
Fontmell Magna Parish Council

Minutes of Parish Council meeting held on Monday 9th November 2015 at St Andrews Primary School, Fontmell Magna at 7.30pm


Present: Cllr H Horstead (Chairman), Cllrs M de la Perrelle, R East, M Humphreys, M Wheatley (Clerk) and L Williams.

In attendance: Cllr C Langham and 6 members of the public

Penny Syddall made a presentation regarding superfast broadband. She confirmed that 324 households in Fontmall Magna can now get superfast broadband. Dick Stainer commented that he had tried to get suoerfast broadband through his supplier but had been unable to do so as BT still needed to unbundle the link. Ms Syddall confirmed that not all the ISP’s were offering superfast broadband and suggested that he tried another ISP. Ms Syddall confirmed that the speeds should be very good but would depend on the distant from the cabinet. 85 people in the area would be connected later on in the programme when a new cabinet would be installed but Ms Syddall did not know when this would be happening but hopefully it would be next year but it would certainly be before the end of 2017. With regard to the more rural area eventually they would be offered vouchers to bring the cost of a satellite service in line with the cost of fibre broadband. Ms Syddall encouraged the communities to take up superfast broadband as this would mean that BT would give money back which would enable DCC to expand further into the rural communities.

Public Questions:

Signage on A350

Gay Mole confirmed that since January 2015 she had been asking for extra signage to be erected on South St.. and still nothing had happened. She regretted that Deborah Croney the County Councillor was not at the meeting as she believed Cllr. Croney was pursuing this matter. Robin East confirmed he would deal with this later on in the meeting.

The War Memorial

Barry Roberts commented that the steps up to the war memorial were unsafe. The retaining structure seemed to have been undermined and he wondered if the Parish Council were aware of this situation. Cllr. Williams confirmed that he had had a look at the steps and considered that the best way forward would be to lift the turf and take the soll away from the wall. It was agreed that the PC would arrange for this maintenance to be done. Barry Roberts asked if the PC would check the steps before the Rememberance Sunday Service in subsequent years.

Post Boxes

Chris Bellers commented that the Post Boxes in the village had all been painted and asked whether the PC should write to Royal Mail and thank them. The redecoration of the post box in Bedchester highlighted the fact that the phonebox needed redecorating. Mr Bellers went on to ask whether the residents of Bedchester should be asked for suggestions as to the use fo the phonebox. Cllr. Horstead and Cllr. East queried whether the phonebox should in fact be sold. It was agreed that Chris Bellars would put an article in the Gossip Tree regarding any suggestions as to the use of the phonebox and the PC would look at whether it was possible to sell it. It was also agreed that the PC would ask Royal Mail to repair the Post Box on The Knapp.

Best Kept Village

Chris Bellars asked whether the PC were going to enter the best kept village competition. The Chairman commented that this would need someone to take this on as a project. It was agreed that an article would be placed in the Gossip Tree asking for volunteers and would be considered again at the next meeting of the PC. Cllr. Langham suggested that the PC might organise a village tidy day. Cllr. Horstead commented that the verges had not been cut round the village and there was a lot of mud and weeds on the roads. It was agreed that this would be taken up with Highways.

09/11/01  Apologies. Cllr D Croney and Michael Golberg RFO.

09/11/02  Declarations of Interest. There were no declarations of interest.

09/11/03  Co-option. No one had applied to be co-opted to the PC to fill the current vacancy.

09/11/04  Minutes of the meeting held on 14th September 2015. The minutes were approved. They were signed by the Chairman. Nem Con

09/11/05  Matters arising from the minutes of the meeting on 14th September 2015. There were no matters arising that were not already on the agenda for the current meeting.

09/11/06  County Councillor’s report. The County Councillor had submitted a report which had been circulated to the PC. The Clerk summarised this report. There were no matters arising.

09/11/07  District Councillor’s report. The District Councillor had submitted a report which had been circulated. The District Councillor summarised this report. Cllr. Humphreys asked whether Cllr. Langham advocated that Fontmell should proceed with a Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr. Langham confirmed that the larger villages were being encourage to make a Neighbourhood Plan so that the residents could have some influence on development in the Parish. Cllr. Humphreys asked whether Cllr. Langham had heard anything regarding any change in government policy with regard to Neighbourhood Plans. He had heard that the government were considering changing their policy in this regard as the plans were being viewed as a block to development. Cllr. Langham confirmed she had not heard anything in this regard but would make enquiries.

09/11/08  To consider development control matters. The Clerk confirmed that the Parish Council had approved the following:

a. Tree works at: Far Hills; 24 St. Andrew’s View, Charlies Cottage and The Surgery.

b. Planning application at: 24 Orchard Close, and Chelwood.

An application for treeworks had been received for 40 Church St., NDDC had placed a TPO on the Silver Birch tree and had approved the remainder of the works prior to Cllr. De la Perrelle had reviewed the application. Two trees had also been removed at 26 & 27 Orchard Close without reference to the Parish Council. Cllr. De la Perrelle confirmed that she would speak to NDDC about this lack of consultation.

09/11/09  To receive a report from the RFO. The Clerk confirmed that a sheet showing the allocation of potential grants against the reserves. She also confirmed that the RFO had suggested raising the precept for next year. It was agreed that the budget and precept would be agreed at the next meeting.

The Clerk confirmed that the Annual Audit had been completed. The Annual Audit was accepted and approved. Nem Com.

09/11/010  To resolve to pay bills presented. It was agreed that Clerk”s expenses in the sum of £70.91 should be paid.

09/11/011  To review and adopt (as appropriate) Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct. The Clerk confirmed she had reviewed the PC’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct against the latest versions available through DAPTC and nothing had changed since the review last year. It was agreed that the Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct did not need to be updated.

09/11/012  Other parish matters

a. Highways. Cllr. East confirmed that he still had not got any further with the TMS although Cllr. Croney was taking this up and was arranging for Cllr. East to meet the Head of Highways. Cllr. East was concerned that none of the safety measures had been put into place given the existing traffic levels, and the fact that the C13 was going to be closed again.

The A350 Community Group met on 27th October 2015 and a new mandate had been given to the Group to represent the residents and enterprises along the A350 with a view to improving the North/South route. Unfortunately Melbury Abbas PC were not on board but The Group had opened up a dialogue with them.

A full traffic survey was being organised for Monday or Tuesday next week and Cllr. East was looking for volunteers. This was to get a clearer view of the traffic moving through the area rather than just concentrating on the A350/C13.

Gay Mole confirmed this answered her query regarding the signage on the A350.

b. Neighbourhood Plan. Cllr. Humphreys confirmed that a further meeting had been arranged for 16th November 2015 at 7pm. There were enough people to form a working party but this was still not that diverse. There was still no–one from the school who had come forward. Cllr. Humphreys had arranged a new page on the website which he and the Clerk would keep up to date. Cllr. Horstead confirmed that the PC would still need to understand the cost to the Parish. At the previous meeting there were only 10 people in attendance and the majority of those present were retired this was not representative of the different ages within the village and he felt that the working party should be more diverse. At the next PC meeting hopefully the PC would have an idea of the likely cost and what grants were available.

c. Broadband. Cllr. Humphreys confirmed that BT had largely delivered what had been promised.

d. Play Area. Chris Bellers confirmed that concerns had been raised with him regarding the proposed path. He confirmed that at present the Village Hall were awaiting various quotes but the proposal now was that the path would be narrower than the one quote received so far and that the path would not join up with the patio area at the rear of the hall. Mr Bellers confirmed that the purpose of the path was chiefly to give the children in the village somewhere to learn how to cycle but it could be used by scooters and skate boarders. Mr Bellers confirmed that once the plans for the path had been received these would be reviewed by the children and would then be submitted to the trustees of the Vllage Hall for their approval. Cllr. Horstead requested that the quotes be circulated to the PC. After some discussion it was confirmed that as a matter of courteously the quotes would be sent to the PC.

e. Defibrillator. The Clerk confirmed that she had spoken to the Practice manager at the surgery and they were required to keep their defibrillator on their premises. It was agreed that Chris Bellers would put an article in the Gossip Tree asking whether the village wanted a defibrillator and if so would ask for contributions towards the same.

f. Grant for Life Education. It was agreed that this application would be considered at at the next meeting when hopefully the PC would have more information.

g. Village Shop. Cllr. Humphreys confirmed that he had spoken to Jan and Rick at the Village Shop and the shop and Post Office were not making any money and they were surviving as a result of the coffee shop and the B&B. Cllr. East confirmed he had with the help of Cllr. Langham and Cllr. Croney been assisting with a change of use application to enable the coffee shop to serve cooked food. The PC asked people to support the village shop.

09/11/013.  Correspondence. Cllr. Humphreys asked whether the Police were invited to PC meetings to give an update on crime in the district. Cllr. East confirmed he would discuss this with PCSO Mullens who he was in contact with through the A350 Community Group.

The Clerk confirmed that various correspondence had been circulated to the Council. The matters arising in the correspondence had been discussed save for the issue of the footpath at Springhead Farm. Cllr. De la Perrelle confirmed she had spoken to NDDC who had visited the site and confirmed that the hedge was being pollarded and that if the fence was being erected for agricultural use this was likely to be granted planning permission. Dick Stainer was concerned that the hedge which was over 600 years old would not grow back. Cllr. De la Perrelle confirmed she would take this up with NDDC.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.27pm.

Date of Next Meeting: Monday 11th January 2016 at 7.30pm


Date Chairman, Fontmell Magna Parish Council