Security Guide

Fill in the blanks in the following statements to review the major facts and concepts.

______1. Security consists of actions taken to prevent crime and protect the safety of people and _____.

______2. The three categories of threats to security are _____, hazards accidents, and natural disasters.

______3. _____ means responsibility, especially responsibility to pay for damage or loss.

______4. Structural security consists of security features that are ______the property.

______5. Many hotels provide a safe deposit box or a(n) ___-______where guests can store their valuables.

______6. Many hotel rooms have a(n) ______, which allows the door to be opened about two inches.

______7. A(n) ______is a computerized burglar detection and alarm system.

______8. The major advantage of an electronic ______system is that the key can quickly and easily be changed.

______9. in a(n) ___-______system, security officers watch TV monitors for unusual activity.

______10. Security policies, or security _____, are the rules that employees must follow to ensure security.

______11. ______is knowing where all hotel keys are located at all times and knowing who has each key.

______12. A key card has a(n) ______that contains the room combination for unlocking the guest room door.

______13. Surveillance is the process of closely _____ what is going on in an area.

______14. ___ is the act of walking or riding around an area for the purpose of maintaining security.

______15. Emergency _____ plans describe what to do in case of fires, tornadoes, illnesses, falls, and other emergencies.

______16. A(n) ______is a book in which all security incidents are recorded.

______17. When a accident occurs on hotel property, the law requires that a(n) ______be completed.

______18. When guests have a security concern, they usually call the ______.

______19. All employees should report accidents, hazards, and ___ people, and they should take responsibility for keys and key cards.

______20. Employees who see someone behaving suspiciously should observe the person’s appearance, specific actions, and ______so they can report this information to a security officer.

______21. One way to prevent employee theft is the proper storage and ____ of supplies.

______22. The director of security must develop and implement safety and security _____.

______23. The director of security must also train employees, prepare staff schedules, and maintain _____.

______24. The book or file in which all security incidents are recorded.

______25. The large locked room on the property where cash and other valuables are stored.

Security devices:

RFID key card

Biometric identification

Motion sensor

Video Surveillance system

Smoke detector

Flood detector

Fire sprinkler system

Two-way radio system