Bell CanadaProposed Updates to SRB Manual 2000Attachment 1

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16 November 2000

Ms. Ursula Menke

Secretary General

Canadian Radio-television and

Telecommunications Commission

Ottawa, Ontario

K1A 0N2

Dear Ms. Menke:

Subject:Split Rate Base (SRB) Manual Update for 2000

1.Pursuant to the procedures established in Telecom Letter Decision CRTC89-26 as modified subsequently by the Commission, Bell Canada hereby provides its proposed updates for the SRB Manual for 2000.

2.A machinereadable file copy of the submission is provided to the Commission via Internet email.

Yours truly,


c.c.:CRTC Regional Offices (Montréal, Ottawa)

Bell CanadaProposed Updates to SRB Manual 2000Attachment 1

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Section 2.1 Operating Revenues

Other Revenues

Main Account 57X

Item 2

Remove account 570.3-900 Overhead Recoveries. It is associated with Activity MXX1292 Custom Work Activity which is assigned to the Other segment. These revenues will now be assigned to the Other segment to match the related costs.

Add account 579.8-300 Overages. This account is part of the 579.8 series and should be assigned in the same manner as 579.8-100 and 579.8-200.

Item 3

It is proposed that all of the following accounts be assigned proportionately based on accounts 500.5-206 and 510.1-125 as these accounts relate to both local and long distance calls:

578.1-100 Payphone Cash Card - Publicity

578.1-102 Payphone Cash Card - Production

578.1-104 Payphone Cash Card - Collector's Items

578.1-200 Payphone Cash Card - Sales Proceeds

578.1-210 Calling Card - Hello Phone Pass - Sales Proceeds

578.1-220 Calling Card - Prepaid Wholesale - Sales Proceeds

578.1-230 Prepaid Cash Card - Promotions & Discounts (Dr)


It is proposed that all Uncollectible revenues be assigned to the segments based on the assignment of all revenues other than Uncollectibles. A composite ratio would then be developed and used to assign Uncollectible expenses. Note that total Uncollectible revenues from the 590 series of account continue to be credited to account 590.9-900 and debited to expense. Currently, under 5% of Uncollectibles is assigned directly to the segments. The proposed procedure will simplify this process.

Section 2.2 Tariff Services

See Attachment 2.

Section 2.3 Cost Revenue Matching Study

Cost/Revenue Matching Procedures

Group 1a Services

Remove the following items as the services have been cancelled:

DatarouteDedicated Access

Dataroute International

Datapac3304 & 3305

Group 1b Services

Cancel this study as all the services in this group have been cancelled.

Voicecom and Multicom have been cancelled in 1998 and 1999 respectively.

Datalink Service has been withdrawn effective 15September2000 and had $136K revenue as of 30June2000.

Group 1c Services

Cancel this study as Datapac Outdial Arrangement is the only service in this study and the revenue is currently under $5K.

Group 4 Services

Revenues in Pospac Direct Connect are now under $5K and it is proposed that this study be cancelled.

Call Messenger Services

This service was withdrawn in December 1998 and it is proposed that this study be cancelled.

Section 3.4 Station Apparatus

Remove the following field codes from the manual as they have been cancelled:

678C LPBX Station Connections - Wallboxes

53EH LPBX Embedded Investment Application Software

Section 3.5 Outside Plant

Remove the following field codes from the manual as they have been cancelled:

52C Aerial Cable - Beacon and NBI - Fibre Optic

54C Incidental Beacon and NBI Conduit

71C Poles - Beacon and NBI

74C Manholes Beacon and NBI

505C Underground Cable - Beacon and NBI - Fibre Optic

532C Building Cable - Beacon and NBI - Fibre Cable

565C Buried Cable - Beacon and NBI - Fibre Optic

702C Aerial Cable - Beacon and NBI - Coaxial

705C Underground Cable - Beacon and NBI - Coaxial

732C Building Cable - Beacon and NBI - Coaxial Cable

765C Buried Cable - Beacon and NBI - Coaxial

Section 3.6 Other Investment

Remove the following field codes from the manual as they have been cancelled:

726C GPC TPA Software Beacon

54BH General Tools and Work Equipment - Beacon and NBI

54CH Computerized Office Equipment - Beacon and NBI

Add the following field code and assignment methodology to the manual:

216C OSS - Digital - Regular Application Software

Assign this investment to the segments based on a composite ratio of central office equipment, station apparatus, station connections, large private branch exchange, and outside plant.

Section 4.1 Develop Products & Services

Remove the following Activities as it has been cancelled:

BEX-0141 Develop & Test New Products & Services - SRCI

Section 4.3 Acquire Customers

Change the following Activities to:

DDA-0361 Sell Products and Services - Public Telecom

Description: Selling Activities related to payphones. Also includes marketing to promote, distribute and sell phone cards and the cost of maintaining phone card vending machines.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on a salary ratio derived from organizational analysis by segment.

Comment: An analysis of the services supported by this Activity shows that there is a causal link to Payphone service. The proposed methodology will give a more causal assignment of these costs.

Remove the following Activities as they have been cancelled:

DDA-0304 Perform Marketing Services - Specialty & Prepaid Cards

DAC-0315 National Marketing & Advertising Activities - SRCI

DCA-0341 Sell Products & Services – Bell Nexxia

DDF-0368 Commissions - Credit Cards

DDF-0369 Commissions - Hotels

DDF-0371 Commissions - Other

Change the following Activities to:

DDF-0370 Telephone Commissions

Description: This activity includes commissions for coin telephone occupancy privileges and for the rented space for Hello card vending machines. Also included are commissions paid to distributors related to the sale of Payphone cash cards and Hello prepaid cards, to credit card companies related to the card phone system, to hotels on revenues originating at hotel guest rooms and to outside collection agencies and credit card agents.

Proposed Methodology: Expenses associated with Public telephone and Payphone cash card commissions are assigned to the segments based on the associated revenues by segment. The remaining expenses are assigned to the Other segment.

Comment: This Activity now includes Activities DDF-0368, DDF-0369 and DDF-0371.

Section 4.4 Fulfill Orders

Remove the following Activities as they have been cancelled:

ECH-0485 Testing & Coordinating Beacon/New Broadband Initiative

ECD-0468 Install Inside Wire Designed

Change the following Activities to:

EBB-0422 Design Circuit Layout

Description: Activities related to the preparation of circuit layout and design of such special services as FX, WATS, OPX, Centrex, Data, Video, Voice and DND, and message circuits. Also includes the preparation and issuance of the Circuit Layout Record (879), Trunk Circuit Layout Record and Trunk Work Order and interoffice assignment activities performed by engineering groups.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the circuits on the service orders related to designed circuits.

Comment: Many of the design circuits are within the local exchange area and which was not recognized by the current methodology. The proposed methodology will result in a more causal assignment of this Activity.

ECA-0431 Control and Dispatch - Design Provisioning

Description: Activities relating to the administration of installation orders for designed circuits including dispatching of orders to technicians, maintaining logs of installers location and progress, monitoring of technicians performance, compiling statistics, ordering material and preparing time reports.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the designed service orders requiring field work.

Comment: This Activity relates principally to the provision of local channel services. The proposed methodology will give a more causal assignment of these and will result in a better matching with the related costs.

ECE-0465 Install Inside Wire - Business

Description: Labour and other costs associated with the installation, connection, rearrangement and changes to business inside wiring (prenetwork interface).

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the related service orders requiring premises visits.

Comment: This Activity principally relates to the provision of Centrex and work done on the access side of the demarcation point. The proposed methodology provides a more causal assignment of the costs and will result in a better matching with the related revenues.

ECE-0467 Install Equipment - Designed

Description: Labour and other costs associated with the installation, connection, rearrangement and changes to designed data equipment on customer premises.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the data network access service orders requiring field work.

Comment: An analysis of the services supported by this Activity shows a causal link to the provision of digital network access services. The proposed methodology provides a more causal assignment of the costs and will result in a better matching with the related revenues.

ECD-0468 Install Inside Wire - Designed

Description: Labour and other costs associated with the installation, connection, rearrangement and changes to designed inside wiring (pre-network interface).

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the data network access service orders requiring field work.

Comment: An analysis of the services supported by this Activity shows a causal link to the provision of digital network access services. The proposed methodology provides a more causal assignment of the costs and will result in a better matching with the related revenues.

ECF-0471 Perform Engineering Services - Customer Equipment

Description: This Activity includes the pay and other expenses of Station Engineering employees. Also includes project coordination and customer system support for Carrier Services Group (CSG) customers.

Proposed Methodology: Costs related to CSG work is assigned based on an analysis of the related service orders. The remaining costs are assigned directly to the Other segment.

Comment: The current methodology did not reflect the fact that some of these costs relate to the provision of services by the CSG to CLECs. The proposed methodology is more causal and will result in a better matching of the costs with the related revenues.

Section 4.5 Service Assurance

Remove the following Activities as it has been cancelled:

FCX-0594 Network Management (Field Services) Broadband

Change the following Activities to:

FBH-0575 Repair Inside Wire - Business

Description: The labour and materials associated with the repair and maintenance of single line CPE business inside wiring and jacks including those which are covered under the BellCanada warranty. The repair of business station connections inside wiring access arrangements from the Outside Plant terminal or protector to the network interface.

Proposed Methodology: These costs are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the business trouble tickets with an inside wire disposition code.

Comment: The current methodology did not recognize the costs related to work between the Outside Plant terminal or protector and the network interface point. The proposed methodology will result in a more causal assignment of these costs.

FBH-0578 Repair Inside Wire - Designed

Description: The repair of designed circuit station connections inside wiring access arrangements from the Outside Plant terminal or protector to the network interface.

Proposed Methodology: These costs are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the work activities by segment.

Comment: The current methodology did not recognize the costs related to work between the Outside Plant terminal or protector and the network interface point. The proposed methodology will result in a more causal assignment of these costs.

FBJ-0585 Repair Terminal Equipment - Shop Repair

Description: Labour and other work associated with terminal equipment that requires shop repair, including coin sets.

Proposed Methodology: These costs are assigned to the segments based on an analysis of the work activities by segment.

Comment: A portion of this Activity relates to the repair of Payphones. The proposed methodology will recognize this and result in a more causal assignment methodology.

Section 4.6 Operator Services

Remove the following Activities as they have been cancelled:

GAX-0602 Provide Information - NPA 555

GEX-0613 Provide Attendant Service – 9-1-1 Neutral Answer

Add the following Activities:

GBX-0606 - Provide Connection Services – 9-1-1 Neutral Answer

Description: This Activity relates to providing operator assistance for 9-1-1 Neutral Answer calls. This Activity includes a portion of District Office support activities for secretarial, planning and control of this Activity.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned directly to the Other segment.

Comment: This Activity replaces GEX-0613 which has been cancelled.

GEX-0616 - Operator Services Planning

Description: This Activity relates to providing Operator services planning activities.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on a ratio of salaries associated with all Activities in Operator services by segment.

Section 4.8 Management and Support

Remove the following Activity as it has been cancelled:

KEX-0944 SRCI Management & Support Activities

Section 4.9 Other Costs

Remove the following Activities as they have been cancelled:

MXX-1232 NonActivity Related Adjustments

MXX-1233 Amortization - Business Transformation Costs

MXX-1251 Recast - Other Expenses

MXX-1252 Credit Reallocation to COGS Settlement

Add the following new Activity:

MXX-1204 Pension Credits

Description: This Activity includes the credits associated with pension payments.

Proposed Methodology: These expenses are assigned to the segments based on a ratio of salaries associated with all Activities by segment.

Section 4.10 Miscellaneous

Remove the following Activity as it has been cancelled:

XX-1401 IS/IT Modernization

Section 5.3 (c) Plant Under Construction

The SAP system no longer records plant under construction (PUC) investment by field code. Therefore it is proposed that the PUC investment be assigned to the segments as follows:

1)Obtain from company records plant added by field code;

2)Assign plant added by field code to the segments using the same ratios as are used to assign plant in service by field code;

3)Sum the assigned plant added by segment;

4)Develop a ratio of plant added by segment; and

5)Assign total PUC investment to the segments using the ratio obtained in 4) above.

Section 5.3 (d) Materials and Supplies

Add the following account and proposed assignment methodology:

1220620Materials and Supplies (Adjustment)Telephone Plant, Ex. Land & Bldgs

Section 5.3 (e) Investments

Remove the following accounts as they have been closed:

1801030Investment - LPB Poles

1801120Investment - J.A. Provost Inc.

1801215Investment - Fiberco US

1801270Investment - ActiMedia Services

Add the following accounts and proposed assignment methodologies:

1801040Investment - Bell Sygma Inc.Direct to Other

1801170Investment - AliantDirect to Other

1811145Investment - EntourageDirect to Other

1811146Investment - ExcelDirect to Other

1819999 Investment - HoldcoDirect to Other

Section (f) Working Capital

Remove the following accounts as they have been closed:

1002220Cash A/P Check Discount

1161030Other A/R - LPB Poles

1161100Other A/R - New North Media Inc.

1161120Other A/R - J.A. Provost Inc.

1161151Other A/R - BCE Nexxia Corp (US)

1161270Other A/R - ActiMedia Services

1161330Other A/R - TD Services

1172030Other A/R - National Mobile Radio Communications Inc.

1172100Other A/R - Télébec ltée

1172110Other A/R - Northwestel (NWTel)

1172180Other A/R - Northern Telephone

1172260Other A/R - TD Services

1184203Billing Agent - Amex

1185250LD Gift Certificates and Téléboutiques/Phonecentres


1306100Other Prepaid - Subsidiaries

1306150Other Prepaid - Connexim

2180030Consortium Payable - Sygma, Télébec, Québec-Téléphone

2181003A/P - LPB Poles

2181011A/P - Expertech Network Installations

2181014A/P - New North Media

2181016A/P - J.A. Provost Inc.

2181156A/P - BCE Nexxia (GST)

2181157A/P - BCE Nexxia (QST)

2181158A/P - BCE Nexxia (OST)

2181159A/P - BCE Nexxia - Other Taxes

2181270A/P - ActiMedia Services

2182007A/P - Bell Mobility Cellular Inc.

2182008A/P - National Mobile Radio Communications Inc.

2182011A/P - Bell Mobility Paging

2182020A/P - Consortium Payable - Sygma, Télébec, Québec-Téléphone

2182024A/P - Télébec ltée

2182025A/P - Northwestel (NWTel)

2413000Family Rewards Program

2421000Extended Warranty Program (EWP)

2462000Nortel Holdbacks

Add the following accounts and proposed assignment methodologies:

1000001Corporate Cash - CanadianNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1001001Corporate Cash - USNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1001510Cash A/R - ReceiptsNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1002010Cash A/P - Disbursements - Bank AcctNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1003000Cash A/P - Disbursements - Downloads

From Bank AccountNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1161040Other A/R - Bell Sygma Inc.Direct to Other

1161071Other A/R - Expertech Network

Materials OnlyDirect to Other

1161170Other A/R - AliantDirect to Other

1161261Other A/R - BDI Materials OnlyDirect to Other

1161285Other A/R - Bell MobilityDirect to Other

1161290Other A/R - National Mobile Radio

Communications Inc.Direct to Other

1171080Other A/R - Other Related - CTVDirect to Other

1171145Other A/R - Other Related - EntourageDirect to Other

1171146Other A/R - Other Related ExcelDirect to Other

1171151Other A/R - Other Related BCE Nexxia (US)Direct to Other

1171210Other A/R - Other Related FiberCo USDirect to Other

1172252Other A/R - Other Related IntrignaDirect to Other

1181230Other A/R - Competitive Local Exchange

CarrierOperating Revenues

1181300Account Receivables - Customers - Concert

ServicesOperating Revenues

1189920Customer Dishonoured Credit Card

Payments - Clearing AccountOperating Revenues

1203150Other Accounts Receivable - Contracted

Partners - Profac/NexacorOperating Revenues

1261400Prebilling for Joint Partner Contracts -

Partner's ShareOperating Revenues

1308000Prepayments - Related CompaniesNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1308110Prepayments - Related Companies CGINet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1308115Prepayments - Related Companies

CGI (BM)Net Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

1308950Prepayments - NexacorNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

131XXXXPrepayments - Settlement ActivitiesDirect to Other

(Includes all accounts from 1311000 to 1319999)

1703000Other Long Term ReceivablesNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2110000Matured Interest DebenturesNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2111000Interest Accrued Subordinated DebenturesNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2112000Interest Accrued Capital LeasesNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2180040A/P - Trade - Profac/NexacorNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2181170A/P - Subsidiaries - AliantNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2181191BCE Mobile Integrated BillingNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2181192BCE Mobile Integrated Billing

(Chargebacks)Net Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182030A/P - Other Related - CGI Group -

Mobility Markup PaymentsNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182080A/P - Other Related - CTVNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182145A/P - Other Related - EntourageNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182146A/P - Other Related - ExcelNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182151A/P - Other Related - BCE Nexxia (US)Net Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182210A/P - Other Related - FiberCo USNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182235A/P - Other Related - TeleglobeNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2182252A/P - Other Related - IntrignaNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2183000A/P - Controllers Manual Chargeback

ProcessNet Plant Minus Deferred Taxes

2254100Sales Incentive - Supplier SponsoredSalary and Wage Ratio

2254300Accrued Payables - Executives Compensation

- Special Compensation PlanCommon

2254350Accrued Payables - Executives Compensation

- AIPCommon