Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Version 1.2

Life Cycle Plan (LCP)

Pediatric Trauma Society Research Investigator Databank (PTS-RID)

Team 01

Albertson Kenda:Verification and Validation

Azarnoosh Sepideh: System Architect,Prototyper

Hatem Georges: Project Manager, Life Cycle Planner

MahdaviBoroujerdi Mehrdad: Project Manager, Feasibility Analyst

McCall Nicholas: Operational Concept Engineer, Requirement Engineer

Wang Junjian: Prototyper, System Architect

LCP_FCP_F12a_T01_V1.2.doc iii Version Date: 10/22/12

Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Version 1.2

Version History

Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /
10/10/12 / Georges H. / 1.0 / Section 3.3 / For VC Package
14/10/12 / Georges H. / 1.1 / Sections 1 and 3 / Core FC Package
22/10/12 / Georges H. / 1.2 / Sections 1 and 5 / Draft FC Package

Table of Contents

Life Cycle Plan (LCP) i

Version History ii

Table of Contents iii

Table of Tables iv

Table of Figures v

1. Introduction 1

1.1 Purpose of the LCP 1

1.2 Status of the LCP 1

1.3 Assumptions 1

2. Milestones and Products 2

2.1 Overall Strategy 2

2.2 Project Deliverables 2

3. Responsibilities 5

3.1 Project-specific stakeholder’s responsibilities 5

3.2 Responsibilities by Phase 5

3.3 Skills 5

4. Approach 10

4.1 Monitoring and Control 10

4.2 Methods, Tools and Facilities 10

5. Resources 11

6. Iteration Plan 19

6.1 Plan 19

6.1.1 Capabilities to be implemented 19

6.1.2 Capabilities to be tested 19

6.1.3 Capabilities not to be tested 20

6.1.4 CCD Preparation Plans 20

6.2 Iteration Assessment 20

6.2.1 Capabilities Implemented, Tested, and Results 20

6.2.2 Core Capabilities Drive-Through Results 20

6.3 Adherence to Plan 21

LCP_FCP_F12a_T01_V1.2.doc iii Version Date: 10/22/12

1 Table of Contents

Table of Tables

Table 1: Artifacts Deliverables in Exploration Phase 2

Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Exploration Phase 3

Table 3: Artifact deliverable in Valuation Phase 3

Table 4: Artifact deliverable in Foundations Phase 3

Table 5: Artifact deliverable in Development Phase 4

Table 6: Stakeholder's Responsibilities in each phase 5

Table 7: Members' Skills 7

Table 8: COCOMOII Scale Driver 11

Table 9: COCOMOII Cost Driver – pubmed pulling module 12

Table 10: COCOMOII Cost Driver – Search Module 13

Table 11: COCOMOII Cost Driver – User Profile and CV module 15

Table 12: COCOMOII Cost Driver – Discussion Board and Messaging Module 16

Table 13: COCOMOII Cost Driver – Collaboration List Module 17

Table 14: Construction iteration capabilities to be implemented 19

Table 15: Construction iteration capabilities to be tested 19

Table 16: Capabilities implemented, tested, and results 20

LCP_FCP_F12a_T01_V1.2.doc iii Version Date: 10/22/12

1 Table of Contents

Table of Figures

No table of figures entries found.

LCP_FCP_F12a_T01_V1.2.doc iii Version Date: 10/22/12

Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Version no 1.2

1. Introduction

1.1  Purpose of the LCP

The purpose of the LCP is to plan the development of the project. The reason behind that is the high rate of project failures due to poor planning. The LCP is an attempt at reducing this rate, and increasing the chances of project success.

1.2  Status of the LCP

First project estimates in terms of persons/month, number of hours using COTIPMO. The estimates show that the project is doable within the allotted schedule, and with our current team.

1.3  Assumptions

-  The schedule will not be shortened: a total of 24 weeks, over two semesters

-  Available hardware / infrastructure: if not, available funding for local hardware, or alternatively online storage.

-  Discussion board COTS availability that satisfies client needs. Free otherwise must set a budget

-  Pubmed has an API for ease of interaction. If not, might need to renegotiate scope of project.

2. Milestones and Products

2.1  Overall Strategy

Identify your overall strategy. Identify the ICSM process you are following and your rationale; Architected Agile or NDI-Intensive or Net-Centric Services. Identify the life cycle phases and its dates, deliverables, milestone and strategy of each phase. For example:

“The Volunteer Tracking System is following Architected Agile process because there is no Non-Development Item or Web service that would fit to most of the core capabilities.

“Exploration phase

Duration: 08/24/09- 9/21/09

Concept: They identify project operational concept, system and software requirement, system and software architecture, and life-cycle plan. These phases prioritize the capabilities, conduct investment and feasibility analysis, and implement the software prototype.

Deliverables: Valuation Commitment Package

Milestone: Valuation Commitment Review

Strategy: One Incremental Commitment Cycle”

Note: More information about ICSM process can be found in ICSM EPG> Delivery Process. Schedule of the class and its milestone can be found in the first lecture of the class.

2.2  Project Deliverables

< Identify project deliverables in each phase and its due date, format, and medium>

2.2.1  Exploration Phase

< The following is an example of deliverables in Exploration phase.>

Table 1: Artifacts Deliverables in Exploration Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
Client Interaction Report / 9/17/2006 / .doc, .pdf / Soft copy
Valuation Commitment Package
·  Operational Concept Description (OCD) Early Section
·  Life Cycle Plan (LCP) Early Section
·  Feasibility Evidence Description (FED) Early Section / 09/18/2006 / .doc, .pdf / Soft copy
Evaluation of Valuation Commitment Package / 09/27/2006 / .xls / Soft copy
Project Effort / Every Monday / Text / ER system
Project Plan / Every Wednesday / .mpp, .pdf / Soft copy
Progress Report / Every Wednesday / .xls / Soft copy

Table 2: Artifact deliverable in Exploration Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due data / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.2  Valuation Phase

Table 3: Artifact deliverable in Valuation Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.3  Foundations Phase

Table 4: Artifact deliverable in Foundations Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …
2.2.4  Development Phase

Table 5: Artifact deliverable in Development Phase

Artifact / Due date / Format / Medium
<artifact name> / <due date> / <format type: .doc, .pdf> / <Medium type:
hard copy, soft copy>
… / … / … / …

3. Responsibilities

3.1  Project-specific stakeholder’s responsibilities

There are no specific stakeholders for our project, other than the ones identified in ICSM EPG. I will, however, give some additional details regarding our stakeholders, as requested in the table below.

3.2  Responsibilities by Phase

Table 6: Stakeholder's Responsibilities in each phase

Team Member / Role / Primary / Secondary Responsibility
Exploration / Valuation / Foundations / Development- Construction Iteration / Development- Transition Iteration
Project Manager
Life Cycle Planner
-  / Primary Responsibility
- Teamwork Coordination
- Ensure that progress is going according to plan
Secondary Responsibility
- Evaluate team strength and weakness
- Determine stakeholder responsibilities / Primary Responsibility
- weekly define plan for each team member
- Ensure that progress is going according to plan
Secondary Responsibility
- Estimate project effort and schedule
- Identify milestones and products / Primary Responsibility
- Identify project tasks and assign responsible team members for each task.
- Same as previous phases.
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess life cycle content
- Identify Life cycle management approach / Primary Responsibility
- Same as previous phases.
Secondary Responsibility
- Core capability drive-through
- Identify Development Iteration / Primary Responsibility
- Same as previous phases
Secondary Responsibility
- Develop Transition Plan
- Develop support plan (in our case, explaining everything to the maintainer
Project Manager
Feasibility Analyst / Primary Responsibility
- Teamwork Coordination
- Ensure that progress is going according to plan
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess and plan to mitigate risks
- Identify the most appropriate process / Primary Responsibility
- weekly define plan for each team member
- Ensure that progress is going according to plan
Secondary Responsibility
- Analyze NDI interoperability
- Assess feasibility evidence / Primary Responsibility
- Identify project tasks and assign responsible team members for each task.
- Same as previous phases.
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess and evaluate NDI candidates
- Analyze Business Case / Primary Responsibility
- Same as previous phases.
Secondary Responsibility
- Acquire NDI components
- Assess and plan to mitigate risks / Primary Responsibility
- Same as previous phases
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess and plan to mitigate risks
System architect / Primary Responsibility
- analyze and prioritize capabilities to prototype
Secondary Responsibility
- Specify architecture styles, patterns and frameworks / Primary Responsibility
- analyze and prioritize capabilities to prototype
- establish new operational concept
Secondary Responsibility
- Analyze NDI interoperability
- Define technology-(in)dependent architecture / Primary Responsibility
- develop prototype
- prepare development / production req.
Secondary Responsibility
- Analyze the proposed system
- provide feasibility evidence
- assess and evaluate NDI candidates / Primary Responsibility
- assess prototype and components
- tailor components
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess system architecture
- assess and evaluate NDI candidates / Primary Responsibility
- assess prototype and components
Secondary Responsibility
- Assess system architecture
System architect
Prototyper / Primary Responsibility
- Specify architecture styles, patterns and frameworks
Secondary Responsibility
- analyze and prioritize capabilities to prototype / Primary Responsibility
- Analyze NDI interoperability
- Define technology-(in)dependent architecture
Secondary Responsibility
- analyze and prioritize capabilities to prototype
- establish new operational concept / Primary Responsibility
- Analyze the proposed system
- provide feasibility evidence
- assess and evaluate NDI candidates
Secondary Responsibility
- develop prototype
- prepare development / production req. / Primary Responsibility
- Assess system architecture
- assess and evaluate NDI candidates
Secondary Responsibility
- assess prototype and components
- tailor components / Primary Responsibility
- Assess system architecture
Secondary Responsibility
- assess prototype and components
Requirements Engineer
Operational Concept Engineer / Primary Responsibility
- develop requirements definition
Secondary Responsibility
- analyze current system
- explore alternatives / Primary Responsibility
- assess requirements definition
Secondary Responsibility
- identify shared vision
- identify organizational and operational transformation
- identify objectives, constraints and priorities / Primary Responsibility
- assess requirements definition
Secondary Responsibility
- establish new operational concept / Primary Responsibility
- assess requirements definition
Secondary Responsibility
- assess operational concept / Primary Responsibility
- assess requirements definition
Secondary Responsibility
- assess operational concept
IIV & V / Primary Responsibility
- verify and validate work products / Primary Responsibility
- verify and validate work products / Primary Responsibility
- verify and validate work products / Primary Responsibility
- verify and validate work products / Primary Responsibility
- verify and validate work products
Client / Primary Responsibility
- analyze current system / Primary Responsibility
- identify objectives, constraints and priorities
- identify shared vision
- identify organizational and operational transformation / Primary Responsibility
- establish new operational concept / Primary Responsibility
- assess development iteration
- assess prototypes and components
- core capability drive-through / Primary Responsibility
- develop support plan
- develop transition plan
- core capability drive-through
Maintainer / - core capability drive-through / - develop support plan
- develop transition plan
- core capability drive-through
3.3  Skills

Table 7: Members' Skills

Team members / Role / Skills
Georges Hatem / Project Manager
Life Cycle Planner / Current skills:
-  Good planning capabilities
-  Time management
-  Risk analysis
-  Good analysis capabilities
-  Teamwork and coordination
Required skills:
-  Project and activity planning
-  Monitoring and controlling execution of project
-  COTIPMO / MS Project
-  Good time and people management skills
-  Knowledge of feasibility evidence and risk analysis
-  Good team coordinator
-  Additional technical skills
Junjian Wang / System Architect
Prototyper / Current skills:
-  Tools: Eclipse, MatLab, Weka, GIT, JUnit, Visual Studio, GNU
-  Languages:
C, C++, JAVA, HTML, JavaScript, ActionScript
Required skills:
-  Be able to do architecture and modeling of the system
-  Be able to do prototyping of the system
Mehrdad Mahdavi Boroujerdi / Project Manager
Feasibility Analyst / Current skills:
-  Teamwork, Java, PHP, C family, Python, CSS, HTML, Javascript, MySQL
Required skills:
-  Project plan
-  Teamwork
-  Risk analysis
Sepideh Azarnoosh / Prototyper
Software Architect / Current skills:
-  Java, C++, HTML, Javascript
-  UML, Rational Rose
Required skills:
-  Design and modeling
Nick McCall / Operational Concept Engineer
Requirements Engineer / Current skills:
-  Languages: C, C++, Java, assembly (HLA), XML, SQL, HTML
-  Additional: Android, database design, computer security
-  Clear and concise communication
Required skills:
-  clear and concise communication
ability to envision the entire project
goal setting and (re)alignment
Kenda Albertson / IIV&V / Current Skills:
- Java, Javascript, JDBC, C++, HTML
- Good organization and communication
Required Skills:
- Communication
- Attention to Detail

4  Approach  Monitoring and Control

< Identify the approach you are using in monitoring and controlling your project. Examples are Progress Report, Project plan, and etc. > Closed Loop Feedback Control

< Explain how your team gets and provides feedback internally within the team. > Reviews

<Describe various kinds of review that your team is using to control your project. >  Methods, Tools and Facilities

< Describe methods, tools, facilities and their usage and provider that you used in your project>

Tools / Usage / Provider
Red Ridge 3.0 / Provides examples for user interface and system functionality, is helpful in the development of prototype / CSC
PEAR / Creates a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components / Open source
<Tool> / <Usage> / <Tool Provider>

5  Resources

We identify the following information in order to estimate the software cost: