Physical Science Exam Study Guide

  1. Which particles in an atom have a positive charge?
  1. What particles are found in the nucleus of an atom?
  1. Particles that move around the nucleus of the atom are called?
  1. Electrons involved in bonding between two atoms are called?
  1. The modern periodic table is arranged in order of increasing…?
  1. What information in the periodic table indicates the number of protons in an atom?
  1. Elements in the same group (column) on the periodic table have…?
  1. Where are the metals located on the periodic table?
  1. Most metal are good what?
  1. How many valence electrons are required for an atom to be stable?
  1. What causes elements to bond?
  1. From an element’s location on the periodic table, you can predict…?
  1. Thermal energy and heat always move from ______substances to ______substances.
  1. Be able to draw how particles are arranged in the different states of matter.
  1. What are the characteristic of a physical change of matter?
  1. Which group of the periodic table of elements is used to make semiconductors?
  1. Of the states of matter, which has the most tightly packed particles?
  1. Of the states of matter which has no definite shape and no definite volume?
  1. When heat is transferred to a solid, what happens?
  1. What are the freezing and melting points of water?
  1. What occurs when the surface of a solid substance gains enough thermal energy to become a gas, skipping the liquid phase?
  1. What is plasma?
  1. The energy possessed by the particles in a substance is called?
  1. The measure of the average energy of the individual particles in a substance is called?
  1. The temperature at which there is no longer any particle motion is what?
  1. What is the term used when thermal energy moves from one substance another?
  1. What is the substance that prevents or inhibits the conduction of heat?
  1. What is an ion?
  1. When an atom loses and electron, it becomes?
  1. An ionic bond is formed when what happens?
  1. Ions that are made of more than one atom are example of?
  1. The ionic compound MgO is called?
  1. A chemical bond that forms when two atoms share electron is called a?
  1. A reaction that absorbs energy in the form of heat is described as?
  1. Water vapor in the air turns to liquid water in the form of rain. This is an example of what kind of change?
  1. What happens when chemical bonds break and new bonds form?
  1. A solid that forms from solution during a chemical reaction is called a?
  1. A shorter, easier way to show chemical reactions, using symbols instead of words, is called a chemical ______?
  1. What is a synthesis chemical reaction? Give an example.
  1. In chemical reactions, what does the principle of conservation of mass mean?
  1. What is a decomposition reaction? Give an example.
  1. What is replacement chemical reaction? Give and example.
  1. Be able to identify a balance chemical equation.
  1. What type of energy is possessed by an object that is motion?
  1. The tendency of an object to resist any change in motion is know as what?
  1. What type of energy is stored and held in readiness?
  1. A change in position is known as what?
  1. Motion is measured as it is compared to a what?
  1. What is required to start an object moving or to stop its motion?
  1. What is the standard unit used to measure force?
  1. If your book is being pushed westward with 10 N of force and an opposing force of 5 N is applied, what is the net force acting on the book?
  1. When you know both the speed and the direction of an object’s motion, you know the what?
  1. The force that one surface exerts on another when the two rub against each other is called?
  1. What does Newton’s 3rd law state?
  1. Which law can explain how gases released from burning fuel in a rocket produce thrust?
  1. Which law describes the relationship between force, mass and velocity?
  1. What is the rate of acceleration due to gravity?
  1. When the only force acting on a falling object is gravity, the object is said to be in what?
  1. The product of an object’s mass and velocity is called it’s what?
  1. Air resistance is a type of what?
  1. When air resistance equals the force of gravity on a falling object, the object has reached what?
  1. When an object is in free fall, what is its velocity at 10 seconds (assume no air resistance)?
  1. The law of universal gravitation states that…?
  1. The force that causes an object to move in a circle is called?
  1. Projectile motion is described as having which 2 components?
  1. How is momentum measured?
  1. What do waves carry?
  1. The distance between one crest and the next crest is the wave’s what?
  1. Sound is produced by a what?
  1. A sound wave bending around a corner is called what?
  1. When light wave bends it is called what?
  1. What happens to wavelength and frequency as each one changes?
  1. Light travels as what kind of wave?
  1. Sound travels as what kind of wave?
  1. A high pitched sound occurs when what is high?
  1. If the loudness of sound increases, what is the cause?
  1. Which color in the visible spectrum has the LEAST amount of energy?
  1. Which type of electromagnetic radiation has the most energy?
  1. Our eyes see through ______matter because light is what?
  1. Our eye sees an apple as red because of what?
  1. What causes light waves to refract?
  1. Each color of light has its own speed or wavelength?
  1. Be able to diagram how light is accurately reflected.
  1. Describe a convex lens.
  1. Describe a concave lens.
  1. What type of lens is found in the human eye?
  1. Where on a magnet is the magnetic force the strongest?
  1. What will happen if you break a magnet into two pieces?
  1. Rubber, glass, and wood are all good what?
  1. What are the ways to increase the strength of an electromagnet?
  1. An electric current flows through a continuous loop known as what?
  1. In a series circuit, if more light bulbs are added, the bulbs become what?
  1. The difference in electrical potential between two places is called?
  1. The unit of current is the what?
  1. In science, hypotheses are tested through what?
  1. What are 3 different ways that data can be collected in a scientific experiment?
  1. Draw a diagram of a convex and concave lens.
  1. If a bowling ball and a golf ball are both dropped from the same height (assume no air resistance), which will hit the ground first?
  1. What determines the amount of kinetic energy and object has.

100. How much wood could a wood chuck, chuck, if a wood chuck could chuck wood?