SWLSIYI are pleased to announce the details of our annual IY (UK) 2018 PD day.

This will be held on Sunday 28th January 2018 from 11am-5pm, cost £26.

PD days are for fully qualified, paid up members of the IY (UK) Ltd. They are not suitable for trainee teachers.

The day will be moderated by Senior teacher Sasha Perryman and the theme for 2018 is “The Practice and Teaching of Supported Backbends”.

Some attendees will be required to teach but please remember this is not an assessment, more a sharing of our knowledge.

There will be a short break for lunch, which you will need to bring yourselves and if you would like a hot drink please bring a flask. Cold drinking water will be available.

To confirm your place, you need to make a payment of £26. However, please check first to make sure there is a place available before paying - email Cath: or tel: 07909 995408. Your place will be held for 7 days from the date of booking until we have received your payment. After 7 days your place will be released if we have not received your payment – N.B. a reminder will not be sent. Please book early as these days are always oversubscribed.


Iyengar Yoga Studio (Tooting). Trident Business Centre, Unit B006, 89 Bickersteth Road, London, SW17 9SH (


BACS: Account no: 65389520, sort code: 08-92-99(N.B. please include your name as a reference).

Cheques: payable to SWLSIYI. Post to Cath Barnes-Holt, 136 Clitherow Avenue, London,W7 2BX. Please write your name on the back of your cheque.

Formal receipts will be emailed out to attendees just after the event. Confirmation of receipt of payment by BACS transfers will be done at regular intervals not immediately, as Cath does not have instant access to SWLSIYI bank records.

We also need to submit your membership number to the IY (UK), so please send it to Cath by email or text. Your number is on the top right corner of the home page when you login to the IY website.

We look forward to welcoming you on the day!