St. Patrick’s Parish Registration Form
39 Walford Road. Sudbury. P3E 2H2705-522-3900
Child’s Family Name: / Child’s First Name:Date of Birth: / Place of Birth:
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Names:
Address (with postal code):
Telephone: / Email:
School: / Grade: Teacher:
I am registering my child for the sacraments of: (please check corresponding boxes):
First Reconciliation First Communion
- If your child is NOT baptised but now being raised in the Catholic Church and wishes to celebrate Sacraments, parents and child must take part in a period of faith formation for Initiation at the Great Easter Vigil April 1st, 2018.
- If your child was baptized at St. Patrick’s, the Parish office will provide the needed proof.
Date of Baptism:______
- If your child was baptised in some other Catholic parish, please provide proof – either a copy of the baptismal certificate OR contact the Church to ask for proof. Please provide a copy and not the original document.
- If your child was baptized in any other Christian community separate from the Catholic Church (e.g. Anglican, Lutheran, United Church of Canada etc.) and now being raised to be a Catholic you must make an appointment with Fr. Hutton AS SOON AS POSSIBLE to arrange to have the child received into the Catholic Church.
Are you and your family registered members of St. Patrick’s Parish?... (please Check one)
YES NO I Don’t Know
If you are not registered, please pick up a Parish Registration form found in our Church entrance
and when completed, return it by dropping it into the Sunday collection basket or at the office.
Are you able to volunteer with the children’s activity day:
For First Reconciliation, Saturday March 3, 2018
For First Communion, Saturday May 12, 2018
Along with registration form, you are asked to give a picture of your child to be displayed at St. Patrick’s Parish so that our community could acknowledge the children’s faith journey.
Also, you are requested to enclose $20 with registration and the picture to help cover the cost of supplies including home resources that will be given out at the adult enrichment evening.
Please return this form, picture and $$no later then:Friday January 19th, 2018by:
A: Dropping it off to the Parish Office: Tuesday – Friday 9-4pm
B: By Mail: 39 Walford Rd. Sudbury, ON P3E 2H2
C: In the Sunday Collection in an envelope marked “REGISTRATION FOR SACRAMENTS”