Name Dr. Ahuva Even-Zoharpage 1

Name: Ahuva Even-Zohar, Ph.DDate:June, 2015

Personal Details

Date and place of birth:16 March 1953, Israel.

Address and telephone number at work: School of Social Work, Ariel

University,Ariel, 40700 Israel 972-3-03-9076676

Address and telephone number at home:8 Hagolan st. Ganei-Tiqva, 55900

Israel. 03-5352044, 054-3394812

• Education

B.A. - 1974-1977 - Bar-Ilan University – Hebrew Literature and

History of the Jewish People

Teaching Certificate - 1975-1977 - Bar-Ilan University

B.A. - 1979-1980 - Bar-Ilan University – Social Work

M.A. - 1985-1989- Bar-Ilan University - Hebrew Literature

Prof. Judea Friedlander, Study of the play "Sisra" by Nachman


M.A. - 1993-1997- Bar-Ilan University – Social Work

Prof. Reuven Schindler, Elderly parent placement reflected in

family structure: Adaptation and cohesion

Ph.D.- 2002-2007 – University of Haifa – Social Work

Prof. Shlomo Sharlin, Adult grandchildren's perception of their role

and interaction with their grandparents in differential situations of

grandparental functioning

Employment History

2010-current - Tenured Senior Lecturer,school of Social Work

Ariel University

2009-2012 -Director of the B.A program, School of Social Work,

Ariel University

2008-2010 - Tenured Senior Teacher, Ariel University

2005-2009 -Senior Teacher, Ariel University

1998-2008- TeacherHead of Field Practical TrainingUnite,

School of SocialWork,ArielUniversity

1989-1998 - Supervisor of Social Work studentsBar-Ilan University

Employment History Outside the University

1983-2005 -Director of Department of Social Services, Neve-Monoson

Local Municipality.

1993-1994 - Social worker for girls, Neve-Sara-Herzog Boarding, School,


1990-1991 -Director of Department of Social Services, Savyon, Local


1989-1990 - Social Worker for Foster Families, The SocialServices, Department

of Bnei-Brak Municipality

1977-1983 - Social Worker and a Welfare Officer for LawYouth, the Social

Services Department, LodMunicipality

Professional Activities

Membership in professional/scientific societies

2013- present- European Social Work Research Association

1980-present - Israel Gerontological Society

1994-present - Israeli Association of Social Workers

Educational activities

(a) Courses taught – Ariel University

Research Seminar – B.A

Introduction to Social Work – B.A

Basic Social Work Skill Workshop – B.A

Methods of Intervention with Individuals and Family in Social Work – B.A

Psychosocial Issues in Intervention with the Elderly People – B.A

Poverty and Distress - B.A

Intervention Assessment Course - B.A

Intervention with Families in Extreme Distress - M.A.

Methods of Treatment with Elderly Persons and their Families –


(b) Research student-M.A

2014 - Ms. Tania Korman -The relationship between self-

stigma, self-efficacy and self-esteem to intimacy capacity in

couple relationships among people with severe mental

illness (Thesis, with Dr. Tal-Katz).

2013–Ms. Zurit Garbi - The role of great-grandparentsandtheir

relationships withgreat-grandchildren.

2009 -Mrs. Barshuar, Elena -Quality of Life and Social Support

as Perceived by Elders in a "Supportive Community"

during an "Emergency Routine" in Sderot.

2008 –Mrs. Hedva Berabi -The Perception of Grandparenthood

among Holocaust Survivors.

Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships

1996 -The Roby Licthenstein Fund - Award for excellence in M.A. program.

1999 - Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Adult Human

Development in Israel, and Eshel, the Association for the Planning

And Development of Services for the Aged in Israel - award for thesis.

1999 -Yediot Achronot Municipality Center – Neve Monoson Local Municipality- award for excellence.

Scientific Publications

1. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). The Interaction between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents in Differential Situations of Grandparental Functioning from the Perspective of the two Generations. Gerontology, 35, 23-48. (Hebrew).

2. Even-Zohar, A., & Sharlin, S. (2008). Grandchildhood: Adults' Perception on their Role as Grandchildren - An Intergenerational Perspective. Society and Welfare, 28, 441-468. (Hebrew).

3. Even-Zohar, A. (2009). The Well Being of Israeli Elderly- Family Responsibility versus the Responsibility of the State from the Perspective of Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents, Social Issues in Israel, 8, 175-203. (Hebrew).

4. Even-Zohar, A., & Sharlin, S. (2009). Grandchildhood – Adult grandchildren’s perception of their role towards their grandparents from an intergenerational perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40, 165-185.

5. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Contribution of Assistance from the Bezeq Corporation to Improving the Situation of Families in Profound Distress. Social Security, 83, 103-135. (Hebrew).

6. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Relationship between Membership in a 'Supportive Community' for Elderly Persons and Participation in Social Club Activities, Gerontology, 37, (4), 59-80. (Hebrew).

7. Even-Zohar, A. (2011). Intergenerational Solidarity between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents with Different Functional Abilities. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 9 (2), 128-145.

8. Even-Zohar, A. (2012).Subjective Well-Being and Social Support Networks among Elderly Living in Samaria and Benjamin. In M. Billig (ed.) Judea and Samaria Research Studies, vol. 21, 237-253. Ariel, Israel: Ariel University Center and Samaria & Jordan Rift R&D Center. (Hebrew).

9. Even-Zohar, A., & Barshuar, E. (2012). Quality of Life and Social Support as Perceived by Elders in a 'Supportive Community' During an "Emergency Routine" in Sderot. Gerontology, 39, (4), 11-30. (Hebrew).

10. Even-Zohar, A. (2014). Quality of Life of Older People in Israel: AComparison

between older people living at home who are members of a ‘Supportive Community’ and nursing home residents.European Journal of Social Work, 17 (5), 737-753. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.930731

11. Even-Zohar, A. (2015). Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships in Israel: A Comparison between Different Jewish Religious Groups.Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 13(1), 75-88.

12. Even-Zohar, A. Garbi, Z. (Accepted). Great-grandparents' role perception and its effect on their quality of life in comparison to grandparents. GerontologyGeriatics(Hebrew).

13. Even-Zohar, A. Gewirtz- Meydan, A.(Accepted). Careerconsiderations of social work profession and professional preferences of retraining program students of social work compared to regular program students. Social Security. (Hebrew).

Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published Proceedings

1. Even-Zohar, A. (1998). Elderly Parent Placement Reflected in Family Structure – Adaptationand Cohesion.The Ministry of Labor and Welfare. Tel-Aviv, Israel.

2. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). Adult grandchildren’s perception of their role towards their

Elderly Grandparents. 17th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

3. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). Grandchildhood – Adult Grandchildren's Perception of their Role towards their Grandparents from Intergenerational Perspective. International Sociological Association Meeting, Boston, U.S.A.

4. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Contribution of Assistance from the Bezeq Corporation to Improving the Situation of Families in Profound Distress. Conference of Espanet Israel. Bar-Ilan university. Israel.

5. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). Panel Chair - Conference on Supervision in Social Work,Tel Hai College. Israel.

6. Even-Zohar, A. (2011). The Contribution of an Informal Assistance Program Aimed at Improving the Situation of Families with Food Insecurity - First European Conference forSocial Work Research, Oxford. UK.

7. Even-Zohar, A. (2011).Subjective Well-Being and Social Support Networks among Elderly Living in Samaria and Benjamin, The 21 Conference Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Ariel. Israel.

8. Even-Zohar, A. (2012). Ageism and Emotional Responses to Elderly Abuse among Social Workers - Second European Conference for Social Work Research, Basel, Switzerland.

9. Even-Zohar, A. (2012). Formal and InformalSupport andWell-Beingamong the ElderlyLivingin SamariaandBenjamin. 19th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

10. Even-Zohar, A. (2013). Quality of LifeofElderlyLiving at HomeWho AreMembers of a Supportive CommunityCompared withElderly living in a Nursing Home- Third European Conference for Social Work Research, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

11. Even-Zohar, A. (2013).Quality of Life and Social Support of Elderly During an Emergency Routine in Israel - 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, Canada.

12. Even-Zohar, A. (2014).Caregiving Burden and Quality of Life among Offspring who areCaregivers of Elderly Parents: Members of "Supportive Community". 20th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.

13. Even-Zohar, A., Berger, Y., Kreuz-Tal, N., & Shkuri, I. (2014). Intervention with families in extreme distress: A comparison between the point of view of patients of social services and their social workers.Conference of Espanet Israel. Tel-Aviv university,Israel.

14. Even-Zohar, A. (2014). Relationships between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents–Perspective of Both Generations, ASA Aging in America Conference.

15. Even-Zohar, A. Gewirtz- Meydan, A.(2015). Considerations of Choosing Social Work Profession and Professional Preferences of Retraining Program Students in Israel, Fifth European Conference for Social Work Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

• Research Grants

2008 - Bezeq Corporation & Ariel University– Ahuva

Even-Zohar - Principal InvestigatorCorporation to

Improving the Situation of Families in Poverty and


One Year - 2700$.

2009 -R & D Center - Samaria & Jordan Rift & Ariel University

Ahuva Even-Zohar - Principal Investigator

The Experience of being Elderly in Samaria – Well-Being

and Support Networks of Elderly People in Samaria

One Year - 2000$.

2015 – Maccabi Health Research – Online Health Services for the

Elderly. One Year, 11,480$

Additional Information

  • Ad Hoc Reviewer
  • GerontologyGeriatics(Hebrew)
  • Society and Welfare (Hebrew)