Collegiate 4-H Meeting
February 12, 2009
7pm Lilly G-126

President Keith Carrell called the meeting of the Collegiate 4-H Club to order. There were 14 members present in addition to members of ACT, who provided cookies and drinks for everyone. Julia Wickert led the American Pledge, and Kala Hash led the 4-H Pledge. The secretary’s report
was accepted as sent out via e-mail. Julia Wickert gave the treasurer’s report of the club having $4,315.52 in its account. Alicia Keller announced that we will not have a representative present at the next Ag Council meeting.Anyone interested in attending as a proxy would be appreciated as we lose points if we do not have a representative present.The moonlight pancake breakfast will be put on
again this year during Grand Alternative Week by Ag Council with the time and date to be announced.In the service report, the Murdock update was tabled as no members who attended this week were present.Jerry Webber announced that there are several opportunities to volunteer to help with officer trainings coming up soon; Miami and Marion the most pressing.He has sign-ups and will send an email out to the club to ask for help.Nick Deutsch reported that BooneCounty went well.There were approximately 60 kids present.It was not a traditional training but more of a leadership-recreation presentation being led by Nick, Jerry, Cayla Mustin, and Aaron Birge.
Old Business
If you have not picked up your C4-H polo yet, please contact Keith. The Ag Fish Fry was reported to be a great time with a lot of success and positive feedback from the businesses present.Ellen Knapke and Kala Hash reported on this event.Spring Fest is April 18-19. The Spring Fest committee will meet after the meeting for a short time to make some decisions.This committee includes: Ashley Broady, Julia, Nick, and Kala Nicholson.Alicia reported that the February 9th Ag Hot Chocolate social went well and that we talked to a few potential members.The national conference will be February 19-22 in Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN.Attending are Alicia, Amy Smith, Keith, and Aaron.Amanda Armstrong reported that the communication with other C4-H clubs has not been great, but she will continue to try and get together a social with one or more of them.
New Business
There was a special presentation at the meeting by Dean of Agriculture, Dr. Jay Akridge.He gave a great presentation and answered many questions.A big thank you goes to Dr. Akridge for coming to speak with the club.We will be reviewing reactions to his presentation at the next meeting and decide at that time if the club would like to invite more speakers to future meetings.

There is a possible fundraiser opportunity available to the club. The Hippology (study of horses) event will be on March 28th.There will be approximately 300 youth in attendance, and volunteers are needed to provide lunch to participants or sell concessions.This event is on campus, and Keith will be looking into the details to be discussed at the next meeting.

The ice skating social is scheduled to be on February 26th from 7-9pm after the meeting at 6:30pm.The skating rink might actually be closed for the season due to a mechanical malfunction at this time.It was suggested that if skating is not possible, we should go bowling.The ideas of going to either the Unionor to Market Squareto bowl were suggested.When more information is known, an e-mail will be sent out to the club to inform everyone of the details.

Kala Hash announced that PASE will be offering an interview help session in Stewart 313 on Thursday the 19th at 6:30pm.

Julia moved to adjourn the meeting, and Kala Nicholson seconded.Keith adjourned the meeting at 8:05pm.The next meeting will be on February 26th at 6:30pm in Lilly G-126.