Nursing and Midwifery

Research Fellowships

Application Form


Applications close 5:00 pm AEST 30 January 2015

Applicant’s name:

Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowships Application Form
Published by the State of Queensland (Queensland Health), December 2014

This document is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit
© State of Queensland (Queensland Health) 2014
You are free to copy, communicate and adapt the work, as long as you attribute the State of Queensland (Queensland Health).
For more information contact:
Health and Medical Research, the Department of Health, GPO Box 48, Brisbane QLD 4001, email , phone +61 (0) 7 3328 9503.
An electronic version of this document is available at
The content presented in this publicationis distributed by the Queensland Government as an information source only. The State of Queensland makes no statements, representations or warranties about the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any information contained in this publication. The State of Queensland disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation for liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete in any way, and for any reason reliance was placed on such information.
  1. Application instructions

Before completing this form, please ensure that you have read all relevant documentation outlined below.

Health and Medical Research (HMR), Preventive Health Unit, the Department of Health will call for applications from 8 December 2014. This application will be assessed by an expert review panel against the selection criteria at Section 7. The panel is comprised of expert representatives from nursing and midwifery backgrounds.

1.1Submission of application

Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship submission
Step / It is recommended that applicants:
One / Read the Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowships Funding Rules

Two / Read Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowships Legal Requirements 2014

Three / Complete this application form (Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowships Application Form)

Four / Submit application to

1.1.1Application form

All applications must be submitted using this form (as per format at Section1.1.3)

1.1.2Closing date

Applications are to be submitted to the ail account by 5pm AEST 30 January 2015. Late applications will not be accepted.

If applicants have difficulty submitting applications, please contact the Department of Health on telephone +61 7 3328 9503 to make alternative arrangements.

1.1.3Format of lodgement

The application will be submitted in a single Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (.pdf). Please ensure that the software used is compatible with version 11 of Adobe Acrobat.

Applicants will submit their application on this form using:

  • Arial 10.5 point
  • Single-spaced font
  • 2 cm page margins.

The application form must be submitted in its original form. Applicants are not permitted to edit the underlying template of the application form.

1.1.4Naming the file

The following naming convention should be used in the document file name (do not include spaces) – the surname and first name refers to the Chief Investigator (CI):



Applicants have the option of submitting the final signed certification page as part of their application (preferred), or as a second separate attachment with the file name – the surname and first name refers to the CI:

  1. Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship categories

Please indicate below the category of Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship that you are applying for. Please note that as a CI, you are only eligible to apply for one of the following four research fellowships.

Novice Research Fellowship (2 research fellowships are available at a maximum of $10,000 per research fellowship over 12 months)

Early-Career Research Fellowship (2 research fellowships are available at a maximum of $15,000 per research fellowship over 12 months)

Experienced Researcher Fellowship (1 research fellowship is available at a maximum of $60,000 per annum for 2 years: a total of $120,000 per research fellowship)

Research Implementation Fellowship (2 research fellowships are available at a maximum of $60,000 per annum for 2 years: a total of $120,000 per research fellowship)

  1. Personal details of Chief Investigator

Personal details of Chief Investigator
Family name
Given name(s)
Title / (Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc)
Gender / Male/Female
Postal address
Courier address (Line 1)
Courier address (Line 2)
Work phone number
Facsimile number
Mobile phone number
Email address (contact is via email in the first instance)
Secondary mail address
Citizenship/resident details of Chief Investigator
Primary place of residence
If not an Australian citizen, please indicate if you are a permanent or temporary resident, or hold a Special Category Visa (please provide certification copies of relevant documentation).
If not a holder of the above, has a residency permit or a Special Category Visa been sought? Please provide details.
Equal employment/diversity information – please indicate if you (the Chief Investigator) identify with any of the following groups. The completion of this section is voluntary.
People with a disability / Yes/No
People from a non-English speaking background / Yes/No
Aboriginal / Yes/No
Torres Strait Islander / Yes/No
Australian South Sea Islander / Yes/No
  1. Qualifications of Chief Investigator

Academic/research qualifications – Copy and paste the table below as many time as required
Academic qualification (e.g. BNurs, MSN, PhD)
Clinical qualifications – Copy and paste the table below as many times as required
Professional Qualification
(e.g. certificate, FACN)
Clinical registrations – Copy and paste the table below as many times as required
Clinical registration type
(e.g. general)
Professional body and jurisdiction
Registration number
Status (eg current)
  1. Current appointments of Chief Investigator

Copy and paste the table below as many times as required for each separate appointment. Please include any relevant clinical, research or academic appointments.

Current appointments and research appointment/s
Job title (e.g. Clinical Nurse, Research Fellow)
Organisation (e.g. Metro North Hospital and Health Service)
Location (e.g.Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital)
Current status of position (eg permanent full time/temporary full time/part time/contract)
  1. Proposed area of research

To assist in providing appropriate peer review for your application and for statistical and reporting purposes, please provide the most appropriate descriptors from the lists provided by the National Health and Medical Research Council ().

Area of research
Broad research area / Select only 1 area
Field of research / Select only 1 field
Research keywords/phrases / Select at least 3 but no more than 5 research keywords/phrases
Socio-economic objective / Select at least 1 but no more than 5 objectives
Plain English summary / Provide up to five sentences that best encapsulate the research in lay terms (this may be used by the Department of Health in promotions and/or media releases).

Does your application address one of the National Health Priority Areas (NHPAs)? (see section 5, Funding Rules). If yes please specify which NHPA your application addresses.

  1. Selection criteria 1 – Research quality
  • 40% for all four categories of research fellowships

In your answers, please ensure you address the selection criteriain Section 7 of the Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowships Funding Rules.

7.1Research plan

Location of research
In this section, include where the research will be undertaken, e.g. university or hospital (maximum 50 words)
Title of research project (maximum 100 words)
Brief background/literature review
In this section, include the current knowledge in your proposed field of research and highlight any gaps in the knowledge (maximum one page)
Aims and rationale of research (maximum five sentences)
Research hypothesis (maximum five sentences)
Brief methodology
In this section, include relevant technologies, statistical and analytical methods (maximum one page)
Assistant investigator/s
In this section include all key team members/assistant investigator/s. Copy and paste the table below as many times as required.
Job title
Place of employment
Role in project team
Percentage contribution of team member
Briefly describe the benefit of the collaboration
Expected outcomes
What outcomes are sought from the project and how will they be measured?
(maximum one page)
In the section below, describe the proposed milestones for the research fellowship.
Ensure the milestones are focused to achieve the desired outcomes.
If the application is successful, the completion of milestones will be addressed in the progress reports.
Do not include:
  • Writing grant applications
  • Applying for and obtaining ethics approvals and governance authorisation – this is mandatory prior to beginning any research project
  • Recruitment of staff
  • Attendance at conferences or symposia.

Briefly outline the proposed milestones for the project and the dates by which they are expected to be completed. Insert as many additional rows as necessary.
Milestone 1 / Insert date by which milestone is expected to be completed
Milestone 2 / Insert date by which milestone is expected to be completed
  1. Selection criteria 2 – Significance and/or innovation
  • 25% for experienced researchers and research implementation applicants; 40% for novice researcher and early-career researcher applicants

Describe the originality of the research and the potential importance or impact of the project on the field(maximum one page).
Describe the project vision for Queensland(maximum one page)
This may include (but is not limited to) the means by which the funding of the project will:
  • address areas of need regarding the health of Queenslanders
  • lead to improved patient outcomes, through innovation or the implementation or change to guidelines or policies (ie translation into practice)
  • facilitate new dimensions of leadership, training, team building, collaboration and leverage of external funds
  • integrate with your research and contribute to improved research culture and clinical practice in Queensland’s publiclyfunded health care facilities.

  1. Selection criteria 3 – Track record of Chief Investigator
  • 25% for experienced researchers and research implementation applicants; 10% for novice researcher and early-career researcher applicants)

Researchers applying as a novice nurse/midwife researcher will not be assessed on their track record, rather their ability to undertake research, including a good support network, sound project idea and methodology, and good understanding of the research area.

Evaluation of this selection criterion is also based on the track record of the identified mentor and their ability to support a novice researcher. As a novice researcher, please ensure you provide any relevant details regarding your track record first,then provide details of your mentor’s track record.


In the section below, list yourmost significant publications from the last five years, which are relevant to this research application.
Please describe, in one or two sentences, the significance of your top five publications.
Publications could include:
  • peer-reviewed research papers
  • patents applied for or granted
  • reviews, letters, notes
  • books or book chapters
  • technical or other reports, including non-peer reviewed technical reports that have had an impact on policy, practice or commercialisation
  • inquiries, other journal contributions
  • conference abstracts/proceedings.

List your most significant publications relevant to this research application(maximum two pages)

9.2Key conferences and meetings participation

In the section below, list your most significant participation in key conferences and meetings, which are relevant to this research application.
Participation may include (but is not limited to):
  • Keynote addresses
  • Presentations
  • Involvement on relevant committees.

Participation in key conferences and meetings(maximum one page)

9.3Major research grants

List any major research grants you have received in the last five years
(maximum one page)

9.4Career disruptions

Outline any significant career disruptions lasting longer than six months that have affected your ability to undertake hospital and health service/clinical duties or academic research over the last five years. Examples include pregnancy and childbirth, major illness, career responsibilities, parental leave, and industry or other work placements where research was not able to be conducted. Applicants should nominate periods where their career has been disrupted and provide a brief explanation of the reason.

9.5Leadership and training

In the section below, briefly outline your involvement in both research and clinical/hospital and health service duties leadership and training. Dot points are acceptable.
This may include (but is not limited to):
  • Involvement in leadership, training and mentorship
  • Involvement in supervision of clinical staff
  • Supervision of research staff (indicate level of students – honours, Masters, PhD, postdoctoral)
  • Any courses or training that you have undertaken that has directly contributed to your research work.

Research leadership and training (maximum half page)

9.6Achievements, prizes and awards for research and clinical/hospital and health service duties

Outline any significant prizes, honours or peer-recognition you have received for research relevant to this application. Please include the name and brief details of the award. Dot points are acceptable.(maximum one page)

9.7Other professional activities and community involvement

Outline any further significant professional activities and community involvement that is relevant to this research proposal. Dot points are acceptable.(maximum half page)
  1. Selection criteria 4 – Budget
  • 10% for all four categories of research fellowships

Outline your budget for the proposed project, including justification (value for money) for each line item (maximum one page).
Budget may include any direct research costs, including research assistants, contract statisticians or other relevant experts, payment for services required such as pathology, administrative costs directly associated with the research project, travel, and accommodation for data collection.
  1. Identification of research mentor (for applicants applying under the novice researcher category only)

Applicants in the novice researcher category who do not have a research mentor will not be considered.

Research mentor
Title / Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc
First name, last name
Research field
Academic qualifications
Clinical qualifications
Institute / Hospital/university etc
Office phone number
Mobile phone number
Email address
Relationship to applicant
Permission to contact / Yes/No
  1. Identification of novice researcher team member for applicants applying under the experienced researcher and research implementation category

Novice researcher
Title / Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc
First name, last name
Clinical qualifications
Institute / Hospital/university etc
Office phone number
Mobile phone number
Email address
  1. External assessors

The Department of Health reserves the right to appoint external assessors. These external assessors may be provided with relevant documentation to complete the assessment.

List a maximum of three name(s) below, of any people to be excluded from the external assessment process where relevant (ie because of a significant conflict of interest).

Excluded external assessors (if relevant)
  1. Referees

Applicants are required to contact and seek agreement from two referees to comment on the Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship application. Please include the contact details and the relationship of the referees to the CI (eg ‘current manager’). It is preferred applicants provide referees that currently work closely with the applicant. If possible, provide one clinical referee and one research referee.

Referee 1
Title / Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc
First name, last name
Postal address
Postal address
State / Hospital/university etc
Office phone number
Mobile phone number
Email address
Relationship to applicant
Permission to contact / Yes/No
Referee 2
Title / Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc
First name, last name
Postal address
Postal address
State / Hospital/university etc
Office phone number
Mobile phone number
Email address
Relationship to applicant
Permission to contact / Yes/No
  1. Certification

Applicants have the option of submitting the final signed certificationpage as part of their application (preferred), or as a second separate attachment using the following naming convention for the file name


15.1Chief Investigator certification

I, the applicant, certify that all details given in this application are correct

Applicant’s certification
Title / Prof, Dr, Mr, Mrs, Ms etc
Last name / Applicant's last name
First name(s) / Applicant's first name
Date / [DD/MM/YYYY]

15.2Assistant investigator certification

Assistant investigator’s certification (copy and paste the table below as many times as required)
Title / Assistant investigator's title
Last name / Assistant investigator's last name
First name(s) / Assistant investigator's first name
Date / [DD/MM/YYYY]

15.3Research mentor certification (for applicants applying for the novice researcher category only)

I, agree to act as a research mentor for [insert applicants name] should the applicant be awarded a Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship in the novice researcher category.

Research mentor certification
Title / Research mentor's details
Last name / Research mentor's details
First name(s) / Research mentor's details
Date / [DD/MM/YYYY]

15.4Novice researcher certification

This certification is to be completed by:

  • novice researchers on research implementation and experienced researcher teams


  • by all assistant investigators on novice researcher teams.

I, [insert novice researcher's name] confirm that I am a novice researcher should the applicant be awarded a Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship.

Novice researcher certification
Title / Novice researcher's details
Last name / Novice researcher's details
First name(s) / Novice researcher's details
Date / [DD/MM/YYYY]

15.5Early-career researcher certification

This certification is to be completed by all assistant investigators on early career researcher teams.

I, [insert early career researcher's name] confirm that I am an early-career researcher, should the applicant be awarded a Nursing and Midwifery Research Fellowship.

Early career researcher certification
Title / Early-career researcher's details
Last name / Early-career researcher's details
First name(s) / Early-career researcher's details
Date / [DD/MM/YYYY]
Department of Health
NurseMid – Applicaton form3 – 05.11.14

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