Latin American and Caribbean Center
Florida International University
University Park
Miami, Florida 33199
Home Phone: (786) 263-0086 Email:
Degree Institution Field Dates
Doctor of Arts New York University Dance 1985
Dissertation: Medicine Wheel: Ritual Dance Drama and the Oglala Sioux Sun Dance
MA McGill University, Montreal English 1970
Thesis: A Study of the Work of D.H. Lawrence in Relation to Hindu Thought
BA University of Miami, Florida English 1969
University of Sheffield, England English, Psychology 1967-69
Institution Rank Field Dates
Florida International University Associate Prof Dance Present-Jan.95
FIU/New World School of the Arts Assistant Prof Dance Aug.1994-90
Institution Rank Field Dates
University of Miami Lecturer Anthropology 1989
New World School of the Arts Assistant Prof Dance 1988-86
University of Miami Lecturer Dance 1989
Dade County Public Consultant
Schools Talented Program;
NWSA/Dance 1989-86
Miami-Dade Community Instructor/Dance 1990-86
College; High School of
Performing and Visual
Arts (PAVAC)
The Santa Fe Reporter,N.M. Freelance dance critic 1985
St. John's College, Santa Fe Instructor; Dance 1985-83
Community College, NM
Santa Fe American Indian School Dance and English 1983-82
Pojoaque Valley Elem., NM Artist-in-Residence 1981
(funded by New Mexico Arts Division)
University of Miami Artist-in-Residence; Dance 1980
University of New Mexico
Northern Branch; Northern New
Mexico Community College
Los Alamos and Santa Fe, NM Instructor, Modern Dance, English 1980-74
Refereed Journal Articles
Seidel, Andrea. Dancing Across Disciplines: A 21st Century Model for Educational Reform in the Academy. Journal of Dance Education, 7 (4), December, 2007 pp. 118-126.
Seidel, Andrea. Transcending Cultural Boundaries: The Sun Dance of the Oglala Sioux and Medicine Wheel: A Contemporary Dance Drama, American Dance, 2, Northwestern University Press: Evanston, Illinois, 2 (1), 1986, pp. 22-26.
Solicited Essays
Seidel, Andrea. Dancing with Tzijola: Cultural Crossroads from Miami to Chichicastenango,Guatemala, Tucson, Arizona, Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, September, 2003.
Seidel, Andrea. Isadora Duncan Dance: The Revolution of An Artist in Russia, l905-2003,
Tucson, Arizona, Cross-Cultural Dance Resources, December, 2003.
Conference Proceedings (refereed, peer-reviewed)
Seidel, Andrea. Florida State University, Encounters across Cultures and Communities: El Grupo Cultural Uk’Ux Pop Wuj de Maya and the Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble. Tallahassee, FL: Congress on Research in Dance Annual Conference Proceedings: Dance and Community, pp. 176-184, Spring 2005.
Seidel, Andrea. Integrating Mind, Body, and Spirit: Isadora Duncan Technique and Repertory for the 21st Century. Long Beach, California: National Conference of the National Dance Education Organization Conference Proceedings (CD-Rom), pp. 246-247, Oct. 18-22, 2006.
Seidel, Andrea. Miami as a Diasporic Hub for African Diaspora Dance and Culture: Politics, Problems and Possibilities of the Black Dancing Body. St. Kitts, Virgin Islands: International Conference of the Caribbean Studies Association, May 2004.
Seidel, Andrea. Dancing with Tzijola: Cultural Crossroads from Miami to Chichicastenango, Guatemala. Duke University, Durham, North Carolina. Society of Dance History Scholars Conference Proceedings Twenty-Seventh Annual Conference, pp. 76-82, June 17-20, 2004.
Seidel, Andrea. Dancing Across Disciplines: Alliance Between Area Studies and Dance in the Intercultural Community. Georgetown University, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC: International Conference Proceedings: Dancing in the Millenium, pp. 307-31, July 19-23, 2000. (refereed, major international joint conference of 30 dance organizations)
Seidel, Andrea. The Intercultural Challenge in Teaching Dance History: A New Paradigm for the 21st Century, Provo, Utah: Society of Dance History Scholar Conference Proceedings, 1994.
Seidel, Andrea. Tradition and Choreographic Innovation: The Northwest Indian Spirit Dance. Tokyo, Japan: Japan Asia International Dance Conference Proceedings, pp. 417-426, 1993.
Seidel, Andrea. Eleanor King in Japan: Dance Bridging East-West. Tokyo, Japan: JapanAsia International Dance Conference Proceedings, pp. 294-303, August 2-6, 1993.
Seidel, Andrea. Recreation and Revival: Eleanor King's She: The Mothers Create. Rutgers University, State University of New Jersey: Dance Reconstructed: Modern Dance Art Past, Present, and Future Conference Proceedings, pp. 211-218 October 16, 17, 1992.
Seidel, Andrea. Eleanor King in Japan: Dance Bridging East-West. University of Riverside, Riverside, CA: Proceedings of Society of Dance History Scholars, Fifteenth Annual Conference, pp. 115-122, Feb. 14-15, l992.
Seidel, Andrea. Aesthetic Evaluation of Dance Performance: A Processual Model. Toronto, Canada: Congress on Research in Dance International Conference Proceedings, 1988.
Seidel, Andrea. The Oglala Sioux Sun Dance: In Search of the Sacred in a Profane World, New York University, NY: Congress on Research in Dance 20th Anniversary International Conference Proceedings, 1987, pp. 191-194.
Chapters in Edited Books
Seidel, Andrea. Crossing the Bridge from West to East, in Eleanor King: Sixty Years in American Dance, ed. Nicole Plett. La Puebla, NM: Moving Press, 1988.
Encyclopedia Entry
Seidel, Andrea. Amalia Hernandez. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture, 2ndEd,
Ed. by Joseph S. Tulchin, Farmington Hills, MI: Charles Scribner’s Sons/ Gale, 2007. Six volume reference encyclopedia.
Professional Educational Videotape/DVD’s
Seidel, Andrea. Masterworks of Isadora Duncan II, (1905-1923). Pennington, New Jersey: Princeton Book Company, Dance Horizons Book, DVD and Videos, fall 2008.
Produced, directed, and co-edited second volume of educational DVD commissioned and to be distributed nationally and internationally by Princeton Book Co. /Dance Horizons.
Seidel, Andrea. An Evening with Katherine Dunham. New York, NY: Insight Media, 2008.
Produced and co-directed educational DVD with permission of Marie-Christine Dunham and the Dunham estate.
Seidel, Andrea and Levien, Julia. Isadora Duncan Dance: Technique and Repertory. Pennington, New Jersey: Princeton Book Company, 1995.
Produced and co-directed educational videotape and DVD commissioned and widely distributed nationally and internationally by Princeton Book Co. as companion video to book by Julia Levien. Distinguished as New York Times Critics Pick
DVD Citations (for Isadora Duncan Dance: Technique and Repertory, 1995)
In Edsall, Mary E. A Core Collection in Dance. Chicago, Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2001, p. 69.
In Sheppard, William Anthony. Revealing Masks: Exotic Influences and Ritualized
Performances in Modernist Music Theater, Los Angeles: University of California Press,
2001, p. 276.
Critical ReviewsAbdullah, Halimah. "A Fresh Take on Classic Technique." The Tampa Times, 17 June 1996: 2B.
Angulo, Gildo Gonzales. "Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble." Cultura Por Esto, 7 May 2005. (Yucatan, Mexico)
Cassidy, Faith. “Isadora Duncan Dance-Technique and Repertory, New Videos and Audios, 1997.
Dunning, Jennifer. "Dance Review: American Indian Culture, Jazz Via Garth Fagan."
The New York Times, 5 August 1995.
Guzman, Tony. "Dance 2000.” Miami Beach Sun Post, February 2000. (Miami Beach, FL)
Guzman, Tony. "The Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble." Miami Beach Sun Post, May 3, 2002.
Jackson, George. “Terrace Theater, Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C.” Dance Magazine, February 1996.
Kaufman, Sarah. “The Expressive Legacy of Isadora Duncan.” Washington Post, 8 January 1996.
Levin, Jordan. "Isadora Duncan." The Miami Herald, 23 May 2005: 8E. (Miami, FL)
Levin, Jordan, “South Florida Needs a Truly Creative Dance Scene.” The Miami Herald,
23 March 2000: 4E.
Levin Jordan. "Dance Captures Human Spirit." The Miami Herald, 24 January 1999: 5B.
(Miami, FL)
Levin, Jordan. "Delight, Disappointment Dance Together at Shows." The Miami Herald,
27 June 1999: 2B.
Levin, Jordan. "Troupe Captures Sensuality of Duncan's Work." The Miami Herald,
27 April
Margolin, Yaron. “Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble.” NewsIsraelDance, May 22, 2002.
Morgenroth, Joyce. “Isadora Duncan Dance: Technique and Repertory.” Notes. June, l998, pp. 975, 976.
(peer-reviewed video review)
Parker, Clarissa. "Miami Dance Sampler 2000." Entertainment News & Views, 28 April 2000. (Miami, FL)
Perez, Guillermo. "Isadora Duncan Troupe Explores Stages of Femininity." Sun Sentinel, 21 May 2002. (Ft. Lauderdale)
Rivas, Paul. "Mujeres en la Danza Abrio con el Espirito de Duncan.” El Comercio, Quito, Ecuador,
10 March 2004: B6.
Zimmer, Elizabeth. "Hot Tickets." Village Voice, 5 September 1995.
“La Danza Se Posesiona de Quito.” La Hora , Quito, Ecuador. 11 March 2004.
“Isadora Duncan: Dance Ensemble la Libertad del Cuerpo.” Revista Hoy Domingo, No. 331, Quito, Ecuador,
March 2004.
Magazine and Newspaper Articles
Seidel, Andrea. ed. INDAMINews. Latin American and Caribbean Center, Florida International University, Miami: Fl, 2000-03. (Annual news publication of INDAMI)
Seidel, Andrea. Critics and Criticism; Sacred Dance of Namygal Monastery; The Art of
Isadora Duncan: A three-part Series; Hong Kong International Dance Festival
in Dancer, Miami, FL, 1989, 1990.
Seidel, Andrea. Silent Rhythm: Birju Maharaj; Aging Legacy: Joyce Trisler Company; Little Things That Count: Lucinda Childs Dance Company; On Critics and the Art of Criticism. The Santa Fe Reporter, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 1985.
Selected monthly previews and reviews of dance as dance critic
Book Reviews
Seidel, Andrea. National Rhythms, African Roots: The Deep History of Latin American Popular Dance. John Chasteen, in Journal of Latin American Anthropology, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 9 (2), 2004, pp. 216-218. Invited reviewer.
Seidel, Andrea. Samba in Hemisphere: A Journal of Latin-American Caribbean Studies, Miami, Florida: Florida International University, 3 (3), 1991, pp. 34-36.
Final Reports
Seidel, Andrea. Final Reports for 68 grants available on public record with grant agencies listed under Funded Research below, 1992-2006.
International Outside of Discipline
Seidel, Andrea. Miami as Cultural Axis of the Atlantic Rim: A Discourse on Expressive Culture and Issues of Marginalization and Empowerment. Transatlantic Information Exchange Service (TIESWeb) International Congress: “'Reshaping Transatlantic Relations for the 21st Century, Miami Children’s Museum, Miami, April 26-30, 2004.
Invited speaker for international conference of TiesWeb, Paris-based international think-tank sponsored by USIA, European Union/Commission and Parliament
Online speech:
Seidel, Andrea. Openings: Dance, Embodiment and Motion as Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Americas. Dallas, Texas: Latin American Studies Association International Conference, 2004. Juried paper.
International in Discipline
2001. Dance in the Social Context. San Jose, Costa Rica: World Dance Alliance Americas General Assembly and International Conference, 2001. Invited presenter/ panelist.
National in Discipline
2007. Airing of videotape, in part, Isadora Duncan Dance, Technique and Repertory, National Museum of Dance, Saratoga Springs.
2005. Innovative Dancers and Their Contributions: Isadora Duncan, Jose Limon, Martha Graham. Buffalo, New York: National Conference of the National Dance Education Organization, State University of New York. Panel presentation.
2004. Isadora Duncan Technique: Pedagogical Tools for Cultivating Presence, Self-Integration, Organic Flow, and Community in Dance. National Conference of the National Dance Education Organization Conference Proceedings (CD-Rom), East Lansing, Michigan State University.
Adjudicated lecture/workshop.
2003. Global Perspectives in Dance and Culture: Pedagogy and Curriculum for the 21st
Century. Houston, Texas: Sam Houston State University, American College Dance
Festival, Regional Conference. Invited keynote speaker
2001. New Paradigms in Dance Education. Gainesville: University of Florida, American College Dance Festival Southeast. Invited key speaker.
2000. Integrating World Dance in Curricula and Performance. Palm Beach, FL: National Association of Schools of Dance Annual Conference. Invited panel presenter.
1996. The Art of Isadora. Washington, D.C.: Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
Pre-performance public lecture.
1993. Eleanor King's Northwest Indian Spirit Dance, American Dance Guild National
Conference, NWSA, Miami, FL, 1993. Panel moderator and invited solo performance/lecture.
1989. The American Influence in the Work of Eleanor King. National Conference of the Congress on Research in Dance, Williamsburg, VA, 1989. Refereed, lecture/performance.
2007. ‘Isadora Duncan and the Integral Dance of Life. Lecture/Workshop at conference of
Florida Dance Education Organization, West Palm Beach, Kravis Center.
2006. Power and Possibility: Expressive Arts as a Bridge to Ethnic and Cultural Understanding. Lecture for Speaker’s Series for United States Department of Agriculture: Research, Education, and Economics, Miami, Fl. Invited guest speaker.
2005. A Panel Discussion on Arts Bridging Cultures and Ethnicities, Arts at St. John’s, Miami Beach Botanical Gardens, Miami Beach. Invited panelist.
2006. Dance and Spirituality, Arts at St. John’s, Panel on “Spirituality and Art,” Miami Beach, FL. Invited panel presenter.
2005. Dances for Healing/Dances for Life, Spirituality and Health Conference, sponsored by FIU’s Department of Religious Studies, FIU Biscayne Bay campus.
Presented 1 hr. breakout session on Dance and Spirituality. Invited presenter.
2004. Art of Isadora: A Lecture/Performance. Miami Intelligence Series. Museum of Science,
Miami, Florida.
International Performances (Artistic Director/Soloist of Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble)
2007. International Dance Council/UNESCO, Athens, Greece.
Performance of repertory of Isadora Duncan in the Dora Stratou Theater, Athens with the Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble and lecture/demonstration. Juried presentation.
2005. International Festival Danza Contemporanea Avant-Garde, Merida.
Two full concert evenings by Duncan Ensemble; Invited, remunerated performances.
2004. Festival Sucretino Internacional de Danza, Venezuela, November 2004
Featured company for three full evening performances, master classes by Duncan Ensemble. Invited, remunerated performances
2004. International Festival de las Mujeres en la Danza, Quito, Ecuador
Performances, lecture, and master classes; opening, featured company of festival. Invited, remunerated performances, opening company of festival.
2003. International Goethe Festival, St. Petersburg, Russia
Concert performance by the Isadora Duncan Dance Ensemble in celebration of the 300th Anniversary of the founding of St. Petersburg. Juried/invited, fully remunerated performances and lecture.
2002. International Mayan Folkloric Festival, Chichicastenango, Guatemala
First westerner to perform in all Mayan Folkloric Festival; conducted research and artistic exchange. Supported by LACC travel grant.
1994. Internationales Tanzfestival, tour in Nordhein-Westfalen, Germany, 1994
Invited full-evening concert presentations and three city tour at major international European Festival. Invited, fully funded performances.
1990. Hong Kong International Dance Conference and Festival, Hong Kong, China
Festival soloist: choreography by Duncan and Eleanor King, taught master class
1990. Beijing and Shanghai Dance Academies, China
Solo performances of Isadora Duncan, hosted by Chinese Ministry of Culture
Declined Performances
200, 2006. International Festival de las Mujeres en la Danza, Quito, Ecuador
Invitation declined due to family conflicts.
2005. American Cultural Festival, Moscow, Russia, sponsored by Federal Agency of Culture and Cinematography of Russia, Stas Namin Centre