Greater New York Regional Chapter - American College of Sports Medicine

AnnualBusiness Meeting–Minutes Meeting October 30, 2010

Attendees: Executive Committee: Stephen Siegel (SS) President, Felicia Stoler (FS) VP, John Martinez (JM) Treasures, and Laura Giordano(LG)Secretary &Scribe, Chapter members:Tedd Keating, Nancy Belli, John Buzzerio, Richard C. Warner, Jason Machowsky, Hemansu Mangal, Joseph Inram Jr., Rusty Varlotta, LouisMaharam

Alan Baron, Sawn Arent, Cynthia Janhari, Andre Taylor, Rochelle Rice (speaker)

Agenda (see power point presentation)


  • Dr. Stephen Siegel ACSM President opened meeting:
  • Reviewed Agenda
  • Thank you to Executive Board
  • By Laws
  • Motion/Move to place bylaws on the ballot with the Elections was changed to have procedure to amend bylaws reviewed by lawyer to make sure amendment process
  • Need 30 signatures (again a lawyer to confirm the process of how to confirm amendment to the by-law process) Are electronic signatures acceptable?
  • Motion/Move to get nomination out with out by-law amendment changes was made. “Let’s move forward: Stephen and Louis, second: , John & Laura
  • Motion to wait until by-laws are fully reviewed and amendments suggested before passing was made –Felicia, second: John and Laura
  • Committee reviewing amendments to by laws needs to have a dead line: suggested by Laura
  • Nomination will go out by first week in Nov and need to be completed by Dec 1. Jan 1 new board to start
  • John Martinez – Financials Presented (see power point)
  • The meetings we hold do not make money
  • Review numbers and if any questions… none.
  • Laura Giordano –Membership
  • Review membership slide
  • Dick Warner suggested we utilize list from National to see if we are able to recruit more chapter membersto grow chapter
  • Need assistance with web site
  • Challenge membership base to “Get Involved” and recruit members
  • Nominations:Neal Pire – Nominations Committee Chair
  • Presented by Stephen in Neal Pire's absences
  • President: Felicia Stoler
  • Vice President: John Martinez
  • Treasurer: Rusty Varlotta
  • Secretary: Laura Giordano
  • Meeting Motion to Adjourn– John Martinez, second, Tedd Keating and Felicia Stoler third….