Minutes of the Advisory Board Meeting
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
[X] Steven Brough [ ] Collin Davis [X] Clayton Denos [X] Clyde Johnston [ ] Linda Lowe [X ] Jenny McDowell [X] Linda Sappington [X] Terance White [X] Bette Arial [X] Kam Capik
[X] Deborah Reeder
Chairwoman Linda Sappington called the meeting to order at 8:05 A.M.
It is with great sadness the board gathered for this meeting. Our hearts were heavy with the loss this week of board member Shar Heitkotter who passed away Sunday, December 14th. Shar gave untold hours of service to the museum as well as to many other causes in St. George. She will be sorely missed. Her obituary has been sent along with these minutes and reflects a life well lived.
A motion by Clyde Johnston to approve the minutes of November 19th was made with the exception of a small issue relating to the Rap Tax. Clayton Denos seconded the motion and the vote for approval was unanimous in the affirmative by board members present.
Clyde Johnston stated although today's meeting ends his term on the museum board he would attend the last art commission meeting of the year and write a report for that meeting. We discussed the need for a new liaison from the board who would be willing to attend these monthly meetings and provide the board with a report. Alicia Burton heads the group which meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:30 AM in the social hall. Jenny said she would consider this assignment if she could successfully move another Thursday morning obligation. Since Bette Arial and Deborah Reeder also attend, Jenny would have a back-up for this assignment on days she is unable to attend.
The board discussed the initial success of the new wedding dress exhibit. Many think this is one of the best exhibits the museum has ever displayed. Deborah did speak about one gentleman who told her he didn't think the dresses were "art". Our collective feeling was that this type of comment reflects the potentially positive effect of opening up the discussion on "What is the definition of Art?" in the greater community. Bette Arial commented specifically such questions are an indication we have created thoughtful reflection in some museum visitors which may help people broaden their concepts of art. Deborah added a humanities grant for the current show!
Packets of exhibit cards were distributed to board members for distribution to specific locations in and around the St. George area. It was agreed that they could (and perhaps should) be delivered to the locations after Christmas.
Deborah informed us the annual appeal letter has gone out. She stated we usually raise $1500 to $3000 (but always hope for more.) The monies raised from membership, and our two major fund raisers -the Home Tour and the Soup N' Bowl - go for acquisition of art for the museum's permanent collection.
Deborah reviewed a number of upcoming events as indicated in the Director's Report including the Tuesday, January 13th volunteer Luncheon which will be held in the Social Hall.
We discussed the upcoming community pot throw on January 30th from 3PM to 6PM. Board members are encouraged to come and to bring friends! This is certainly an important source of bowls for our annual SOUP N' BOWL fundraiser which will be on March 6th this year.
It time to think about how we will procure bowls for the Soup N' Bowl this year. Deborah expects to hear from Carol Lakin today as to whether she will help with procurement of the bowls. Jenny has agreed to call Joe Viers for ideas as well. Bette Ariel suggested Judd's Store as a possible provider of some of the soup. Grandma Tobbler's name also came up. There seems to be agreement it might be good to try getting the soup from several different sources for the 2015 event.
The Advisory Board currently has eight members. We can have as many as eleven. We will be looking for three more people willing to serve.
Linda Sappington suggested the board have a "mimi retreat" meeting to kick off the 2015 year. We agreed on January 21st from approximately 3 PM to 6 PM and Jenny will call Xetava to see if we can reserve their "back room" area. One of the main topics of discussion will be the board member's perceptions and Deborah's perceptions of what board member responsibilities are and how these perceptions may differ.
REMEMBER! The museum is closed on Christmas Day and New Year's Day.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:03 AM.