Lesson plan g. Caliste general art.


Week of January 30, 2012

Students will be introduces to designing of interiors. There goal is to create an interior room/space scene integrating design elements that they learned from previous drawing assignment. The students will all full color in color pencil. The room that they must design show the view of 4 walls, ceiling, floor. The room should show a little of another room going into the room designed room. I will create a visual example, and demonstrate step by step on how to do this. The students will also be introduce to creating patterns/ Tessellation which is the process of creating a two-dimensional plane using the repetition of a geometric shape with no overlaps and no gaps.. This will be perfect for the student to design for elements in the room like rugs, curtains, bed comforters, etc. Example.

The Students have the design a Bedroom, with another room slightly visible such as the kitchen, or Living room. Each one of the rooms must contain the student and family member or friend in the room that that design to create. The Students main source of inspiration is Van Gogh “ Arles 1888. The work demonstrate perspective, Linear lines, vertical and horizontal lines. Students must maintain in every work which line they are creating.

Arles by Van gogh.

Students will see several rendering of rooms from interior designers. Just to visual see ideas. Students rooms must be 100% from their imaginations.

Room Choices criteria.

Bedroom: Must contain Bed, Computer desk with Computer and all assories, like keyboard, mouse. Two rugs using tessellations/pattern. 2 windows, one of the windows must show a city outside of it in two point perspective. The other window must show, a one point perspective outside with two or more people and some kind of animal outside. The inside of the bedroom must also have a uniquely designed lamp. Two or more posters with their favorite celebrity on the wall. A work of art on the wall. A pet. Their self doing some type of activity in their room. A television . A book shelf with books on it. The floors can be tile or wood. EVERY ELEMENT in the room should be treated with some designed ,personalized element. The student must create closet with cloths in it. A dresser with a mirror, and personal items on the dresser. The student must come of with 4 or more things added to their bedroom that is not mentioned in the criteria.

Monday January 30:

Do Now: Students must create a repeat pattern on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper. I will show examples.

Language Objective: Lecture: Teacher will introduce the terms Tessellations, Pattern, repetition. I also with talk about what is a interior designer, and how they incorporate the elements of design when they are designing a room for a client.

Content Objective: Students will create a detailed sketch of Van Gogh’s “Arles” room, Their objective is to modernized the room and add 4 of more new elements that are not originally in the painting. This drawing will help the students prep their minds and abilities in their 100% original room. The students will work out the kinks of drawing room in the same linear way that Van Gogh did. The last 10 minutes of the class the student and teacher will do a quick critique to assess where some of the students are having the most issues with their drawing.

Tuesday January 31:

Do Now: Students will create a still life drawing of two lamps. The drawing will be 10 minutes. They must add a new element to the lamp.

Language Objective: Students and teachers will discuss different style in interior design.

The styles, are Modern, Traditional, Country, Rustic, Eclectic, etc. Students will contrast these styles and discuss their personal style. They must figure which style their room will be in. We will review example of each style on our smart board.

Content Objective: Students will start to formulate their design ideas. They must begin on of three detailed sketches of their Bedroom done in a specific style. Students must be able to explain to me, what style and why or how is their design demonstrating that particular style. Drawing number one is due at the end of class session.

Wednesday: February 1:

Do Now: Students must prepare a written statement ( 1 paragraph) explaining the style of room number 1 option.

Language Objective: Teacher will, allow the student to volunteer the explanation of the style of their room ideas, discuss ,there where they use pattern and how did it represent the style that they were demonstrating.

Content Objective: Students will begin the detail sketch of their second style of bedroom using the criteria of the project on a 8.5x11 sheet of paper. Students draw and complete second drawing before class section is over.

Thursday. Feb 2:

DoNow: Students will critique each other drawing. The process will be teacher giving feedback of the direction of the students designs. The do now will coincide with the language objective.

Language Objective: Students will trade designs. Each students will write down on the back of another classmate drawing feedback. What is working really well in the drawing, is it neat?, If not what specifically need to be refined. Is the room defining a particular style and why the student demonstrate that style.? If not why, and what do their fellow studenst need to do to enhance that style.

Content Objective: Student must create their final sketch in full color layout. This sketch must define all the criteria of the project on a small scale. They will use 8.5 x 11 paper and fully colored. This sketch must be done as if it was the final project. Studenst will us ethis one as the plain for their larger drawing which will be the start of Project 3. My Room.

Friday Feb 3. Students will be given their large drawing paper, and begin the composition of Project 3. Which is based off of their final colored sketch. Teacher will give the students the entire 50 minutes to work on their sketch. Teacher will rotate around the room giving advice, and allowing the students to transition their idea into a beautiful piece of fine art loosely inspired by. Van Gogh’s “Arles” During this process. The students should be 100% focused independently . Instrumental music will be played.