CMPS 273, Fall 2008 Syllabus

1.0Contact Information

Dr. Patrick McDowell

Office: 220 Fayard Hall


2.0Course Information

This is the second course in the 173/273 sequence whose purpose is to provide non-CS majors with basic computer skills. Students will review the basics of Microsoft applications, fundamentals of computer science, statistics, and programming. Each student should get a USB thumb drive in order to save work and software that may be provided for the class. The class will be presented using a both a mix of theory and hands-on exercises.

2.1 Course Objectives

Students will study and gain familiarity with the following topics.

  • Review of Microsoft Applications
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • Review of Basics of Computer Science
  • Arithmetic
  • I/O
  • Logic
  • Control
  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Visual Basic
  • Labview

2.2 Course Time and Place

M / W 3:30 pm – 4:45 pm

Anzalone Hall – Room 216

2.3 Text

Computer Science, An Overview; J.Glenn Brookshear

2.4 Grading Policy

There will be 2 to 4 quizzes, 1 midterm, a final exam, and several assignments. The material for the quizzes, and exams will be taken from the assignments and lectures. Students are expected to be in class and do the assigned work. Of note is the final exam.

If the student’s grade average is 93 or better and no homework has been missed or late, the final will be one part, otherwise it will be two parts.

Grade Scale

90 to 100 – A

80 to 89 – B

70 to 79 – C

60 to 69 – D

0 to 59 – F

What does getting an “A” mean? It means that your work has been consistently excellent and on time. Excellent means you have fulfilled the requirements and have possibly exceeded them. B means you almost got an A but have made a couple of mistakes, C means you have performed adequately, D means that your work is inadequate, possibly incomplete, late, etc. F means, like a D but worse.

As for curving, there will be little or none. The tests have built in curves that help everyone, so the best thing to do is to study. When you study, you need to work problems, read the text, etc. well before the test.

If you are an average student, about 8 hours of work outside the class a week should get you an A or B. Above average students will require less time, below average, more time. Results will vary.

Late Work

Work turned in late will be charged 10 percent per class period late.

Attendance is important. Absences will have an adverse effect on your grade in the following ways: missed quiz points, missed announcements concerning assignments and due dates, non-exposure to material not directly covered in text.

Academic Dishonesty is a serious subject. In this class the objective is too learn, and since there are many computer based assignments, unless otherwise stated, working together is okay, but it is the students responsibility to make sure that they can do the assignments. Copying someone else’s work is dishonest, and will impair performance on in class quizzes. Copying someone else’s work on examinations, plagiarism, improper acknowledgement of sources, etc are considered serious offenses and are grounds for disciplinary action as outline in the current general catalogue.

If assignments are turned in that appear to be copied students will share the grade. For example, if a score of 90 is given and 3 students are found to have “collaborated to a very high degree” then each will be given 30 points.

Classroom Decorum: Free discussion, inquiry, and expression is encouraged in this class. Behavior that interferes with either (a) the instructors ability to conduct the class or (b) the ability of students to benefit from the instruction is not acceptable. Examples may include routinely entering the class late or departing early; use of beepers, cell phones, or other electronic devices; repeatedly talking in class without being recognized; talking while others are speaking; or arguing in a way that is perceived as “crossing the civility line.

  • If you are a qualified student with a disability seeking accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act, you are required to self-identify with the Office of Disability Services, Room 203, Student Union. No accommodations will be granted without documentation from the Office of Disability Services.
  • It is University policy that the classroom is not a place for children, and that students are not to bring their family members for day care or baby sitting.

3.0Course Outline/Schedule

  1. Review of Microsoft Applications
  2. Word – Resume and cover letter
  3. PowerPoint
  4. PowerPoint presentation (20 slides)
  5. Topic selection
  6. Automated manufacturing
  7. History of industrial robotics
  8. Embedded control systems
  9. Smart materials
  10. The history of computers in automobiles
  11. No more than 5 lines per slide
  12. Review of Excel
  13. Brief review
  14. Formulas and series of numbers
  15. Functions
  16. Data Display and Interpretation
  17. Charts
  18. Graphs
  19. Pie Charts/histograms
  20. Basic Descriptive Statistics
  21. Averages and weighted averages
  22. Median and mode
  23. Variance and standard deviation
  24. Samples and Populations
  25. Review Introduction to Programming using Visual BASIC
  26. Quick review of basics of computer science
  27. Arithmetic
  28. I/O
  29. Logic
  30. Control
  31. Programming
  32. Variables
  33. variable types and data representation
  34. Dim statement
  35. Simple input/output statements
  36. Print
  37. Input
  38. Control Flow statements
  39. If -then
  40. If-then-else
  41. For – next
  42. Calling sub routines
  43. Math Functions
  44. Abs
  45. Sqr
  46. Randomize
  47. LabView