September 14, 2017 Block 1 Pool 5:30 PM

Attending: Board Members: Dave O’Hern, Lora McCormick, Frank Buscemi, Barbara Matteson, Sara Grimm, Tom Nordstrum, Jan Sleeper. Committee Chairs: Maryann Dunn, Wayne Murray, Home Owners: Elyse Kaufmann, Glen Ponder.

MINUTES: May 6, 2017, approved by motion from Lora, seconded Barbara. September 9, 2017 meeting, motion to approve by Barbara seconded Frank. Both passed unanimously.

FINANCIAL: Frank presented the treasurers report which was approved after a motion and second. He then explained that he felt our relationship with Compass Bank has changed. After speaking with and comparing other banks he found that Vantage West is a better fit and recommended we change banks. After discussion Barbara made the motion we change banks and Lora seconded. The motion passed with 5 for and 1 opposed. A projected budget for 2018 was passed out to board members. It shows just enough income to cover the required expenses of Village A. There is virtually no extra money for projects or repairs of items that might need fixing. Dave asked the members to review the budget and be prepared to discuss at the next meeting options to improve our financial situation. Possible steps to take are:

Raise dues

Delete paying for cable

Reduce the landscape areas

Do not water grass during the summer months

Dave received a written request from a resident to waive occurred late fees. The late fee, charged for late payment due the association, works well and the board does not want to change the procedure at this time.


Pools: Wayne says pool maintenance is fine. He examined the solar system at Block 1 pool and found that the actuator is bad and needs to be replaced. He can purchase a replacement for $300 and will install it himself. A motion was made to give Wayne the go ahead and money for this project. Motion seconded and passed. Wayne reported that our pool gates need to swing “out” instead of “in”. Also a hand rail needs to be installed at block 16 pool. These two projects will be done with volunteers along with needed painting.

Landscape: Lora reported that Land Tamers will be scalping the grass getting ready for our winter rye. Frank mentioned the cost of water and the fact that it just keeps going up. Lora and Frank will meet and brain storm ways of keeping our common areas beautiful while conserving water and expense. Their suggestions will be presented to the board at our October meeting.

CC&R: The home for sale at 6622 E. Villa Dorado has not done repairs recommended by the last CC&R letter to them. Dave met with the owner to point out needed areas of repair. After talking with the title company, Dave was informed all repairs will be done so sale can go through.

SOCIAL: Sara shared with us the information she has added to the new resident booklet. She suggested a monthly newsletter to keep residents informed of other and new pertinent information. The board decided this is a discussion we will have at the November annual meeting. Barbara suggested a happy hour get together for residents on October 12. She will send out the invitations.

ROADS: Maryann reminded the board that the road in block 16 will be coated next spring. It is follow up maintenance on the road resurfacing done this year.

ELECTION COMMITTEE: Due to the chair of this committee moving out of state it was recommended that Maryann Dunn take over the position. She is familiar with the procedure and has done it in the past. Tom moved motion, seconded by Lora. Passed unanimously.

OTHER: Dave brought up vandalism and safety concerns in Dorado. A discussion ensued concerning a police liaison person and a safe locked mail box for block 1 and 16. He will research these and report at next meeting.

Adjourned meeting at 7:40 PM. Next meeting scheduled for October 19, 2017 at block 1 pool at 4:00 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Sleeper, Secretary