Vision of reMARKable Womenministry

We really feel like God reveals what’s just ahead of us. We are continually seeking his direction. Keep praying!!

PURPOSEFUL: We understand that we HAVE to provide meaningful time for women for it to be worth the sacrifice they make to put it in their schedule.

  • Keeping God as the focus and notus. If doesn’t have the “Jesus factor”, it’s just a social group.
  • Keeping opportunities “bite-size” and with a beginning & ending
  • Offering multiple options for schedules where we can.

GATHERING TOGETHER: Even for women that typically don’t enjoy other women, prefer to work with men, & perhaps can be theirown pet peeve, it’s undeniable that God wants us to be in community. That’s why weworship corporately on Sundays & why we will do corporate women’s events as well.

  • Winning by yourself is good, but winning as a team – BETTER!
  • Diamonds sharpen diamonds(Instead of iron sharpens iron) -The only thing that can cut the edges of a diamond is another diamond. Only another woman can speak full truth into a fellow woman.
  • If you are already doing something great on your own, bring MORE with you.

UNITY: Unify the women together & be in unity with the men & the direction of the church as a whole as well.

  • All of our other differences are secondary. They extend the reach of our influence, but we can be united like the fans of a professional team who come from all walks of life.
  • The “MARK”, the most important mark we bear, unites us all.

PART OF THE LARGER VISION: Grace Community Church’s larger vision is propelled by concentrating on the 4 areas of discipline in Luke 2:52 – Jesus grew in wisdom, stature, in favor with God & with man

  • reMARKable Women ministry will seek to address these 4 areas: intellectual, physical, spiritual, & relational

FOCUSED: Excellence in a few things is also a part of the larger church vision. Therefore, the reMARKable Women ministry issimplified to 3 areas of focus:

  1. MARKed Moments – These will be bite-sizedmoments of approximately 2-3 hourswhen women will have a chance to experience what reMARKable Women is all about in just a short amount of time. A“taste” of the 4 points ofLuke 2:52 will be incorporated. Happens 2x’s a year.
  1. On your MARK, get SET, GO! 40 Day Challenge– The hope is that once women experience a MARKed Moment they will long for more. The 40-Day Challenges offer that opportunity to go deeper, walk longer,and have more accountability & challenge in the 4 areas of Luke 2:52. Happens2x’s a year.
  1. S3 Term (Study-Serve-Support)–As God reveals things to women through the 40-Day Challenge, reMARKable Women ministry wantsto empower, resource, network women for the ideas the Holy Spirit lays on their hearts. This venue allows for women to create their own groups and focus on the specific areas God is working on them for the time period between 40-Day Challenges. Happens 2x’s year.

INSPIRE BUT NOT OVERWHELM: Keep women moving forward in their faith and their relationship with Jesus.

  • Encourage women to “bring what you can” and then have them shoot for just beyond what they think they can do so they have to trust God to fill the gap.