Local Awards – Nomination Form

Ribble Valley Sports Awards 2014

RVBC, Sport Development Officer, Council Offices, Church Walk, Clitheroe, BB7 2RA

Coach of the Year Award

These awards have been made to coaches throughout the county who have given up their time and invested their expertise, selflessly, to help those interested in sport to develop their talent and to realise its full potential.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible.

Name of Nominee:

Local Authority:



Telephone Number:

E-mail Address:


Sports Involved in:

A. What coaching qualifications does the nominee hold?

B. CRB Checked



C. On average, how many hours does the coach work per week? Is this work paid or unpaid?

D. Coaching Experience. Brief description of role, including details of work with particular sectors of the community and with after school clubs, talented performers and in competition:

E. Personal Development and Learning; any courses or additional learning undertaken

Equity in Your Coaching

Safeguarding and Protecting Children in Sport

How to Coach Disabled People in Sport


Fundamentals of Movement


Please Specify:

F: Developing Your Club. Achievements include details of how they have helped develop their club and other coaches and volunteers:

G: Does the nominee act as a mentor to other Coaches or Volunteers. If yes please describe below.

H. Roles and Responsibilities. Does the Coach have any other roles or responsibilities within the Club?

I. Areas where particular challenges have been overcome e.g. Hard to reach clubs lack of facilities etc.

J. Is the nominee registered on Coaching Lancashire coaching database



K: Supporting Evidence. Testimonies of those who know the nominee in the past or currently. Please include name and contact details. eg. NGB, Local Authority, Club testimony.

L: Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By:

Nominated Email:

Community Club of the Year

These awards are given to active and well run sports clubs that have undertaken great work in running development programmes which attract and encourage new participants, particularly those from under-represented groups, and which help their members to develop their sports potential.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible.

Name of Nominated Club

Local Authority:



Telephone Number:

Email Address:

Contact Name:

Sports Involved in:

A. Is the Club affiliated to the National Governing Body?



B. Aims of the Club, including descriptions of facilities, coaching programmes and work with particular sections of the community and schools:

C. What successes has the club had in the last 12 months? Either as a club as a whole or individual club members.

D. What extra steps/unique benefitshave you made to encourage partnership working? (Community links/funding/help in kind)

E. How have you encouraged new participants to join the club in the last 12 months? What background do participants have e.g., hard to reach, disability, BME etc.

F. What development pathways have you in place for coaches and volunteers? What roles to volunteers play in the club? E.g. Child Protection Officer, Secretary etc

G. Does the Club do any partnership working with Local Schools, Sports Development Units, County Sport Partnership or National Governing Bodies. If yes please describe below.

H. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By:

Nominated By Email:

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre

Local Awards – Nomination Form

Young Volunteer of the Year

These awards have been made to those young people who have given up their free time to volunteer in sport. Sport in Britain depends on volunteers and these young people will be the backbone of sporting opportunities in the future.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible.

Please note entrants must be aged between 14 -24 years old

Name of Nominee

Date of Birth

Local Authority



Telephone No

Email Address

Club involved in


A. How many hours do you volunteer per week?

B. Brief description of role and experiences, including details of work with particular sectors of the community and with after school clubs, talented performers and in competition:

C. Achievements, including the impact on particular sectors of the community, improving access and helping others:

D. Areas where particular challenges have been overcome eg. hard to reach clubs, lack of facilities etc.

E. Future Aspirationse.g. plans for the next 12 months, how volunteer experience will be used etc.

F. Length of Time Involved

G. Please list any relevant courses and qualifications the volunteer has completed

H. CRB checked



I. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By

Nominated By Email

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre

Local Awards – Nomination Form

Rising Star 2014 (Under 21)

This award is for some of the most talented performers across the County, who show exceptional dedication to their sport and have the potential to perform at the highest level.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible

Please note nominees must be 21 years old or under

Name of Nominee

Date of Birth

Local Authority



Telephone Number

Contact Email

Sport Involved in


A. Brief description of achievements, including levels of performance and highlighting how this young person has particularly excelled:

B. Summary of qualifications, key competition results, rankings and other awards:

C.Challenges faced;including any areas where particular challenges have been overcome e.g. difficult travel, facility issues, cost, disabilityetc.

D. Dedication to the Sport, e.g. hours training a week, length of time involved, sacrifices made and commitments to clubs/sports.

E. Testimonies of those enabled, e.g. teacher, club or coach. Please include name and contact details.

F. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By

Nominated By Email

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre

Local Awards – Nomination Form

Lifetime Achievement Award - Commitment to Sport

This award is for an individual who has shown a consistent lifetime commitment and made an outstanding and exceptional contribution to community sport within Lancashire.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible

Name of Nominee

Local Authority



Telephone Number

Email Address


A. Length of time involved:

B. Brief outline of the continuous commitment and dedication they have shown over a number of years:

C. Description of role, highlighting any particular sectors of the community that have benefited from this work:

D. Challenges overcome to get to this stage

E. Testimonies of those enabled. Please include name and contact details.

F. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account

Nominated By

Nominated By Email

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre

Local Awards – Nomination Form

Adult Volunteer of the Year (25+ years)

This award is given to the volunteer who has given up their free time to volunteer in sport in a non-coaching capacity. Sport in Britain depends on volunteers and these people help to sustain sporting opportunities for all.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible.

Name of Nominee


Local Authority



Telephone Number

Email Address


Club Involved in

A. How many hours do you volunteer per week?

B. Brief description of role and experiences, including details of work with particular sectors of the community and with after school clubs, talented performers and in competition:

C. Achievements, including the impact on particular sectors of the community, improving access and helping others:

D. Areas where particular challenges have been overcome eg. hard to reach clubs, lack of facilities etc.

E. Future Aspirationse.g. plans for the next 12 months, how volunteer experience will be used etc.

F. Length of Time Involved

G. Please list any relevant courses and qualifications the volunteer has completed

H. CRB checked



I. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By

Nominated By Email

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre

Local Awards – Nomination Form

School of the Year

This award is given to a Primary or Secondary School that has excelled in school sport and physical activity over the last 12 months.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible

School Name

Local Authority



Contact Phone Number:

Contact E-mail Address:

A. Is the School 'Get Set' Registered?



B. Does the school have links with Community Clubs e.g they deliver sessions, exit routes available. please provide detail.

C. How many hours of sport and physical activity are delivered through the curriculum?

D. How many hours of extracurricular sport and physical activity is available to pupils?

E. What range of sport and physical activity is delivered - both through curricular and extracurricular session?

F. Detail participation in competitions - intra-school, inter-school, county/regional competitions and more

G. Achievements of the school as a whole, particular teams or individuals.

H. Impact sport and physical activity has had on the school, community and/or individuals

I. Has the school access any forms of funding to help deliver or develop sport and physical activity in the school e.g. Sport Unlimited Funding

J. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By:

Nominated By Email:

Team of the Year

This award is given to a club, school or community team that has achieved success.

Please fill out the form below in as much detail aspossible.

Team Name


Contact Tel No.

Email Address



A. What successes has the team had in the last 12 months?

B. What level does the team compete at? Please include any competitions entered into:

C. How is the team committed and dedicated to training and development:

D. Any other supporting information you would like the judges to take into account:

Nominated By:

Nominated By Email:

Blackburn I Blackpool I Burnley I Chorley I Fylde I Hyndburn I Lancaster I Pendle

Preston I Ribble Valley I Rossendale I South Ribble I West Lancashire I Wyre