September 5, 2010 —23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time


In today’s Gospel Jesus teaches us that we must renounce our possessions to be a true disciple. What does this Gospel say to us on this Labor Day weekend? Perhaps that the goal of our labor is not how much money we make or what we can buy with that money. Rather, the goal of labor is to fulfill our vocation on this earth. Let’s pray today that God will help us discern the work meant for us.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you call us to join you in carrying the crosses given to us: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you promise to be with us to help us bear our burdens: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, through you we believe that our cross will lead to new life: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Wis 9:13-18b Who can understand the mind of God?

Phlm 9-10, 12-17 Receive this former slave as a welcome brother.

Luke 14:25-33 Renounce all and follow Jesus.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider The work of all disciples is to pray for the needs of others. Let us pray.

Minister We pray for all who labor. For those whose work is to make peace: For politicians and diplomats; mediators and missionaries; for all who seek compromise instead of conflict, dialogue instead of division. For peacemakers … we pray,

We pray for those whose work is to heal and to comfort: for doctors and nurses; physical therapists and caregivers in nursing homes; counselors and confessors; parents and grandparents. For healers … we pray,

We pray for those whose work is to keep others safe: for firefighters, police officers and members of the military; for legislators, judges and all who serve in the courts. For those who keep us safe … we pray,

We pray for those whose work is to inspire: for pastors and spiritual directors and teachers; artists and architects; writers and musicians. For all those whose work offers us inspiration to live a holier life … we pray,

We pray for those who cannot find meaningful work: for those who are unemployed; for those don’t find their work satisfying; for those whose labors are underpaid and unappreciated … we pray,

We pray for those whose work is prayer: for men and women in religious orders; for the sick and the suffering; for those who are dying. And we remember those who have died this past week … (names). For them and for all who have gone before us and support us by their prayers … we pray,

Presider Gracious and loving God, hear our prayers this day for all who labor and for those who cannot find meaningful work. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

September 12, 2010—24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Grandparents Day)


My friends, today’s readings are about mercy. Let us pray today for faith in God’s mercy and for the grace to be like God, merciful and forgiving even to those who have harmed us.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the mercy of God: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came to reveal a loving and merciful God: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to teach us to be merciful: Christ, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Exod 32:7-11, 13-14 The Lord relented and did not punish the people.

1 Tim 1:12-17 Christ came for sinners.

Luke 15:1-32 The prodigal son and other parables of mercy.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider As believers it is our duty and our privilege to pray for the needs of others. Let us pray.

Minister For peace. For an end to war among the nations. For an end to violence as a solution to conflict. For an end to violence as entertainment. For an end to violence within communities and families … we pray,

For justice. For a fair distribution of the world’s goods among all the world’s peoples. For access to nourishing food, clean water, adequate shelter and medical care for everyone … we pray,

For comfort. For those who are living with cancer, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and other chronic conditions. For those who are in pain. For who suffer anxiety, depression, schizophrenia and other conditions that make life difficult … we pray,

For families. On this Grandparents Day, we pray for all grandparents. For those who see their grandchildren often; for those who provide daily care; and for those grandparents for whom distance or family issues prevents them from being with the grandchildren they love and long for … we pray,

For hope. We remember those who have died … (names). For them and for all we mourn and for those who are finding their grief difficult to bear … we pray,

For what we need. Let us pray quietly for what we need to be peaceful, just, comforting, loving, hope-filled people … (significant pause). For all that we need to be the holy men and women God calls us to be … we pray,

Presider Merciful God, hear our prayers today for those we love, those for whom we are concerned, and all those who most need our prayers. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

September 19—25th Sunday in Ordinary Time – (Catechetical Sunday)


Today is Catechetical Sunday. We will be praying for all whose work it is to form others in the faith. Today’s Gospel is for every person who expects forgiveness from God, but fails to forgive others. That is, today’s Gospel is for almost everyone. Let us pray to be forgiving people, not only in our hearts, but by our words and our actions as well.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you came to offer forgiveness to sinners: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you came to reveal that we are much loved: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you came to show us the way to forgive others: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Amos 8:4-7 God challenges those who cheat the needy.

1 Tim 2:1-8 We are to pray for all.

Luke 16:1-13 God forgives our debt; we should forgive others.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider My friends, our faith tells us that God cares for us and hears our prayers, On this Catechetical Sunday, let us pray especially for those whose work it is to pass on that faith in a good and caring God.

Minister We pray for the church throughout the world. For communities who worship in great cathedrals and in village churches. In all these places, there are those whose work it is to pass on the faith. For catechists everywhere … we pray,

For catechists who serve despite danger, who risk their lives to tell others about Jesus … we pray,

For the catechists in our community: for those who teach children the faith, who instruct converts, who counsel the doubtful … we pray,

Let us pray for children and all young people: for the grace to avoid those influences that are not of God, that will lead them into trouble or distress … we pray,

Let us pray for parents, grandparents and all those who love a child: for the grace to give their attention and time and energy to the children who are so precious to them … we pray,

For those who have died … (names). For them and for all those who mourn their passing … we pray,

Presider Loving God, you sent us your son Jesus to establish your kingdom. Grant us what we need to choose to live as members of that kingdom and to live out your Gospel message here on earth. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
September 26, 2010—26th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Brothers and sisters, today’s Gospel message is challenging. It is Jesus warning his disciples — and us — not to ignore the needy. Jesus is very clear, very specific. Let us ask God today for the courage to listen to the Gospel and the grace to heed it.

Penitential Rite

Lord Jesus, you are the Word who challenges us: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, you are the prophet who speaks to us today: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you are the teacher who shows us the way to happiness: Lord, have mercy.

Scripture Readings

Amos 6:1a, 4-7 Woe to the complacent!

1 Tim 6:11-16 How to live until the end comes.

Luke 16:19-31 A warning to those who ignore the needs of others.

Prayers of the Faithful

Presider As believers and disciples of Jesus it is our duty to pray for others, especially those who most need our prayers. Let us pray.

Minister For those throughout the world who are most in need: for refugees, those without access to food, clean water or medical care, those who are in the path of war and all those in harm’s way … we pray,

For the church: for bishops and pastors and ministers of worship; deacons and ministers to the poor; teachers and catechists and all those who care for the young; for all those who are generous with their blessings … we pray,

For those who care for those most difficult to care for: for those who teach children who struggle to learn; for those who serve as foster parents; for those who care for the chronically ill; for those who minister to those in prisons; for those who sit with the dying …we pray,

We pray for farmers and gardeners: for good harvest, and for people who live where there is no harvest; for the desire and the means to share our bounty … we pray,

We remember those who have died … (names). And for those who are mourning the loss of a loved one … we pray,

Presider Gracious and loving God, hear our prayers this day. Help us to live out those concerns we express in prayer so that we may love and serve those you place on our path, today and every day, until someday we can do no more but pray. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.