Wolds Veteran Runners Club

Newsletter – December 2004

Dear Club Member,

Following our recent Annual General Meeting the new race

Committee has agreed on the following Club Championship events for 2005.

Club Champs Races 2005

January 1st Sunday / New Years Day 10K
February 15th Sunday / Ferriby 10 Mile
March 26th Saturday / Easter Dash
March/April (Awaiting date) / Louth 10 Mile
May ? (Date and course to be arranged) / Captains Handicap
June 2nd Wednesday / Croxby 1 Lap
June 19th Sunday / Barnardos 5 Mile
July 2nd Saturday / Summer Dash
July 18th Monday / Industrial 3K
August 14th Sunday / Kit Bell 5 Mile
September 3rd Saturday / Lincs Wolds 10 Mile
October Saturday (Date to be arranged) / Presidents Race
8 from 12 races
6 minimum to count for trophy

Still to come during 2004 are -:

December 11th Saturday / Weelsby Woods 3 Mile Dash & Fun Run
December 26th Sunday / Turkey Trot – Bucket & Spade Cleethorpes

Times and venues can be found on the web site –

Hopefully you can join us at any or all of the events by participating, helping or perhaps enjoy a little socializing!

The new Club Captains for 2005 were appointed – Mens: Mick Blowers and the

Ladies: Mick Hall. Both of them attend club meeting nights on a regular basis and are always willing to help or advise on any running issues you may have.

On Monday 13th December 19:30hrs at Novartis Sports & Social Club it is the clubs combined Awards Presentation and Xmas Party night. Please join us – tickets at £3.00 are available from Glenys Hudson. Contact email tel no. 587191 or any club night. London Marathon rejects will be entered into the clubs draw on the same night – 4 places are up for grabs!

Membership fees which are now due remain unchanged at £7 first claim (includes £2 Affiliation fee) £5 for 2nd claim & £2.50 social. Please see Membership Secretary Steve Green for renewal.


Your involvement in the Club is important to all members and to the continued development of the Club. We want to be more pro-active about sending you Club information - fixtures, entry forms, newsletters, functions & events, championship tables, requests for help and general useful information.

Much of this can be sent by e-mail – so we need to have on record your e-mail address. Help us to update members contact details by e-mailing Steve Green at giving your home address and day/night telephone numbers.

If you do not have an e-mail address then PLEASE just write down your home address and telephone numbers at the bottom of this sheet and send it to:

David Tector

Recognition Express

3 Venture Business Park


DN31 2UW

PLEASE NOTE: In keeping with the Data Protection Act, none of your contact details will be made available to any other party, either electronically or in print.

My name and contact details are:
