students that this map will help you remember and record parts of your life that are important. Create a large heart map on chart paper and begin to add some pictures. Think aloud as to how what is in your heart leads you to think of stories. Example “dog”. Draw a dog in your heart and tell students a story about your dog. Family; tell students about a story about your family. Ask students for ideas of some pictures that you could put on your heart map.
Writing: Students will add some pictures in their heart map. Move about the room to clarify the directions to students who may need to hear instructions more than once. This heart map can be glued or stapled into the front pages of the writer’s notebook.
Sharing: Call students to the carpet for sharing. Review appropriate listening expectations. Explain that only a few students will be able to share each day.