Conference Purpose and Objectives

Everyone is so focused on the crisis that we are not seeing the routes out of it. Crisis is not a destroyer but a purifier ensuring the survival and prosperity of the fittest. Business environment has changed and will be changing more than ever in years that have to come - some traditionally powerful markets have weakened while others have grown, cultural and geographical distances between people are fading, innovation in all aspects (technology, markets, finance, etc.) has become paramount for companies’ sustainable competitive advantage. How to deal with fast changing environment and how to deal with its outcomes presents an important issue to be tackled by both academics and practitioners.

The purpose of this conference is to provide a research forum for academics and practitioners engaged in generating insights for doing business in turbulent environment. This conference provides an opportunity for an interdisciplinary take on this issue from marketing, finance, accounting, management and economics viewpoints. Besides its interdisciplinarity, this conference wants to provide a platform for constructive dialogue on these important issues between academia and practice.


June 12th, 2011 - Submission deadline

Confirmation of acceptance will be e-mailed within one week from submission

July 18th, 2011 - Early registration deadline

September 05th, 2011 - Late registration deadline

September 21st-24th, 2011 - Conference

Program Tracks

MARKETING – with possible areas including:

Mkt 1.Advertising, promotion and integrated marketing communications

Mkt 2.Interactive marketing and social media

Mkt 3.Product and brand management

Mkt 4.Fashion marketing

Mkt 5.Luxury marketing

Mkt 6.Marketing and film industry

Mkt 7.Services marketing

Mkt 8.Sales and distribution channel management

Mkt 9.Consumer behavior

Mkt 10.Global and cross-cultural marketing

Mkt 11.Business-to-business marketing

Mkt 12.Marketing strategies

Mkt 13.Social and non-profit marketing

Mkt 14.Customer relationship management - CRM

Mkt 15.Marketing research, measurement andmetrics

Mkt 16.Pricing management

Mkt 17.Marketing innovation

Mkt 18.SME marketing

Mkt 19.Sports marketing

Mkt 20.Internal marketing

Mkt 21.Marketing education

Mkt 22.Marketing in transitional economies

Mkt 23.Marketing innovation

Mkt 24.Market orientation

Mkt 25.Tourism marketing and management

Mkt 26.Marketing in turbulent environment

MANAGEMENT – with possible areas including:
Mng 1.Innovation management

Mng 2.Business ethics

Mng 3.New practices in management

Mng 4.Leadership for next decade

Mng 5.Compensation management

Mng 6.Crises management

Mng 7.International management challenges

Mng 8.Macroeconomic management

Mng 9.Risk management

Mng 10.SME and entrepreneurship

Mng 11.Social issues in management

Mng 12.The growing influence of social networks

Mng 13.New role of women in management

Mng 14.Virtual management

Mng 15.Quality management

Mng 16.Management in post-crisis world

Mng 17.Role of IT in management

Mng 18.Project management

Mng 19.Holistic innovation

Mng 20.“Green” management

Mng 21.Corporate restructuring

Mng 22.Tourism management

Mng 23.Business intelligence

Mng 24.Management in turbulent environment

FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING – with possible areas including

F&A 1.Contemporary issue in banking

F&A 2.Financial institution management

F&A 3.Investment banking in turbulent environment

F&A 4.Financial marketing

F&A 5.Country risk

F&A 6.Accounting, regulation and taxation

F&A 7.Cost accounting

F&A 8.Financial reporting

F&A 9.Government and NGO accounting and financing

F&A 10.Corporate treasury management

F&A 11.Personal finance

F&A 12.Futures and risk management

F&A 13.Banking and financial institutions

F&A 14.Bankruptcy and distress

F&A 15.Capital flows, finance and trade

F&A 16.Challenges of banking and finance in transitional economies

F&A 17.Rethinking the risk factor

F&A 18.Financial at international markets

F&A 19.Financial econometrics

F&A 20.Financial markets

F&A 21.Government impact on restructuring and stabilizing financial industry

F&A 22.Investments and risk

F&A 23.Market integration and interest rates

F&A 24.Mergers and acquisitions

F&A 25.Mutual funds and hedge funds

F&A 26.Redesigning the international monetary system

F&A 27.Volatility

F&A 28.Transfer pricing

ECONOMICS – with possible areas including

Eco 1.Migration and urbanization

Eco 2.Globalization and economic growth

Eco 3.Global trade liberalization vs. regional economic integration

Eco 4.Privatization

Eco 5.Importance of emerging economies

Eco 6.EU economics

Eco 7.Exchange rates and currency markets

Eco 8.Macroeconomic challenges in turbulent environment

Eco 9.Macroeconomic theory and policy

Eco 10.Protectionism and regulations

Eco 11.What is the “new normal” for global growth?

Eco 12.Environment and national economy

Eco 13.New order in FDI

Eco 14.Managing unemployment

Eco 15.Welfare economics

Eco 16.The role and importance of EU

Eco 17.International economic relations

Submission Guidelines

The 2011 Global Business Conference invites submissions of abstracts/manuscripts/proposals no later than June 12th, 2011.Submissions should be sent by e-mail as attached Word formatted (doc or docx) file to . Yourabstract/proposal should not exceed 1 500 words and manuscript should not exceed 5 000 words. Your contribution should be written in English, submitted on time and be relevant with the overall conference theme objectives.

Authors should indicate the track in which they would like to present their contribution. Each contribution can be submitted only to one track and each author can submit only one contribution. In order to include your contribution in the conference and the proceedings at least one author must register for the conference.

Contributions will go through a blind review process. E-mails of acceptance or rejection will be e-mailed out within one week of your submission. Acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the paper. Upon acceptance, authors can decide to publish the whole paper or only the abstract in conference proceedings.

Contributions should be:

  • Single spaced throughout
  • Arial 11-point font
  • Left justified throughout
  • A4 size page formatting
  • 2.5 cm margins on all sides

Content of theabstracts/proposals:

  • Cover page (1 page) - it should include title of the contribution and author(s) information – name, affiliation, address, phone contact, e-mail. In case of more than one author indicate corresponding author.
  • Body of the abstracts/proposals - it should contain title, key words (5 max.), abstract/proposal (max 1 500 words)

If you wish to have your full paper included in the proceedings, the final manuscript should be formatted as follows:

  • Cover page (1 page) - it should include title of the contribution and author(s) information – name, affiliation, address, phone contact, e-mail. In case of more than one author indicate corresponding author.
  • Title (1 page) - the title should be followed by abstract of 150 words maximum summarizing the main aim(s), findings and conclusions of your research. After abstract write up to 5 keywords followed by the track your paper is intended for.

Body of the paper (max5 000 words) - including tables, figures, footnotes and technical details if required such as mathematical proof or development.


Body of the paper (maximum5 000 words)

Headings and sub-headings

1. Major Headings - Should be numbered sequentially, left justified and bolded. The first letter of each major word should be capitalized and all of the other words should be in lower case. Two single space lines should precede and one single space should follow a major heading.

1.1 Sub-headings - Should be numbered according to the main heading, left justified and regular. One space line should precede and follow a sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.

1.1.1 Sub sub-heading - You should avoid the use of sub sub-headings unless absolutely necessary. If you use sub sub-headings they should be numbered according to the main heading, left indented and regular. One space line should precede and follow a sub sub-heading. Only the first letter of the first word should be capitalized.


Journal article and book references are given below as examples. For full referencing guidelines visit the website of Journal of Product and Brand Management:

Journal article:

Capizzi, M.T. and Ferguson, R. (2005), Loyalty trends for the twenty-first century, Journal of Consumer Marketing, 22 (2), pp. 72-80.


Harrow, R. (2005), No Place to Hide, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY.