Name Dr. Ahuva Even-Zoharpage 1
Name: Ahuva Even-Zohar, Ph.DDate:June, 2015
• Personal Details
Date and place of birth:16 March 1953, Israel.
Address and telephone number at work: School of Social Work, Ariel
University,Ariel, 40700 Israel 972-3-03-9076676
Address and telephone number at home:8 Hagolan st. Ganei-Tiqva, 55900
Israel. 03-5352044, 054-3394812
• Education
B.A. - 1974-1977 - Bar-Ilan University – Hebrew Literature and
History of the Jewish People
Teaching Certificate - 1975-1977 - Bar-Ilan University
B.A. - 1979-1980 - Bar-Ilan University – Social Work
M.A. - 1985-1989- Bar-Ilan University - Hebrew Literature
Prof. Judea Friedlander, Study of the play "Sisra" by Nachman
M.A. - 1993-1997- Bar-Ilan University – Social Work
Prof. Reuven Schindler, Elderly parent placement reflected in
family structure: Adaptation and cohesion
Ph.D.- 2002-2007 – University of Haifa – Social Work
Prof. Shlomo Sharlin, Adult grandchildren's perception of their role
and interaction with their grandparents in differential situations of
grandparental functioning
• Employment History
2010-current - Tenured Senior Lecturer,school of Social Work
Ariel University
2009-2012 -Director of the B.A program, School of Social Work,
Ariel University
2008-2010 - Tenured Senior Teacher, Ariel University
2005-2009 -Senior Teacher, Ariel University
1998-2008- TeacherHead of Field Practical TrainingUnite,
School of SocialWork,ArielUniversity
1989-1998 - Supervisor of Social Work studentsBar-Ilan University
•Employment History Outside the University
1983-2005 -Director of Department of Social Services, Neve-Monoson
Local Municipality.
1993-1994 - Social worker for girls, Neve-Sara-Herzog Boarding, School,
1990-1991 -Director of Department of Social Services, Savyon, Local
1989-1990 - Social Worker for Foster Families, The SocialServices, Department
of Bnei-Brak Municipality
1977-1983 - Social Worker and a Welfare Officer for LawYouth, the Social
Services Department, LodMunicipality
Professional Activities
Membership in professional/scientific societies
2013- present- European Social Work Research Association
1980-present - Israel Gerontological Society
1994-present - Israeli Association of Social Workers
Educational activities
(a) Courses taught – Ariel University
Research Seminar – B.A
Introduction to Social Work – B.A
Basic Social Work Skill Workshop – B.A
Methods of Intervention with Individuals and Family in Social Work – B.A
Psychosocial Issues in Intervention with the Elderly People – B.A
Poverty and Distress - B.A
Intervention Assessment Course - B.A
Intervention with Families in Extreme Distress - M.A.
Methods of Treatment with Elderly Persons and their Families –
(b) Research student-M.A
2014 - Ms. Tania Korman -The relationship between self-
stigma, self-efficacy and self-esteem to intimacy capacity in
couple relationships among people with severe mental
illness (Thesis, with Dr. Tal-Katz).
2013–Ms. Zurit Garbi - The role of great-grandparentsandtheir
relationships withgreat-grandchildren.
2009 -Mrs. Barshuar, Elena -Quality of Life and Social Support
as Perceived by Elders in a "Supportive Community"
during an "Emergency Routine" in Sderot.
2008 –Mrs. Hedva Berabi -The Perception of Grandparenthood
among Holocaust Survivors.
• Awards, Citations, Honors, Fellowships
1996 -The Roby Licthenstein Fund - Award for excellence in M.A. program.
1999 - Brookdale Institute of Gerontology and Adult Human
Development in Israel, and Eshel, the Association for the Planning
And Development of Services for the Aged in Israel - award for thesis.
1999 -Yediot Achronot Municipality Center – Neve Monoson Local Municipality- award for excellence.
Scientific Publications
1. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). The Interaction between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents in Differential Situations of Grandparental Functioning from the Perspective of the two Generations. Gerontology, 35, 23-48. (Hebrew).
2. Even-Zohar, A., & Sharlin, S. (2008). Grandchildhood: Adults' Perception on their Role as Grandchildren - An Intergenerational Perspective. Society and Welfare, 28, 441-468. (Hebrew).
3. Even-Zohar, A. (2009). The Well Being of Israeli Elderly- Family Responsibility versus the Responsibility of the State from the Perspective of Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents, Social Issues in Israel, 8, 175-203. (Hebrew).
4. Even-Zohar, A., & Sharlin, S. (2009). Grandchildhood – Adult grandchildren’s perception of their role towards their grandparents from an intergenerational perspective. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 40, 165-185.
5. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Contribution of Assistance from the Bezeq Corporation to Improving the Situation of Families in Profound Distress. Social Security, 83, 103-135. (Hebrew).
6. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Relationship between Membership in a 'Supportive Community' for Elderly Persons and Participation in Social Club Activities, Gerontology, 37, (4), 59-80. (Hebrew).
7. Even-Zohar, A. (2011). Intergenerational Solidarity between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents with Different Functional Abilities. Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 9 (2), 128-145.
8. Even-Zohar, A. (2012).Subjective Well-Being and Social Support Networks among Elderly Living in Samaria and Benjamin. In M. Billig (ed.) Judea and Samaria Research Studies, vol. 21, 237-253. Ariel, Israel: Ariel University Center and Samaria & Jordan Rift R&D Center. (Hebrew).
9. Even-Zohar, A., & Barshuar, E. (2012). Quality of Life and Social Support as Perceived by Elders in a 'Supportive Community' During an "Emergency Routine" in Sderot. Gerontology, 39, (4), 11-30. (Hebrew).
10. Even-Zohar, A. (2014). Quality of Life of Older People in Israel: AComparison
between older people living at home who are members of a ‘Supportive Community’ and nursing home residents.European Journal of Social Work, 17 (5), 737-753. DOI: 10.1080/13691457.2014.930731
11. Even-Zohar, A. (2015). Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships in Israel: A Comparison between Different Jewish Religious Groups.Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 13(1), 75-88.
12. Even-Zohar, A. Garbi, Z. (Accepted). Great-grandparents' role perception and its effect on their quality of life in comparison to grandparents. GerontologyGeriatics(Hebrew).
13. Even-Zohar, A. Gewirtz- Meydan, A.(Accepted). Careerconsiderations of social work profession and professional preferences of retraining program students of social work compared to regular program students. Social Security. (Hebrew).
• Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars not Followed by Published Proceedings
1. Even-Zohar, A. (1998). Elderly Parent Placement Reflected in Family Structure – Adaptationand Cohesion.The Ministry of Labor and Welfare. Tel-Aviv, Israel.
2. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). Adult grandchildren’s perception of their role towards their
Elderly Grandparents. 17th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
3. Even-Zohar, A. (2008). Grandchildhood – Adult Grandchildren's Perception of their Role towards their Grandparents from Intergenerational Perspective. International Sociological Association Meeting, Boston, U.S.A.
4. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). The Contribution of Assistance from the Bezeq Corporation to Improving the Situation of Families in Profound Distress. Conference of Espanet Israel. Bar-Ilan university. Israel.
5. Even-Zohar, A. (2010). Panel Chair - Conference on Supervision in Social Work,Tel Hai College. Israel.
6. Even-Zohar, A. (2011). The Contribution of an Informal Assistance Program Aimed at Improving the Situation of Families with Food Insecurity - First European Conference forSocial Work Research, Oxford. UK.
7. Even-Zohar, A. (2011).Subjective Well-Being and Social Support Networks among Elderly Living in Samaria and Benjamin, The 21 Conference Judea and Samaria Research Studies, Ariel. Israel.
8. Even-Zohar, A. (2012). Ageism and Emotional Responses to Elderly Abuse among Social Workers - Second European Conference for Social Work Research, Basel, Switzerland.
9. Even-Zohar, A. (2012). Formal and InformalSupport andWell-Beingamong the ElderlyLivingin SamariaandBenjamin. 19th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
10. Even-Zohar, A. (2013). Quality of LifeofElderlyLiving at HomeWho AreMembers of a Supportive CommunityCompared withElderly living in a Nursing Home- Third European Conference for Social Work Research, Jyvaskyla, Finland.
11. Even-Zohar, A. (2013).Quality of Life and Social Support of Elderly During an Emergency Routine in Israel - 42nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Halifax, Canada.
12. Even-Zohar, A. (2014).Caregiving Burden and Quality of Life among Offspring who areCaregivers of Elderly Parents: Members of "Supportive Community". 20th Biennial Meeting of the Israel Gerontological Society, Tel-Aviv, Israel.
13. Even-Zohar, A., Berger, Y., Kreuz-Tal, N., & Shkuri, I. (2014). Intervention with families in extreme distress: A comparison between the point of view of patients of social services and their social workers.Conference of Espanet Israel. Tel-Aviv university,Israel.
14. Even-Zohar, A. (2014). Relationships between Adult Grandchildren and their Grandparents–Perspective of Both Generations, ASA Aging in America Conference.
15. Even-Zohar, A. Gewirtz- Meydan, A.(2015). Considerations of Choosing Social Work Profession and Professional Preferences of Retraining Program Students in Israel, Fifth European Conference for Social Work Research, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
• Research Grants
2008 - Bezeq Corporation & Ariel University– Ahuva
Even-Zohar - Principal InvestigatorCorporation to
Improving the Situation of Families in Poverty and
One Year - 2700$.
2009 -R & D Center - Samaria & Jordan Rift & Ariel University
Ahuva Even-Zohar - Principal Investigator
The Experience of being Elderly in Samaria – Well-Being
and Support Networks of Elderly People in Samaria
One Year - 2000$.
2015 – Maccabi Health Research – Online Health Services for the
Elderly. One Year, 11,480$
• Additional Information
- Ad Hoc Reviewer
- GerontologyGeriatics(Hebrew)
- Society and Welfare (Hebrew)