/ Unisys Response to State of Montana
Request for Information

January 16, 2014

Michele Burchett

State of Montana – Department of Administration

State Information Technology Services Division

125 N. Roberts

Helena, MT 59620-0113

Reference: Unisys Response to the State of Montana Department of Administration – State Information Technology Services Division RFI on Electronic Content Management System.

Dear Ms Burchett:

Thank you for the opportunity to present the Unisys response to the State of Montana Department of Administration – State Information Technology Services Division Request for Information: Enterprise Content Management System (ECMS.). We have reviewed your Request for Information and are submitting a response that we believe best meets your requirements and the business goals driving this initiative.

We know that an Enterprise Content Management System is important to the future of the state of Montana. We also know that Unisys is the company who can provide the State of Montana the expertise to create a Strategy, Implement a Solution and Support an enduring ECMS environment. For 20 plus years, Unisys has been an integrator of large scale, enterprise level implementations, utilizing our own Info Image solution in both on premise and SaaS environments in the Public Sector throughout the United States.

Unisys looks forward to expanding our relationship with the State of Montana to deliver a world class ECMS. For any questions about our response, please contact your Account Executive Kyle Brogan at or 970 556-1901.


Kyle Brogan

Account Executive

Unisys Corporation

7408 Vardon Way

Fort Collins, CO 80528

970 556-1901

Table of Contents


1. Executive Summary 3

1.1 Leveraging the WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract 4

1.2 Key WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract Advantages: 4

2. Document Overview 6

3. ECM/ERM Specifications 7

3.1 Definitions 7

3.2 ECM/ERM Qualifications Submittal Requirements 10

3.3 ECMS Specifications 14

4. Additional Information 30

5. Pricing 32

1.  Executive Summary

Unisys has successfully implemented hundreds of Enterprise Content Management Systems (ECMS) worldwide. We deliver these solutions in multiple ways: as direct project engagements where we integrate with existing systems; as wholly or partially outsourced operations; and in Cloud-based solutions. We feel utilizing our cloud-based solution along with the WSCA-NASPO prime contract which was awarded to Unisys in August, 2012, is the best fit for this RFI. More information regarding our WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract is below.

Our large enterprise clients have many thousands of end users often requiring complex multi-domain workflows and solutions. Our largest enterprise clients manage more than 1 billion items in their active repositories to support their mission-critical business processes. A large portion of these clients are Public Sector agencies around the globe. In the U.S., Unisys has implementations in nearly half of the U.S. states and in some large county governments. Some key U.S. State Government ECMS and InfoImage software implementations include:

·  State of California (Labor/Employment, Secretary of State)

·  States of Washington and Oregon (Revenue/Tax, Employment, Human Services)

·  Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (Revenue/Tax, Labor, Retirement, Police-Law Enforcement, Medicaid)

·  States of Massachusetts (Child Support payments), Michigan (SACWIS and Treasury), Minnesota (Secretary of State and Bureau of Criminal Apprehension), and Ohio (Employment Services, Tax and Treasury), etc.

These Public Sector agencies have the same high requirements as you: reliability, scalability, availability and security. They depend on Unisys to meet these needs for their ECMS. We feel you can depend on us as well.

Our services and customer implementations span the breadth of ECM, including document imaging, content management, workflow, business process management (BPM), records management, managed services and outsourcing/hosting. Additionally, our experience and expertise has involved many of the leading ECM software suites and tools, such as IBM FileNet, EMC Documentum, Global360, Open Text, SharePoint and our own solution, Unisys InfoImage, which we are proposing for Montana.

For all of our ECMS projects, Unisys provided subject matter expertise not only for implementation and development services, but also for consulting. We provide staff that has years of experience analyzing and documenting existing ECMS architectures, reviewing existing requirements and business processes, facilitating work sessions for gathering ECMS requirements, documenting those requirements and business processes and ultimately recommending a future-state architecture, plan and roadmap to ensure your ECM system will meet your existing and future needs.

1.1  Leveraging the WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract

In August 2012, the Western States Contracting Alliance (WSCA), now known as WSCA-NASPO, awarded Unisys a prime contract for “Public Cloud Hosting” from a competitive bid pool of over 20 RFP responses. Since award, many States have chosen to use this contract vehicle and trust Unisys to provide the services available in the contract scope including: Cloud Hosting, GIS Cloud Hosting, Cloud Messaging and Collaboration, Assisted Provisioning, and Application Design Services, as depicted in Exhibit 1.

Our experience gained by envisioning, instantiating, and now operating the largest cooperative cloud computing contract for State and Local government in the nation has created a public sector and cloud computing skill set that is second to none. We have achieved this by marrying a risk-averse migration approach and nationwide volume-aggregation incentives to drive an extremely economical adoption model, to deliver industry-best cloud services to our State customers in a programmatic and practical manner.

Exhibit 1 - Unisys Components of the WSCA-NASPO Contract Vehicle

We invite the State of Montana to consider simply signing up to leverage the WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract for their immediate and long term Enterprise Content Management System needs rather than going through the process of re-competing this capability solely for your State.

1.2  Key WSCA-NASPO Cloud Contract Advantages:

·  Ability to add or change contract terms to tailor to Montana’s laws and requirements

·  Easy sign up process, start using the cloud now rather than waiting on another procurement cycle

·  Montana ITSD may download an easy to understand Participating Addendums template available at: http://www.aboutwsca.org/content.cfm/id/wsca_cloud_unisys.

·  Power in numbers – Join your State peers in sharing best practices, solution stacks, and aggregated pricing discounts.

We look forward to discussing anything related to the Unisys ECMS RFI proposal with the State of Montana. We believe we have a solution that allows you a rapid implementation, utilizing the capabilities of the Unisys InfoImage ECMS, while reducing up front capital cost!

Adding to this Cloud based InfoImage solution is convenient mobile access to critical documents and process enhanced collaboration with partners and improved availability of content across multiple State of Montana organizations all securely hosted in Unisys data centers throughout the U.S.

2.  Document Overview

The remainer of this document will attempt to cover our RFI response as follows:

Section 3 – This section contains our response to section 3 of the original RFI document. It contains our response to selected definitions and response to several RFI requirements in section 3.2 of the RFI Document. Additionally, this document also includes our response to the ECMS Specifications Matrix in section 3.3 of the original RFI Document.

Section 4 – This section includes our response to section 4 of the original RFI Document.

Section 5 – This section details our detailed pricing model.

3.  ECM/ERM Specifications

3.1  Definitions

RFI Requirement:

3.1.1. Enterprise-wide Solution – a single solution that will support all agencies, offices, and commissions described in sub-section 1.2.

Unisys Response:

Unisys ECM Solutions have been used effectively and successfully in a broad array of Government business use cases, such as:

■  Tax and revenue applications and work processes across both full-page and check/remittance types of use cases, across various kinds of Tax applications (Income, Sales, Use, Liquor, etc.)

■  Claims and Justice/Courts records,

■  Permits, licensing and inspections,

■  Law Enforcement/Policing records (case docs, fingerprints, offender registry, etc.)

■  Employee insurance claims, disability and workers compensation

■  Court docket filings and proceedings,

■  Adult, family and child services operations in HHS agencies, including welfare case management.

Unisys has served many state and international government agencies across numerous Tax/Revenue, Human Services, Secretary of State, Employee/Labor and Courts/Justice operations and agencies with solutions, systems, applications and services for many years. This includes projects and solutions based around our ECM solutions for child and adult services, employment, labor, disability, welfare and support services and operations, and often includes the content and document management solutions. States in the US that we often reference for such activities include California, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

Internationally, we have implemented Government ECM/EDMS solution for various national ministries, large cities and agencies that span law enforcement/policing, justice/courts, social services, and numerous government use cases and apps. An example is the Government of the Philippines, where we manage and operate their ECM Solution and environment that captures, stores and manages all the citizenry Vital Records and Registry.

RFI Requirement:

3.1.2 Enterprise Content Management System (ECMs) - a formalized means of organizing and storing an organization's documents, and other content, that relate to the organization's processes. The term encompasses strategies, methods, and tools used throughout the lifecycle of the content, including records management functionality.

Unisys Response:

Unisys fully agrees and endorses the state’s view of ECM. Our mission is to serve and grow our ECM clients with valuable business solutions, by remaining focused on specific markets,applying best practices, domain expertise and our blueprinting methodology to build, implement and support solutions with leading ECM platforms. We provide quality consulting and technical services to our clients around the globe; and we deliver value-producing client business solutions and services that are mission-critical and mission-supporting.

ECM includes imaging, workflow, business process management, document and records management, collaboration, search and portals.

ECM helps knowledge workers capture, create, store, deliver, manage, archive and dispose of digital content related to organizational processes.

ECM manages an organization's "unstructured" information -- documents, forms, emails, XML files, images, audio files, video files, etc.

ECM employs methods, policies, metrics, governance practices and software tools to manage the lifecycle of information.

Transactional ECM is targeted for high volume externally (an internally) generated content such as case files, benefits and claims documents, tax and revenue documents, etc..

Cloud and SaaS based ECM provides a hosted, managed and secure ECM Solution, paid for by clients in a simple and cost-effective monthly subscription contract based upon users and volume of transactions/documents and storage.

Unisys offers a full suite of Services around our ECM Solutions, and strive to help our clients evolve to paperless environments and improve their (digital) work processes, while also assisting them achieve benefits and value in Cost reduction/control, Compliance, and Citizen service. Our Services span the areas of Strategy, Operations, Applications and Technology, and can be depicted in the following graphic.

Exhibit 2 - Full Suite of ECM Solutions

Finally, we have built up a set of global ECM Best Practices and a consistent and comprehensive methodology for deploying ECM Solutions successfully for our customer organizations. These Services and Best practices have been achieved through almost two decades of successful deployments, and experience with hundreds of major organizations, across 30 countries.

3.2  ECM/ERM Qualifications Submittal Requirements

RFI Requirement:

3.2.1. Company Qualifications: Indicate your company’s qualifications and experience as an ECM/ERM provider. Include information on the following:

·  Company Background

·  Similar Projects

·  Customer References

Unisys Response:

Unisys response is addressed in the Executive Overview section as well as in Section 3.1.

RFI Requirement:

3.2.2 Solution Overview: Provide an overview of your solution based on the requirements outlined below. Discuss options for migrating legacy ECMS systems listed in Section 1.4 and in Attachment A – State of Montana Agency ECMS Survey.

Unisys Response:

Leaders from the public sector have embraced Unisys ECM and InfoImage solutions and services for:

■  End-to-end Solutions: Complete solution with software, hardware, services (consulting, integration and application hosting and managed services), and public sector specific resources and assets (e.g. frameworks, templates and IP) that can be readily supplied around the globe.

■  Unisys InfoImage ECM: Transactional content management solution for Public Sector agencies looking to significantly improve automated and manual processes that are heavily dependent upon high volume paper and digitally-borne documents, generated from internet transactions, and other electronic documents (e.g. account opening materials, invoices, loan packages, client statements, claims).

■  InfoImage SaaS or On-Premise: Deploy your InfoImage and ECM solutions the way you want and need to help you meet government mandates, save costs and improve access across multi-site operations and locations.

■  Unisys provides you with the frameworks, templates and services to take advantage of the cloud and easily migrate from On-Premise to Cloud-Hosted to SaaS in order to help shift your budget from CAPEX to OPEX.

By combining Unisys InfoImage ECM solution, Unisys government domain expertise and pre-built industry templates, and incorporating disruptive technologies such as the InfoImage mobile and iPad app into process redesign, Unisys is able to help agencies maximize the impact and value generated from the content-process union. This enables organizations to better manage regulatory compliance, increase complex-process efficiencies, reduce overall costs, and improve citizen services.

RFI Requirement:

3.2.3 Software Modules: Indicate any modules (with descriptions of functionalities) necessary for the solution to meet these requirements.

Unisys Response:

Unisys will recommend that the State of Montana implement our ECM SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) cloud-based solution, utilizing Unisys InfoImage ECM software as the underlying ECM software suite. This suite is especially suited to large-scale, document intense and transactional content kinds of government use cases found extensively throughout State Governments. The SaaS offering employs our Enterprise software licensing constructs which provide capabilities for:

■  Document Imaging, Scanning/Capture, Ingestion, Storage, Retrieval and work-in-process and long-term Archiving;